dreamcast online memories

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Vgcheat Member
felt like posting stupid memories. feel free to take part in it.
these arent the best memories just things i remember for some reason

in 4x4 evolution people insisted to play tag ie you chase other people's cars and if you catch them and hit them with your car they are it. sadly with 56k modem most the time you had to tell them yo hit them cause they wouldnt know otherwise cause of the lag.

in phantasy star online a force character let me use his egg blaster. my hands were shaking cause i knew i was gonna steal it but i was just a 12 year old kid. so i was scared so i pretended to disconnect then said it vanished lol. i think this was before there was much cheating if at all. it was a major big deal he stalked me for weeks wanting it back.

another time a guy claimed his dad worked for sega when cheating with god of equip.

i remember launching boss teleporters constantly before rest of the team caught up. that was also the only real way to get revenge on a player besides waiting for them to die and stealing their crap.

i remember later right before i stopped playing there were people in the lobby typing out like 12+ line gameshark codes to me on how to freeze entire lobbies and you could hack into passworded games but they fixed that with a patch somehow.

i remember one time i was playing with a girl and she threw down her controller to go eat for 15 minutes. her character ran in a perfect circle and i sat there the whole time watching it.

i remember on quake 3 some guy with a keyboard and mouse and bba was dominating the rest of us most the time all i could do was use the game as a chatroom cause it lagged for me so bad.

i remember playing with midgets and we all had spread needles running through the ruins. everyone had spread needles everyone could use it

i really think the original pso was the best i liked the dying and dropping your weapons. i like snatching rare weapon drops.

if you say this on the pso2 forums theyll say they hated that stuff if tey even played the games back then. they even like the fact you get your own drops now so you cant even snatch the good drops from other people.

oh those were the better days... they ruined pso2... they shoulda called it psu2.

also, back then they did f2p right. i played the retail psov1 and never cared about v2 or even knew its benefits back then besides a few new weapons and a gold name. i dont even think i knew about the new levels or ultimate mode i diidnt see those til xbox and psobb and thought they were new lol and i played pso hardcore all day every day. god i was a dumb kid.

they gimped pso2 with their f2p. cant even trade without paying monthly and like i said you cant drop items anymore now. raped the game. RAPED IT

also i heard tiberian sun was gonna come out for dreamcast but the cancelled it. if that ever happened id have my two favorite games of all time on my favorite console of all time lol. woulda been epic. unreal tournament was on the dc at least. wish tribes 2 came out on it. im surprised playstation 2 could handle tribes aerial assault. i knew a kid at school who played it but i played tribes 2 on pc.

i remember the first time i logged on to pso. i made a white racast character and i was in the lobby wandering around and this female character i think she was actually female asked if i wanted to play. we played for a while after that. was epic. i bought the dreamcast and pso with lunch money i saved up right when it came out i remember looking at the cd case at toys r us lol i remember the dreamcast stand and games and taking the dreamcast out of the box. the controller was on top and you couldnt even see the tiny console. it was smalled than my nintendo 64 i remember wanting to return it because i didnt believe something so small was powerful.
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