Contra 3: The Alien Wars Game Genie Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Game Genie Codes, GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES. (some codes are official and others are unofficial).

final kaoss

Staff member
Contra 3: The Alien Wars

22BB-AD01 Infinite lives-- side-view levels
2264-D760 Infinite bombs-- side-view levels
22B8-0766 Infinite bombs-- top-view levels
22BB-6F0B + 6DBB-64DB Infinite lives-- top-view levels
D9BB-AFA1 + D9CE-6D0D Start with 5 bombs on each life-- side-view levels
DBBB-AFA1 + DBCE-6D0D Start with 9 bombs on each life-- side-view levels
D963-6708 + D9CE-6D0F Start with 5 bombs on each life-- top-view levels
DB63-6708 + DBCE-6D0F Start with 9 bombs on each life-- top-view levels
RE: Contra 3: The Alien Wars Game Genie Codes

Keep gun after losing life:

Extra side-view level points:
Shoot the Boss picture when it appears.

Less side-view enemies.:

No repeating enemies:
RE: Contra 3: The Alien Wars Game Genie Codes

Pro Action Replay Codes

Since the Pro Action Replay cartridge has the capability to write to memory addresses outside of the Game Genie's range, the following codes may only be enabled with that device. It is not possible to convert them for use on the Game Genie.

Unlimited lives:
Re: Contra 3: The Alien Wars more Pro Action Replay Codes


ZSNES/PAR codes for

Contra III: The Alien Wars

Engineered by flamingspinach –


Hello and welcome to my 5th PAR codelist FAQ! :) Why did I choose Contra III?
Um... mostly because it’s a super-short game (i.e. the only thing that keeps
the gameplay time up is the skill level required, which of course using PAR
codes abolishes :D), and so it was easy for me to think of all possible useful
codes. :) At least I think I did that... Anyway, (standard spiel) all these
codes have been engineered by me, flamingspinach, and are not supported in any
way by the makers of this game (namely Konami and Nintendo). I’m sticking to
GameFAQs convention by keeping the width of this document to 79 characters
(actually I’m keeping it to 6.59 inches of Courier New 10pt text, but that’s
the same thing :D). All codes’ names are kept to 18 characters, in accordance
with ZSNES’s unfortunate character limit for entering PAR codes. Same goes for
the reason I capitalized them all. <Hibiki-Ryôga-dramatic-sorrow-voice>Someday,
someday I will write a script to convert my PAR codelists into ZSNES .CHT
files! Someday!</Hibiki-Ryôga-dramatic-sorrow-voice> This will probably be a
final version, unless someone actually _emails_ me with a code idea. I think
I’ve got it down. LOL

Code List
NOTE: For convenience, I’ve split the codes up into four sections:

- Survival
- Ammunition Types
- Facilitation of Boss Battles
- Miscellaneous

4)  7E1F8A64 INF LIVES
5)  7E1F8C09 INF BOMBS

6)  7E1F8400 NORMAL SHOTS 1
7)  7E1F8401 S SHOTS 1
8)  7E1F8402 C SHOTS 1
9)  7E1F8403 H SHOTS 1
10) 7E1F8404 F SHOTS 1
11) 7E1F8405 L SHOTS 1
12) 7E1F8600 NORMAL SHOTS 2
13) 7E1F8601 S SHOTS 2
14) 7E1F8602 C SHOTS 2
15) 7E1F8603 H SHOTS 2
16) 7E1F8604 F SHOTS 2
17) 7E1F8605 L SHOTS 2

18) 7E030600 WIMP BOSS 1
19) 7E030700 WIMP BOSS 1
20) 7E0306FF DEAD BOSS 1
21) 7E0307FF DEAD BOSS 1
22) 7E034600 WIMP BOSS 2 
23) 7E034700 WIMP BOSS 2
24) 7E0346FF DEAD BOSS 2
25) 7E0347FF DEAD BOSS 2
26) 7E040600 WIMP BOSS 3
27) 7E040700 WIMP BOSS 3
28) 7E0406FF DEAD BOSS 3
29) 7E0407FF DEAD BOSS 3
30) 7E044600 WIMP BOSS 4
31) 7E044700 WIMP BOSS 4
32) 7E0446FF DEAD BOSS 4
33) 7E0447FF DEAD BOSS 4
34) 7E050600 WIMP BOSS 5
35) 7E050700 WIMP BOSS 5
36) 7E0506FF DEAD BOSS 5
37) 7E0507FF DEAD BOSS 5
38) 7E060600 WIMP BOSS 6
39) 7E060700 WIMP BOSS 6
40) 7E0606FF DEAD BOSS 6
41) 7E0607FF DEAD BOSS 6
42) 7E070600 WIMP BOSS 7
43) 7E070700 WIMP BOSS 7
44) 7E0706FF DEAD BOSS 7
45) 7E0707FF DEAD BOSS 7
46) 7E074600 WIMP BOSS 8
47) 7E074700 WIMP BOSS 8
48) 7E0746FF DEAD BOSS 8
49) 7E0747FF DEAD BOSS 8
50) 7E084600 WIMP BOSS 9
51) 7E084700 WIMP BOSS 9
52) 7E0846FF DEAD BOSS 9
53) 7E0847FF DEAD BOSS 9
54) 7E08C600 WIMP BOSS 10
55) 7E08C700 WIMP BOSS 10
56) 7E08C6FF DEAD BOSS 10
57) 7E08C7FF DEAD BOSS 10
58) 7E090600 WIMP BOSS 11
59) 7E090700 WIMP BOSS 11
60) 7E0906FF DEAD BOSS 11
61) 7E0907FF DEAD BOSS 11
62) 7E0AC600 WIMP BOSS 12
63) 7E0AC700 WIMP BOSS 12
66) 7E0B4600 WIMP BOSS 13
67) 7E0B4700 WIMP BOSS 13
68) 7E0B46FF DEAD BOSS 13
69) 7E0B47FF DEAD BOSS 13


Code Descriptions

1) INVULNERABILITY 1 – This code makes you invulnerable (i.e. you can walk
through enemies, bullets, flames, etc.) during the side-scrolling parts
of the game. This is the same condition that you’re in when you first
start the level, when you respawn, and when you jump out of the tank in
the first level. This was a bit weird... it’s not your normal 01 =
Invulnerable, 00 = Vulnerable kind of code – rather it uses both the 7th
and 8th bits of the byte 7E0216 simultaneously to flag invulnerability,
hence the 03 (00000011 in binary equals 03 in hexadecimal). Anyway, I
found it, and it works, so whatever. :) If you use this code, the
Invincibility code (#3) won’t work, and vice versa. Not that it really

2) INVULNERABILITY 2 – This code is the counterpart of INVULNERABILITY 1 (#1) –
it works only in the top-view parts of the game. I found it in the same
way, though strangely enough this is a different value, 00! I was puzzled
about this until I beat the game and saw the credits. Different
developers worked on the side-scrolling and top-view parts. LOL

3) INVINCIBILITY – I originally thought this was a shield, because it looks
like one when you first get it in the first level. But then I realized
it’s actually invincibility! (i.e. you walk right through enemies... and
they die!) So, I made a code for it. It’s a classic “timer code”. This
means that the value is usually 00, but whenever you get the
invincibility powerup, it goes to FF (255) or some other number higher
than zero, and then gradually drains back down to 00, at which point the
powerup loses effect. So, I simply stuck the value at 255. Voilá!
Invincibility! :)

4) INF LIVES – Simple. I searched for the number of lives remaining, and set it
to 99. Now you can die as much as you want. :)

5) INF BOMBS – Also simple. I searched for the number of bombs the player is
currently in the company of, and set it to 9 (it seemed like anything
bigger would overflow the spot on the screen where the number of bombs is
displayed). Now you can constantly blow up enemies without even shooting
at them! Useful! In fact, with only this code and the INF LIVES code
together, you can easily beat the game even on Turbo mode in ZSNES! LOL

6-17) {NORMAL | S | C | H | F | L} SHOTS {1 | 2} – This is a useful and cool
code. What does it do? Well, I searched for values that changed when I
got new kinds of ammunition for the person’s gun (wow, it’s annoying that
he has no name @_@), and tried different values to see what I got. These
codes will set your ammunition type to any of the 6 types of shots, on
either of your two guns (left and right hands). Obviously, you should
only use one code per gun... o_O If you’re wondering what the letters
stand for, well, I don’t know, but here are my guesses: S = “spread”
(because you have spread out shots); C = ... um... “cryo”...? (well, in
side-scrolling mode, it looks blue... Hey! Stop laughing! Can you think
of something better!? LOL); H = “heat-seeking” (because the shots follow
enemies); F = “flamethrower” (because it’s a flamethrower! :) ); L =
“laser” (doesn’t it look like one to you?).

18-69) {WIMP | DEAD} BOSS {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13} – These codes are incredibly useful. :D Basically, the WIMP ones
weaken a boss so that one hit will finish it off. The DEAD ones instantly
kill the boss! But some of them don’t work or work strangely so here’s a
list of bosses and how to use their codes. Don’t forget to read the notes
that come with some of them. Oh, and I apologize for the boss names – I
have no idea what they’re actually called so I named them myself! :) I’m
sure you’ll know which one the one you’re fighting is when you get to it,
my names should be descriptive enough... I hope... and if not, there’s
always email... :)
            For This Boss:                   Use Any of These Code(s):
            Building #1                      WIMP 10 or KILL 10
            Building #2                      WIMP 10 or KILL 10
            Tank                             WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Alien Turtle                     WIMP 3 or KILL 3
            Spider                           KILL 13
            Flying Drill                     WIMP 1 or KILL 1
            Flying Drill Rematch             WIMP 2 or KILL 2
            Troop Transport / Chuck Wagon    WIMP 11 or KILL 11[**]
            Blue Robot                       WIMP 10
            Blue Robot’s Torso               WIMP 10
            Gold Robot                       WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Gold Robot’s Torso               WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Giant Black Robot                WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Highway Tank                     WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Black Monkey Person              WIMP 6 or KILL 6
            Pair of Legs                     WIMP 5 or KILL 5
            Airship’s Upper Shield Emitter   WIMP 7 or KILL 7
            Airship’s Lower Shield Emitter   WIMP 8 or KILL 8
            Airship                          WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Cyclops Barnacle                 KILL 12
            Fat Toothy Ceiling Worm          WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Beating Heart                    WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Hopping / Digging Beast          WIMP 9 or KILL 9
            Steel Dragon                     WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Alien Leader’s Left Hand         WIMP 4 or KILL 4
            Alien Leader’s Right Hand        WIMP 3 or KILL 3
            Alien Leader’s Head              WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Alien Leader’s Brain             WIMP 11 or KILL 11
            Alien Leader’s Brain in a Mech   WIMP 11 or KILL 11
[*]: The way that a boss’s death works is that once its health
reaches zero, it goes into “Dying Mode” and sets its health
to -1 (since hexadecimal values are unsigned, this wraps
around to 65535, or FFFF). Once it does its dying animation
(i.e. jumping into the air a bit, or exploding, or falling
apart – this varies from boss to boss), then it will often
set its health back to 0 again before doing its going-away
animation (sinking into the ground, disappearing behind you
on the highway, falling off a cliff, whatever). The problem
with this is that the KILL codes purposely set the boss’s
health to -1 (hence the FFFF of the code) so that the boss
will die, but some bosses (the ones with the
[*] mark in this
list) need to finish their dying animation before they can
get on with it and be defeated, and let you beat them. This
can lead to some pretty funny effects if you let the KILL
code stay on for a while. Here’s a list:

Spider – Just keeps exploding forever.
Gold Robot – The whole screen is covered with
explosions forever.
Gold Robot’s Torso – The whole screen is covered with
explosions forever.
Giant Black Robot – The whole screen is covered with
explosions forever.
Pair of Legs – Its legs fall apart and the pieces float
away up into the sky! When you turn it off they
fall down from however high up they went. LOL
This is because normally they just kinda jump
into the air a bit and then fall.
Fat Toothy Ceiling Worm – Just keeps exploding forever.
Beating Heart – Just keeps exploding forever.
Hopping / Digging Beast – Starts exploding and floats
up into the ceiling! After a while it rises up
out of the floor and back into the ceiling...
must have wrapped around. :)
Steel Dragon – Its tail falls apart into pieces, its
wings get all ragged, and it hangs its head. Then
the whole mess of pieces floats up into the sky!
Alien Leader’s Head – Just keeps exploding forever.
Alien Leader’s Brain – Just keeps exploding forever.
Alien Leader’s Brain in a Mech – Just keeps exploding

Anyway, for all of these bosses, just turn on the KILL code
briefly and then turn it off again to let the boss do its
thing and get defeated. :) Unless of course you want it to
suffer prolongedly... you sadist... o_O

[**]: This is unique to the Troop Transport / Chuck Wagon boss. If
you use the kill code on it, it will obediently die just like
all the other bosses that don’t have a
[*] note. However, an
afterimage of the thing will be stuck to the top of the
screen for the rest of the level, covering up important
stuff. So if you don’t want that to happen, don’t use the
KILL code on the Troop Transport / Chuck Wagon.

[***]: This is unique to the Gold Robot and Gold Robot’s Torso. Not
only does the KILL code work, killing the Gold Robot or Gold
Robot’s Torso, it will also kill any Blue Robot, Blue Robot’s
Torso, and Giant Black Robot in the room! And yes, even if
the Giant Black Robot is still hiding behind the wall (which
it will be), it will still die. Cool, ain’t it? :)

70) ETERNAL TANK – This code is only useful on the first level. When you turn
this code on, once you get in a tank, you STAY in the tank, even if the
tank blows up and disappears! Yay, invisible tank! Awesome. :) And yes,
you can’t get hurt, just like if you were in a normal tank. Even though
the tank is invisible. LOL Cool code, no? I found it, of course, by
searching for values that decreased when the tank took a hit. Then I set
that value to 255. Even though the tank’s appearance degrades (i.e. it
develops cracks, starts burning a bit, and then finally blows up), it’s
actually still hale and hearty! :) But none of this is the best part of
the code. The best part is that you can see the character’s torso
floating along in midair with his arm placed as though it was on the
outside of a car door. LOL

71) BYPASS WHACKAMOLE – Holy CRAP this one was lucky. Now obviously by just
looking at the name of this code, one would have no idea what it was for.
Well, you know the top-view levels of the game? Where you have to go kill
the 5 turrets? Isn’t that kinda like “Whack-A-Mole”? After all, the
turrets do have armor that they put up most of the time... LOL Anyway,
this code makes the game think you have killed all the turrets, even if
you haven’t really. So don’t use this code unless you want to skip the
top-view levels! Anyway, on to how I found this code. Well, first I
thought, “Maybe there’s a value that tells the game how many turrets
you’ve killed, or how many are left.” So I tried searching for values
that increased or decreased when I killed a turret. No luck. Then I
thought, “Maybe there’s five on/off flags, one for each turret, that says
whether you’ve killed it or not, and the game checks all five turrets.”
So I searched for values that changed when I killed a specific turret but
didn’t change when I killed other turrets. Still no luck. Finally, I
thought, “Oh, what the heck, maybe there’s some magical value the changes
at the instant you kill all five turrets.” I searched, but got more than
a hundred results, no matter how hard I tried to narrow down the search!
So I went down the list of codes, and made an intelligent guess and
picked one. Ta-daa, the BYPASS WHACKAMOLE code was born! :) (I think I’m
starting to write a bit too melodramatically... @_@)
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