Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Instruction Manual

Instruction Manuals for SNES or Super Nintendo games.

Max Mouse

Vgcheat Member
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Instruction Manual

------------------------------------------------------- -CONTENTS-

Gromble Introduction 2
Getting Started 4
Game Controls 6
Triple Monster Moves 8
Scream Display 9
Power-Ups and Prizes 10
Gromble's Grades 12
Levels and Enemies 14
Support 20
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"I am the Gromble...
You may call me 'Your Headmaster Grombleness Sir.' Your performance
so far at the Monster Academy has shown you to be a disgusting pile
of worm-ridden filth- and I'm darn proud of you. BUT- you're going to
have to prove yourself on your Midterm Exam if you want to call
yourself a REAL MONSTER!

ICKIS! OBLINA! KRUMM! You three will work as a team on this exam.
You will stay together at all times ad will receive a single gruesome
grade on your frightful performance.
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For each portion of your exam, I will assign you a delightfully tasty
bit of trash to find throughout the City and an unsuspecting human
victim for you to scare. Your assignments will become increasingly
terrifying, and to receive a passing grade you must eventually scare
even the surprisingly fright-free MONSTER HUNTER!

Remember, you terror-trainees, collect only the finest trash and
brush up on your most heart-stopping poses to be on your scary
best behavior. I'm expecting a lot from you and your monstrous
abilities. Any questions? Nooo? THEN GET OUT THERE AND PETRIFY SOMEONE!"
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Getting Started

Make sure your Super Nintendo Entertainment System is turned
off before inserting the "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters" Game Pak.

Insert the "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters" Game Pak.

Move the Power Switch to the ON position.

Prepare to be monstrous!

Once the title screen appears, use the Control Pad to select
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Press the Control Pad UP or DOWN to have the Gromble point to
each option. Press the A, B, X, or Y button to scroll through the choices.

Difficulty: SCARY is easier and will keep novice monsters on their
guard. NIGHTMARE is more difficult and will keep you up all night!

Music: This is to turn the haunting music ON or OFF. If you keep it
on, you'll even hear our personal favorite, the "Elevator Music",
it's frightful!

SFX: Use this to turn the scary sound effects ON or OFF.

Controller: Use this to change the control buttons. We have arranged
a few really good button combos- see which one works for you.

Press SELECT to return to the title screen.
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Game Controls

L Button and R Button: Switch between Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm,
determining which monster leads the group. The other two
monsters will follow you. The monsters can only be switched when
all three are standing on level ground.

Control Pad: Controls the direction you move, jump, and throw trash.
Press DOWN to crouch and look below you. Press UP or DOWN to
scurry up and down ladders.

Start Button: Press this to pause if things get too terrifying.
Press again when you're ready to go on.

Select Button: Press this to move story or grading scenes along.
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Default Button assignments (see OPTIONS, page 5 to change
button configuration).

Y Button: THROW TRASH. All good monsters carry an unlimited
supply of trash to throw at enemies. If an enemy gets messy
enough, they will usually run away. You can throw while jumping,
crouching, or hanging from bars. You can't throw while climbing
ladders- it's just not safe, even for monsters.

B Button: JUMP. Ickis can jump the furthest. Krumm doesn't jump
very high, but this allows him to jump over some objects while
avoiding things that are above him. Oblina can jump as high as Ickis,
and because she is so tall, she can reach prizes that are higher in the air.

A Button: SCARE! Now you're screaming! Use each monster's
special scare at the right time to frighten humans away. Since
you're just learning this frightful skill, you will need a Monster Manual
each time you perform a scare. Careful! They're limited, so use them
wisely and look for more monster manuals along the way.

X Button: TRIPLE MONSTER MOVES. Each of the three monsters can
perform a unique move using the other two monsters. Learn these
moves well- teamwork is frightfully important and your group will
need to use Triple Monster Moves to find important rubbish and
get past certain obstacles. All three monsters must be standing
close together in order to perform a Triple Monster Move. See
page 8 for more information.
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Triple Monster Moves

Frightening Fling: Ickis is the smallest and most agile monster.
When he is leading the group, he can help the trio jump really far
across dangerous drops and otherwise impassable chasms. Position
Ickis at the edge of a ledge, press the X button and watch those
monsters fly!

Eerie Eye Ejector: Krumm, as the selected leader, can use his
eyeballs to search for hidden rooms, enemies, or prizes. Press
the X button to have Krumm put down one of his eyes, which Ickis
and Oblina will hit in the direction Krumm is facing. The eye will float
and hang. You can use the Control Pad to scroll through the screens
to see what lies ahead. When finished, press the X button to retrieve
the eyeball.

Tower of Terror: Oblina is taller than the other two monsters and
can help the trio climb steep cliff faces or other tall obstacles.
Press the X button to have Ickis and Krumm pile on top of each
other and help Oblina reach new heights. Of course, she will help
the two others climb up after her.
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Scream Display

As you are going about your monstrous business, you will notice
the following displays at the top of the scream... er, screen.

Heart: Shows how much health you have left. Your health will go
down when your lead monster is hit by an enemy or obstacle. If
all of your health is lost, you lose a chance at getting a passing
grade. Be careful!

Lead Monster and Tries: Show which of the monsters you're
controlling and how many tries you have left to pass your
midterm exam.

Trash: Each time you find a bag of fresh trash, you will receive
a limited supply of Double Trash to throw at enemies. Double
Trash will help you eliminate enemies faster. When you run out
of Double Trash, your monster will throw regular run-of-the-dump trash.

Monster Manual: Shows how many times you can use your scare.
If you run out, you will have to find more Monster Manuals to study up!

Assigned Prize: For each level, the Gromble will assign a prize
for you to find. Look everywhere- you won't be able to move
on until you find the prize shown! When you find the prize, a
yellow highlight will surround the prize displayed.
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Power-Ups and Prizes

All monsters love to eat certain delicacies, which will benefit
their health in different ways. Pick up these tasty treats as
you search for your goal to keep your health up.

Maggots, Roaches, and Flies: May look like enemies, but these small
slimy things are quite delicious. Press DOWN to chomp on one of
these and restore your health one point.

Apple Cores and Soft Drink Cans: Sink your fangs into these
absolutely atrocious edibles to restore one health point.

Jar O'Fleas: Fleas, please! Nothing goes down quite like these! A jar
of these babies will bring your health back to full (Krumm likes the
crunchy container the best).

Bag of Fresh Trash: While the monsters have an unlimited supply
of trash, finding one of these allows them to throw a limited supply
(usually ten pieces) of particularly potent projectiles that will get
rid of enemies faster.
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Diaper: Lucky monsters become invincible after collecting one of
these. Unlike the diaper itself which will be around forever, the
invincibility will wear off. Run quickly through dangerous areas
once you get one of these.

Completion Marker: If you touch one of the spinning yellow
arrows, it will point your way and mark your passage through
the level. If you lose a try, you will return to the last marker you
touched. You will also find other, non-spinning arrows that will help
you find your way to your goal.

Monster Manual: Each one of these that you collect will allow you
to perform a special scare to frighten humans or other enemies.
Collect them whenever you can- if you run out, you will have to
rely on your physical abilities instead of your monstrous ones.

One-Up: Grab these to earn an extra chance to try again from the
last Completion Marker you touched. You know it won't be easy to
pass the Gromble's test, so get these while you can!

Monsters have always loved junk (who wouldn't, living in a dump?)
collect any especially vile trash along the way to improve your grade.
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Gromble's Grades

Your grade will be based on the standard Monster Academy grading
scale. The Gromble has developed a foolproof method for
determining the best performance for each group of monsters on
their exam. The math is frightfully complex and can be viewed in the
Monster Academy Offices.
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It's very simple, really. Collect all the assigned prizes, frighten away
all the enemies and scare the assigned victim to get a good score.
The numbers on the screen indicate how many of the prizes you've
collected or enemies you've defeated. You can always go back to try
to improve your score.

The Monster Academy, as with the finest institutes of higher
learning, will reward your performance by grading on the 5-point
Roach Scale. 5 roaches of course, being the best grade.
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Levels and Enemies

The City Dump: Each portion of your exam will begin in the dump
outside the Academy. There are enemies here, but you must
complete the dump level to reach the human world.

Some enemies scrounge for the same food you do (crows and
rats) while others protect the valuable refuse (junkyard cats
and dogs). Falling tires, spiky plants, spewing sewage and
crushing trash compactors are everywhere and should be
avoided. There's even an old rubber ducky shooting bubbles-
Aaahh!!! You know how monsters hate to be clean!

Fortunately, there are many things to help you in the dump as
well, such as springs, slides, bars to climb on or slide down,
levels to open doors and pipes to carry you who-knows-where.
Old fans blow you around, so you'll need to perfect your flying
skills to use them to your advantage (try aiming your leading
monster for the fan itself instead of the air above the fan).
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The Human School: Your assigned prize here is a red sneaker, and
your victims will be the school librarians, but somehow you've
ended up in the gymnasium!

Kids with water balloons, basketballs, tennis balls, and paper
airplanes are running everywhere- and you thought YOU were
the monsters! Defeat them with your trash, or scare them away
if they start overwhelming you. Watch out from basketballs and
volleyballs throws from off-screen, and keep moving from side
to side when you're climbing ladders.

* Trampolines are always fun to play on, but be careful where you land.
* Springboards can be pushed to different locations, and you can
even use them to shoot yourself into a basketball hoop- for two
points, of course!
* Watch out for steam, and stay out of the showers, for Krumm's sake!
* Some toilets are a quick means of transportation: just press
DOWN when you're on one.

Once you make it through both gyms, you'll have to brave the
school halls. Kids are running everywhere and are especially
fast when the school bell rings. Duck into the air ducts or hop
up on the lockers to get out of the way.
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The Post Office:Your next assigned prize is a coffee mug, and your
victim will be the head postal clerk. She is located deep inside the
automated package-receiving area, and has seen everything, so
she will be especially hard to scare.

Watch out for the machinery! Avoid the heavy mailbags and falling
packages, automatic sorting machines and package grabbing arms
(though these might give you a free ride)! Postal workers are quick
with their clipboards, but mostly defenseless. Don't get hit!

Large boxes can sometimes be knocked off ledges by your
trash and pushed to different areas to help you reach high
locations. Mail carts might contain hidden springs or prizes,
just keep your eyes open for falling packages. You can walk
on conveyor belts regardless of which direction the are moving,
but you may be able to find levers and reverse the belts to help
you. Opening and closing mailboxes are simple once you get
the rhythm down.

HINT: The head postal clerk has seen everything, so she is
especially hard to scare. Try the switches on the wall.
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The Natural History Museum: Your assigned prize here is a golden
dinosaur skull and your intended victim is the brave museum guard.

Dinosaurs may have ruled the earth once, but monsters rule now!
The museum is a fun place, with many huge exhibits to climb
on- just watch out for skeletons with spikes or sections that
might break beneath you. There's also a mechanical dinosaur
(Pteranadon) in here dropping eggs and another dinosaur that
spits whenever you come near. The school kids are back, on a
field trip this time, and they seem to have the run of the place.
The dino skull exhibit makes an outrageous obstacle course and
the "Plants of the Dinosaur Age" might bounce you to frightening heights.

The shallow tar pits will only slow you down, but watch out for the
deep tar pits!
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The Mall: You can find all sorts of things at the mall- hopefully you
can find your assigned prize, a Chinese take-out container. Your
assigned victim here is the shopping lady.

The school kids are back, but this time they're shopping! They've
traded in their sports equipment for radio-controlled tanks and
dune buggies that chase after you. Use the fountains and trees
to get up high, but you have to keep moving or you'll fall through
the palms. Watch out for the steam, spiky cactuses, pie-throwing
jack-in-the-boxes and the shopping lady... Wait! She's the one you're
supposed to scare! That was too easy- something's wrong here...
keep moving while you can!

The Monster Hunter's House: Now you're ready for the Gromble's
final test- the house of Simon, the Monster Hunter. Your assigned
prize will be a photo of one of the monsters (Ickis, Oblina, or
Krumm), and your victim is Simon. You've already seen this scary
fellow- he's been taking your picture, trying to prove that you
exist. But you can't have that- if humans believe in monsters,
they won't be as frightened by you.

First you have to get by all of his super-secret traps and defenses,
which are designed to capture monsters like you!
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The FLYING EYES trick is one of the Monster Hunter's earliest
creations. They hover about, searching for monsters. If it spots
one, it moves in to harass them or release a monster net. If you're
caught in a net, you'll have to use a scare to get free- don't worry,
it won't use up any of your Monster Manuals.

The Monster Trackers look like vacuum cleaners, and they once were.
Now they are computer-controlled devices for tracking and capturing
monsters. Some of the Trackers are set on patrol, and will ignore you,
but others seek out and attack monsters. If you're fast, you can
avoid the monster trackers, but if they're after you, you can only
defeat them by destroying the flashing control center on top.

The Monster Hunter also has cameras and televisions set up to
capture monsters on film. If you walk in front of a camera, you may
be mesmerized by seeing your picture on screen (being a particularly
attractive monster, of course). This won't hurt you, but it might
slow you down enough to be caught by a Flying Eye or Monster
Tracker. Take no chances and destroy cameras with your trash.

FInd the photo of each of the three monsters and you'll face the
Monster Hunter himself.

HINT; The Monster Hunter can only be scared when he is changing
his glasses- try turning out the lights and see what happens!
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For additional help, please contact us Monday through Friday
between the hours of 7 AM and 8 PM, Mountain Standard Time at:
VNM Product Support
Phone: 1-970-339-7114
Fax: 1-970-339-7022

Credits n' Acknowledgements

Developed by: Realtime Associates, Inc.
Lead Programmer: Andy Hsiung
Assistant Programmer: Edwin Higa
Map Layout and Design: Kevin Chan
Background Art: Ellen Drucker, Doran Fish Animators: Jeff Cook,
Shelley Futch, Martine
Gaudissart, Barbara Lipton, Perry Kiefer, Sean Platter, Laura Smith
Additional Art: Jean Bergesen
Music and SFX: Greg Turner
Producer: Jennifer Sward
Executive Producer: Dave Warhol
Testers: Chad Bunch, Robert Lark, April Tyree
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Special Thanks To: Dave Connelly and the Genesis Team,
Rick Chipeco, Ann Lediaev


Executive Producer: Kenny Miller
Publishing Producer: Matt Welton
Associate Producer: Jackson Young
Marketing Director: Rebecca Randall
Marketing Coordinator: Amy McPoland
Managing Producer/Nickelodeon Interactive: Donna Friedman
Manager/Development Support: Scott Lawrence, John Podlasek
Game Analyst: Cliff Falls
Lead Tester: Matt Anderson
Testers: John Kelly, David Gohman, Tim Shymkus, Chuck Zenkus.
Special Thanks To: Nancy Blumenthal, Jim Breazeale,
Alice Coleman, Michelle Jabloner,
Juan Ortiz, Syma Sambar, Cricket
Manual Design: Katherine Lee, Beeline Group, Inc.
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