Sega Trademarks new hardware names!

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Is Sega planning a return to the console market? - CNET

All speculation seems wide open on this folks. And even if it turns out to be new arcade hardware it's still a good sign that Sega's not out of the Hardware business.

My own thoughts about this right now are that based on the broadrange description for the names usage it could be a new hybrid gaming platform for Sega. Invision if you will an arcade cabainet, a home console, and a handheld system all with equal hardware specs each utilizing the same base OS. The posibilites would be incredible.

Let's now picture, for an example, Virtua Fighter 6 running on all of these devices. The player at the arcade can access the "Ringwide" and play against any available player whether they be playing VF6 on thier hand held, home console, or another arcade cabinet.

So to clarify my theory on this. "Ringedge" I suspect will be the name of the hardware platform itself; Ringedge Home (console), RIngedge Arcade (cabinet), and Ringedge Go (hand held). All those name are made up, but you get the idea. Then, "Ringwide" would be the name of the Sega operated online network that ties these incredibly-awesomeness-incarnate pieces of mind blowing hardware together, very similar to Xbox Live only better.

That's my highly optimistic take on this news at least. ;D
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