Phantasy Star Offline

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Vgcheat Member
Is just so fucking boring! I've played quite a bit of PSO, but never offline.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the game, offline mode is the only way to unlock new areas. I've gotten around this by playing in other players teams who do have the areas unlocked, or just playing the only unlocked level, the forest ( which happens to be my favorite area anyway xD). Other otherwise locked areas can also be played in quests, without having unlocked the areas offline.

So, I never really bothered playing offline.

But, now that I am in between isp's, I've tried to play offline a few times. And, damn, I must say, offline mode bores me to tears! I've tried playing the game offline a few times now, and I cant make it more than 10 minutes or so before shutting it off. :lol:

Fuuuuuu, ok, done venting my frustration :p
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