Need advice

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Vgcheat Member
Im seriously planning on getting a DC, probably next month (it will depend on the budget). Im a complete noob. Had a DC when it was its time, but everything legit. Just bought it at the local store, with games, accessories and i was done. It was completely legit.

First question, what would it be better, getting a japanese, or an european system?

Do i need to mod chip it or not?

Does vga boxes work well for a dvi monitor? Ive read things like some games were not compatible.. If thats the case, would i need to get a tv? O_o thats not a option, it just wouldnt fit on my desktop..

And finally, im highly tempted with this article: | Comprar Videojuegos será muy fácil en 2015 :)

Its a limited edition i do like (sakura sucks balls, but the black color owns) i cant find anywhere else(places i trust). Its a bit pricey, but apparently its really rare. They got left only one piece left, so i assume that justifies the price.

Do you guys think its worthy, or i just should get a normal dc on ebay?

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