Fresh Memory card, no idea what CFW to use


let me start off by saying, i'm a total PSP noob, I got a PSP for my birthday 2 days ago, it's a Slim 2001, but thats all i know, it was used, and the barcode on the bottom is worn off. But I do know it can be hacked, it shipped pre hacked on 5.50 Prometheus 4, only issue is it came with a 1GB card, so I got a new 16GB M2 with an adapter, and it has nothing on it, its a fresh slate. So, for someone that wants to play games I bought on PSN (FF7, LBP, Modnation), but also wants to have CFW, what should I install on it? I was thinking of doing 6.37 and putting some form of CFW on it. Heres everything I want to do:

Play my downloaded games I bought on PSN
Play back up ISO/CSO games

I'm totally lost here, so what should I put on it, and can you give me the link for it? And one more question, can I just copy everything from the 1GB to the 16GB card and it work properly? Many thanks
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