08 Herb This item recovers some HP.
09 Cure This item recovers some HP.
0a Antdt This works as an Antidote for poison.
0b Acorn This item will recover AP.
0c M.Drop The party will return to normal and the members will recover all HP.
0d T.Drop This items changes zombies back to normal.
0e Charm You'll return to normal.
0f Life2 Everything will return to normal.
10 Mrbl1 This will produce one perfect hit.
11 Mrbl2 This will produce one perfect hit.
12 Mrbl3 You can travel while avoiding enemies whit this item.
13 Whskrs The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
14 Worm This is fishing bait.
15 Worm2 This is fishing bait.
16 Shrimp This is fishing bait.
17 Urchin This is fishing bait.
18 Shell This is fishing bait.
19 Apple This item will recover some HP.
1a ProtnA Your attack power will increase temporarily when you use this item.
1b Antler This works as an antidote for poison.
1c W.Meat This item will recover the HP for all party members.
1d Life This will put you back in to fighting shape.
1e Nails The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
1f Meat This item will recover the HP for all party members.
20 B.stn You can use this item during battle.
21 F.stn You can use this item during battle.
22 C.stn You can use this item during battle.
23 Smoke You can use this item during battle.
24 DKkiss You can use this item during battle.
25 Cure2 This item recovers some HP.
26 ProtnB You can use this item during battle.
27 Sash This is a mysterious item.
28 W.ptn Your wisdom will increase.
29 S.ptn Your strength will increase.
2a HrGlass This item switch night and day.
2b ExpBug The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
2c Slab It's written in an ancient language "Where the mystic water
lies, the ultimate power sleeps".
2d Lifter This is a mysterious item.
2e E.key This has a connection to the goddess Tyr.
2f ClnWtr The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
30 Coach Only a very strong person can pull the coach
31 Clog The agility for the character wearing this item will increase.
32 A.ptn Your agility will increase.
33 L.ptn Your luck will increase.
34 V.ptn Your vigor will increase.
35 Dr.Soul The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
36 DrWarp The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
37 PlceBo The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
38 Remedy The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
39 WtrJr The mysterious power of this jar absorbs a great amount of water.
3a Saw The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
3b Tablet The secret password to enter Agua is written here.
3c Ring This is a symbol of strength and courage.
3d WtrJr' The jar contains the cleansing water.
3e KngKey Whit this key,you can operate the stone robot.
3f Paper The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
40 Oath The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
41 Pouch The pouch is secured by a string
42 GnPwdr You can use the GnPwdr to blast the blocking boulder.
43 LtKey This has a connection to the goddess Tyr.
44 Dkkey This has a connection to the goddess Tyr.
45 Mirror This mirror allows you to see the world of spirits.
46 Book The secret techniques of the great thief are recorded in this book.
47 Srdine This item recovers some HP.
48 Mackrl This works as an antidote for poison.
49 Sole This item recovers some HP.
4a Trout This fish cures poison an increases HP.
4b C.fsh With this you,will return to normal and recover your HP.
4c Snapr With this you,will return to normal and recover your HP.
4d Tuna With this you,will return to normal and recover your HP.
4e Puffer This is a delicious fish.
4f Rod1 Ryu can equip this item.
50 Rod2 Ryu can equip this item.
51 Rod3 Ryu can equip this item.
52 Rod4 Ryu can equip this item.
53 Rod5 This rod will improve your fishing luck.
54 I.Ore A blacksmith would appreciate this ore.
55 Key This key will open the cave.
56 Vitamn The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
57 Statue Whit this statue you can enter wisdon.
58 OldEgg This is an ancient egg.
59 Goods The goods from Gant are in crates
5a Egg This is the egg of a GrimFowl.
5b Sphere You've got to become a big fish.
5c Gills This will allow you to breath in water.
5d G.Bar This is pure gold.
5e Icicle This item cool the surrounding area.
5f Fife This item reveals hidden bridges.
60 Pass You can enter Scande.
61 B.Part It is broken.
62 Parts This is to be used in Scande Tower.
63 D.Hrt This is a legendary weapon.
64 Map Push the start button to see the world.
65 List There are many weapons listed.
66 Wtzit This is a mysterious item.
67 Note1 It says "It's a digging tool".
68 Note2 It says "Please be my friend?".
69 I.Claw The Iron Claw allows you to dig into hard surfaces.
6a TmKey This has a connection to the goddess Tyr.
6b B.Rang This item is quite rare,but it is broken.
6c SkyKey This has a connection to the goddess Tyr.
6d Cowl This item will help you understand any language.
6e Bolster This will allow you you to creep into people's dreams.
6f Maestro This melody communicates whit your heart.
70 G.Fly The use of this item is pretty obvious, it's just what the name suggests.
71 Oil This is an ingredient for a tonic.
72 M.cura This is medicine.
73 Melon This item will recover some HP.
74 Fruit This is a strange fruit.
75 P.Fish This is an ingredient for a tonic.
76 Root This is an ingredient for a tonic.
77 C.Nut This is an ingredient for a tonic.
78 W.Ant This is an ingredient for a tonic.
79 Tonic This is medicine.
7a Herbx9 This item recovers some HP.
7b Antdx9 This works as an Antidote for poison.
7c Dropx9 This items changes zombies back to normal
7d Chrm You'll return to normal.
7e Curex9 This item recovers some HP.
7f Acrnx9 This item will recover AP.
-Digits for Weapons:
Weapons Defense Power Weight Who can equip/use it
00 Dirk 5 1 Ryu (One Handed)
01 BronzSD 12 3 Ryu (One Handed)
02 Sabre 8 2 Ryu (One Handed)
03 Scythe 20 3 Ryu (One Handed)
04 LongSD 26 4 Ryu (One Handed)
05 DragonSD 110 20 Ryu (One Handed)
06 PowerSD 62 8 Ryu (One Handed)
07 WingSD 96 8 Ryu (One Handed)
08 EmporSD 255 1 Ryu (One Handed)
09 BrokenSd 42 15 Ryu (One Handed)
0a Attack Power 110 8 Ryu (One Handed)
0b FlameSD 122 10 Ryu (One Handed)
0c Sicle 50 6 Ryu (One Handed)
0d BroadSD 34 5 Ryu (One Handed)
0e MystSD 100 3 Ryu (One Handed)
0f Dummy 70 3 Ryu (One Handed)
10 ShortRP 5 1 Nina (One Handed)
11 Rapier 10 4 Nina (One Handed)
12 IronRP 14 5 Nina (One Handed)
13 PoisonRP 20 5 Nina (One Handed)
14 LightRP 10 2 Nina (One Handed)
15 AttackPower 255 0 Nina (One Handed)
16 FlameRP 28 5 Nina (One Handed)
17 WingRP 34 2 Nina (One Handed)
18 BronzRP 7 2 Nina (One Handed)
19 EvilRP 55 7 Nina (One Handed)
1a ThundrRP 46 6 Nina (One Handed)
1b AttackPower 255 0 Nina (One Handed)
1c LoyalRP 64 6 Nina (One Handed)
1d PowerRP 82 0 Nina,Ryu (One Handed)
1e IronHR 45 8 OX (One Handed)
1f SpineHR 120 15 Ox (One Handed)
20 Club 30 6 Ox (One Handed)
21 GiantHR 60 12 Ox (Two Handed)
22 FlameHR 120 8 Ox (Two Handed)
23 AttackPower 100 13 Ox (Two Handed)
24 RageHR 75 8 Ox (One Handed)
25 Attack Power 160 2 Ox (One Handed)
26 Mallet 255 1 Ox (One Handed)
27 StarHR 210 8 Ox (one Handed)
28 Stick 5 1 Bleu (One Handed)
29 Cane 8 2 Bleu (One Handed)
2a BoneCN 14 4 Bleu (One Handed)
2b EvilCN 20 6 Bleu (One Handed)
2c AttackPower 48 6 Bleu (One Handed)
2d IcyCN 30 10 Bleu (One Handed)
2e AttackPower 50 0 Bleu (One Handed)
2f GlownCN 100 8 Bleu (One Handed)
31 Pole 12 2 Gobi (One Handed)
32 Pike 24 4 Gobi (One Handed)
33 Javelin 34 3 Gobi (One Handed)
34 OldSP 42 5 Gobi (One Handed)
35 HeroSP 56 4 Gobi (One Handed)
36 Trident 74 6 Gobi (One Handed)
37 Attack Power 82 5 Gobi (One Handed)
38 Sleeper 100 8 Gobi (One HAnded)
3a DigCW 42 2 Mogu (Two Handed)
3b RustCW 60 4 Mogu (Two Handed)
3c IronCW 74 3 Mogu (Two Handed)
3d IcyCW 88 3 Mogu (Two Handed)
3e Attack Power 100 3 Mogu (Two Handed)
3f MystCW 120 1 Mogu (One Handed)
41 ThrowDR 20 1 Karn (One Handed)
42 Dagger 32 2 Karn (One Handed)
43 Dart 46 2 Karn (One Handed)
44 Tri-DR 54 6 Karn (One Handed)
45 PowerDR 66 7 Karn (One Handed)
46 FlameDR 74 7 Karn (One Handed)
47 SilverDR 10 6 Karn (One Handed)
48 Attack Power 86 8 Ryu,Karn (One Handed)
49 Attack Power 100 8 Karn (One Handed)
4a IcyDR 75 9 Karn (One Handed)
4b Attack Power 126 14 Karn (One Handed)
4c DarkDR 140 1 Ryu,Karn (One Handed)
4d Attack Power 255 6 Ryu,Karn (One Handed)
4e BronzBW 14 2 Bo (Two Handed)
4f ShortBW 20 4 Bo (Two Handed)
50 Long BW 28 5 Bo (Two Handed)
51 SteelBW 35 5 Bo (Two Handed)
52 PoisonBW 42 6 Bo (Two Handed)
53 SharpBW 54 7 Bo (Two Handed)
54 MoonBW 66 1 Bo (Two Handed)
55 JadeBW 80 8 Bo (Two Handed)
56 Tri-BW 96 12 Bo (Two Handed)
57 Attack Power 110 8 Bo (Two Handed)
58 Attack Power 124 8 Bo (Two Handed)
59 Attack Power 138 14 Bo (One Handed)
5a DwarfBW 150 1 Bo (One Handed)
5b HeroBW 220 8 Bo (Two Handed)
5d B.Rang 60 2 Ryu (One Handed)
5e Rang 18 2 Ryu (One Handed)
5f Tri-Rang 150 2 Ryu (One Handed)
-Digits for Armor,Shield,Helmet,Ring,etc:
Armor Defense Power Weight Who can equip/use it
00 Robe 2 1 Ryu,Bleu
01 SuedeCP 5 14 Ryu,Bleu
02 Dress 8 25 Nina,Bleu
03 MetalAR 39 10 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Mogu
04 SilkGN 15 4 Nina,Bleu
05 Cloth 1 1 All
06 LightCloth 68 1 Nina,Bleu
07 Gown 18 1 Nina,Bleu
08 ArmPad 8 12 Ryu,Bo,Gobi
09 WolfSkin 80 11 Bo
0a RangerVT 40 4 Ryu,Bo,Gobi
0b BronzAR 25 9 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu,Bleu
0c PlateAR 24 4 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
0d DefensePower 104 4 Ryu,Bo,Ox
0e FlameAR 82 10 Ryu,Mogu
0f PrisnCL 10 2 All
11 IcyAR 80 10 Ryu,Bo,Ox
12 worldML 75 11 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Mogu
13 DefensePower 70 10 Ox
14 SpineCL 60 10 Gobi
15 ThiefCL 30 4 Ryu,Karn
16 EvilRB 90 1 Nina,Bleu
17 SuedeGN 10 6 All
18 SuedeAR 14 7 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
19 ChainML 20 2 Ryu,Bo,Ox
1a IronML 27 9 Ryu,Bo,Ox
1b WoolRB 25 2 Nina,Bleu
1c SuedeRB 35 2 Nina,Bleu
1d LifeAR 115 8 Nina,Bleu
1e PowerAR 84 8 Nina,Bleu
1f QuartzAR 50 9 All
20 AngleAR 76 3 Nina,Bleu
22 GuruCT 70 0 Bleu
25 WorldAR 80 9 Ox,Mogu
26 SageML 25 14 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
27 DefensePower 65 16 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
28 MystRB 60 8 Ryu,Nina,Bleu
29 EarthRB 88 18 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
2a DefensePower 128 10 Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu,Nina,Bleu
2b AgileAR 92 10 Nina,Bleu
2c DefensePower 94 18 Ox
2d HuntCL 16 4 Ryu,Bo,Karn
2e ClearCL 100 0 Nina,Bleu
2f DefensePower 105 18 Gobi
Shields Defense Power Weight Who can equip/use it
30 WoodSH 5 2 Ryu,Bo,Karn
31 Gauntlet 8 1 All
32 SuedeSH 2 1 All
33 GuardSH 32 10 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu,Nina
34 Bracelet 12 3 Nina,Bleu
35 IronSH 12 4 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
36 BronzSH 8 3 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
37 MetalSH 16 5 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
38 FlameSH 38 8 Ryu,Ox,Mogu
3b IronSH 22 15 Gobi
3c MetalSH 25 5 Gobi
3e Wrist 10 12 All
3f IcySH 30 5 All
40 ProSH 32 5 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
41 LoveBR Etc 0 0 Nina,Bleu
42 WindBR Etc 0 0 Nina,Bleu
43 RubyBR Etc 0 0 Nina,Bleu,Mogu
44 DefensePower 110 0 Karn
45 DarkBR Etc 0 0 Karn
46 DefensePower 42 9 Nina
47 MystSH 48 5 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Mogu
48 Glove 20 6 Bo
4a TrapGrd 40 14 Karn
4b LightSH 36 10 Nina,Bleu
4c MagicRG Etc Ring 0 0 Nina,Bleu
4d Bandage 5 1 All
4e DefensePower 43 6 Gobi
4f SilverBR etc 0 0 All
51 ColdSH 50 15 Ryu,Bo,Ox
52 HuntGL 30 8 Bo
53 MaskSH 65 8 All
54 DragonSH 128 5 Ryu
55 DefensePower 60 110 Ox
56 FlameSH 52 5 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
Helmets Defense power Weight Who can equip/use it
58 SuedeHT 3 6 All
59 Visor 6 2 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
5a HairBand 8 2 Nina,Bleu
5b Tiara 10 2 Nina,Bleu
5c ChainHT 25 8 All
5d G.tiara 2 5 Nina,Bleu
5e EchoHT 28 3 All
5f IronMask 30 7 Ox
62 StoneHT 48 16 Mogu
63 GoldHT 14 6 All
64 FaceMAsk 35 5 Ryu,Karn,Mogu
65 AgileHT 42 1 All
66 NiceHT 6 3 All
67 MystSF etc 0 0 Nina,Bleu
68 DivingHT 32 6 Gobi
69 GaiaMask 36 4 Ryu,Ox,Mogu
6a Headgear 16 5 All
6b CursedHT 62 20 All
6c ShellHT 25 1 Gobi
6d StrawHT 2 1 All
6e IronHT 32 6 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gpbi,Karn,Mogu
70 TideHT 0 0 All
71 SkullHT 25 10 All
72 PowerHT 44 3 Gobi,Karn
73 Domino 42 7 Nina,Bleu
74 HornHT 37 6 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
75 Bandana 5 1 All
76 Turban 11 1 All
78 LoveHT 64 10 Nina
7a DefensePower 110 0 All
7c BronzHT 10 4 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
7e SunHT 12 8 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
7f WolfHT 12 4 Bo
80 IcyHT 16 6 Ryu,Bo,Ox
84 StarSH Shield 70 2 Ryu,Bo,Ox,Gobi,Karn,Mogu
85 HeroRG Etc Ring 0 0 Ryu
86 SkullRG Etc Ring 10 0 All
87 SkySH Shield 15 1 Nina
8a DragonHT 80 1 Ryu
8b DragonAR Armor 110 0 Ryu
8c SmartRG Etc Ring 0 0 All
8d DreamRG Etc Ring 0 0 All