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    Sega canceling games, cutting jobs in US and Europe

    Sega's forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31 have been adjusted down -- expected net income is down 47.4% -- and Sega Sammy's board of directors have enacted a drastic plan to reduce operating costs in the future. Sadly, this plan involves the "streamlining" of Sega's operations in the...
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    Lets play Sega Bass Fishing... OF THE DEAD!

    Even during the bad times at Sega of America, its nice to know they can have a sense of humour throughout their hardship. Your browser is deprecated. Please upgrade. - YouTube I seriously want this now :mrgreen:
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    The end of Sega Europe?

    Today i found this sad Sega Europe is expected to announce its closure? On the eve of E3 2012, we are able to learn, according to our sources deemed credible, that Sega Europe should close down in the coming months and all local branches in Europe as Sega France. This is partly a...
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    Sega Saturn to Dreamcast controller converter questions

    I was wondering about the total control 3.. What saturn peripherals are compatible with it and what aren't? I'd like to use a saturn 3D pad with it.
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    Sega dreamcast stock certificate

    The ultimate item for your DC collection :) ヤフオク!
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    EGM 1989-2001 Buyers Guides System Ratings Game Rating Sega

    Maybe you guys can tell me the 2002 EGM system reviews ? : People complained I put parts or most of this in their thread, so now I'm making it its own thread. EGM system and game reviews from 1989 to 2001. If anybody wants to add to it, please do. This is meant to be Sega related. Anyway, one...
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    Sega Wiki - DC Afterlife

    I'm sure most of you saw this, but just in case I found the below interesting : "Afterlife * Half Life: Blue Shift (BETA) was posted online. Date: 01/10/2003 (3D 1PS) On February 16, 2006, Sega once again began selling Dreamcast consoles through its online store, Sega Direct of Japan. The...
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    Idea: Sega Should Re-release the Dreamcast

    This is an idea I just came up with and wanted to see what other people thought of it. I'm sure it will never happen but here it is anyway: Sega should re-release the Dreamcast as a budget console and sell it for around $50 - $100 US. I would think they could still make a profit off of it since...
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    Online Play - Sega Genesis

    Sega Genesis X-Band Commercial (Online Gaming) - YouTube I was talking in some nostalgia of Old School Games, with my friend then he said to me about the old 16 bit consoles. SNES/Genesis. He also mentioned that they had online play. So I decided to look something up on the topic and I found...
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    Shenmue Saturn + Sega Systems Talk I wonder how much effort and millions Sega pissed away on that ? Less than sonic extreme perhaps but their Dc versions were great, so the Saturn c d r were demos in a way.
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    is sega the new atari?

    Remember atari was strong even had guys go on own make new companies do other projects. Tried to stay in hardware but failed. Name was sold a million times. Now nobody knows who atari really owned by or if original brand died and named passed? Yeah atari made matrix on xbox but what atari ha...
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    Hard4Games reviews Omikron for SEGA Dreamcast. Anyone hear remember this game? I remember it vagely. It came out in 2000 and also had a more solid,superior PC version. (Note the Youtube tag is broken for some reason)
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    why did i get a sega dreamcast?

    i wanna know from ya option of why did you get a dreamcast and what was the reason. here my. just let ya know that i am a nintendo fan and always be but after i got a taste from sega dreamcast in my tennage years. i was stock and stunned of the graphys and games it had that time also how...
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    Sega All Stars

    Hi all, I was flipping through my big Dreamcast CD case and noticed I have 5 Sega All Stars games. I never paid attention to it at the time that I got the games but I've seen a lot of talk regarding All Stars games recently and people wanting them and I was just wondering if they are valued...
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    Anyone want to exchange Sega Rally ghost files?

    recently bought Sega Rally 2 and am still pretty terrible at it, but I found that it saves separate replay files that can be exchanged and used by someone else to race against. Racing against someone else is a lot more interesting than racing against your own ghost, so how about it? I can...
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    Black USA Sega Dreamcast with extras for $ale. I sold ASCII

    Sega Dreamcast Sport Black Console NTSC with cords vmu controller games | eBay * NOTE : I SOLD ASCII PAD BELOW LAST WEEK, NOT A PART OF ABOVE AUCTION. The box (even has 99% of the shrink wrap on it still) and the pad is mint. I still have the box for it and everything, I only used it 20...
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    Vote Ryo Hazuki for Sega All-Stars Racing

    They say they want to leave Ryo out of the roster in the new Sega All-Stars Racing, but I think its just to create a buzz around the game in the Shenmue community crafty Sega. Vote Petition * Include Ryo Hazuki for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. * Here's some videos of...
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    Adam Koralik Sega Dreamcast Chinese VCD MP3 Player Kit Help

    Do you have an extra one your willing to sell ? I bought one from a UK site and they ripped me off and I can't find a site from China with it or one on ebay for a reasonable price. It looks more sturdy than the DC VCD software I have now (mine skips and pops every now and then) plus I would like...
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    Sega Dreamcast as a PC, as a Boombox, and more !

    Sega Dreamcast Back As A PC | Ubergizmo Then using it to develop games for...dc lol : And here is a random bonus read : storybreak stars<\/title><path d="M5.146 9.01l-.19-3.623 3.057 1.985.693-1.197-3.213-1.67 3.213-1.638-.693-1.197-3.056 1.953L5.147 0H3.76l.158 3.623L.893 1.67.2...
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    Sega Laptops Featuring Dreamcast Cover

    SEGA NOTE PC ???????????????????????????? The Sites In Japanese ,I Stumbled On a link from kotaku They Range In Price From $1000 to $3000 Anybody wanting a new laptop look no further lol :lol:
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