
  1. F

    Vigilante 8: Second Offense (USA)

    [h=3]Vigilante 8: Second Offense (USA)[/HEADING] Fast Cars With High Suspension that Hover Higher 7B8D91400000000D Random Levels and Cars in Arcade Mode that are Super Fast With High Suspension and Hover Higher 7B8D91400000001F All Cheats On 4C4A5D8B0000007B 607F29030000009C...
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    Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense (USA)

    Category Title Hacker Code Notes Top Activator 1 P1 Robb D0209A14 00?? Top Activator 2 P1 Robb D0209A15 00?? Top Dual Activator P1 Robb D1209A14 00?? Top Enable Code (Must Be On) Zap2 F117D514 1000 F117D940 2400 Top Infinite Brimstone Burner (Firewall) Viper187 8115EFC0 2400 Top...
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    Vigilante 8 : 2nd Offense

    Password ScreenAt the Options screen, select Game Status, highlight one of the characters and hold L + R.
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    Vigilante 8: Second Offense Cheat Codes (for Playstation)

    All Cars Have Maximum Stats Enter the code Hotrod All backwards LLA DORTOH to get a new chasis for all the vehicles. | [Sent by RichardPing] Arizona Giant Alien Ant In the Arizona stage, blow up the observatory. Then wait near the crater and the screen will start shaking. Go inside the...
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    Vigilante 8: Second Offense Cheat Codes (for Sega Dreamcast)

    All Levels At the main menu go to options, press A on the characters screen. Then press L and R together. Then enter "old_levels". You will get the levels from the first V8 ! Attract enemies Enter "UNDER_FIRE" as a password to have three enemies attack simultaneously. Big Ant in...
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