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    Dreamcast N64 Emulator Released in January

    From what I've read from this, it is supposed to only emulate one game: Super Mario 64, due to it's size being the smallest N64 rom, or something like that. I don't know if any of you knew about this, just thought I'd put it out there. The creator released a few different versions, but they're...
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    Star lancer music and emulator problem

    Where can i find it, is there a good converter around to convert the files in the game disk or are the songs in a website somewhere? Second question is about star lancer and nulldc and/or chankast, the game doesn't work on both emulators and i don't know why, is there an explanation for it?
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    Console vs. Emulator

    I just wanted to see what people thought about this. I've never liked playing games on emulators. For me, it always seems to take a lot of the fun out of a game. There's just something about playing the games on the original system they were intended to be played on. It could possibly be that...
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    Best SMS Emulator + UK SMS help

    Which do you guys recommend for dc, like which is best in your opinion ? Also, I bought a sms II a month ago from the UK, I have a USA tv and outlets, I'm kind of hesitant to set it all up, will it work 100% ? I think UK is 50 hz and USA tv are 60 hz but I heard that model sms II (small...
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    transfer saves from emulator to dreamcast hardware

    So the story is I don't own a dreamcast YET anyway and I've been playing dreamcast games on the reicast emulator on my samsung galaxy s3 (which isn't the ideal way to play dreamcast games ) but I have a few save games in sonic adventure (completed windy valley with sonic ) , soul calibur...
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    A different kind of emulator...

    Note: This is just an idea that I've been thinking about for a few days, I'm not 100% sure it would work - but I think it could and I'm posting now just to make people aware that this could well be possible, and it could be awesome. A little while ago, I wrote a blog post on my thoughts about a...
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    Dreamcast CD Player Emulator?

    One of the underrated things about the Dreamcast (in my opinion) is how cool the CD player looks. It's probably nostalgia, but whatever, I like it. I wanted to know if anyone made a DC CD players skin or if any emulators will run CDs (I've seen some that have the menu, but can't boot a music CD).
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    VeMUlator: A free new SEGA VMU emulator for Android!

    VeMUlator After months of hard work and days of no sleep, in addition to the lack of documentations regarding this device, I am happy to announce the release of a new SEGA Visual Memory Unit emulator for Android devices. It is totally written from scratch using native Android API. One of the...
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    Intellivision Emulator help

    Hey I need help finding a intellivision emulator to work my cfw is 6.35 pro b3 and i have a 3000. I did google it and the highest working fw for one was 2.5
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    anyone know a good reliable ps1 emulator for windows that plays most games, or isnt there really one?
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    A good GBA Emulator?

    I'm having trouble finding a good emulator for a GBA. Could someone help me out? The ones I downloaded from psp hacks aren't working for me. I'm on 6.35 Pro-B3 3001.
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    Need help bout Deadalus emulator?

    How can i put games on my emulator deadalus? can anyone help who has better idea?
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    NES Emulator on 6.39 PRO-B8 not working

    I'm running 6.39 PRO B-8 and I have tried almost every NES and SNES emulator and none seem to work. The NES one keeps shwoing "Corrupted Data" in the menu and the SNES Emulator crashes on exit. Please Help!!!
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    GBA EMULATOR PROBLEM!!! PSP 6.39 pro b8

    hello! i ve got a psp 1004 with a cfw 6.39 pro b8 and i cannot install gba (gpsp) emulator or kernel. previously i thought that its got kernel already on it but no. when im trying to start emulator i got that error message ,,The game could not be started. (8002014C)" and i cant find the...
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    emulator to PSP

    well i hope not to be boring cuz its my second thread in two days but i really dont understand nothing of this and want explore my psp. i want put gba emulator on my psp someone can put here the link to download it and explain me how to install? one more time im sorry for being boring , and...
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    GBA emulator not working?

    SO I have a PSP 2000 with 5.50 GEN D3 on it. I have been trying to get gpsp kai working but it always says corrupted file. I am not 100% sure I am putting the right files into the right place. The gpsp kai file is from psphacks and it comes with 4 folders ending with a : 10,15,el, and src...
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    NDS Emulator for PSP 3004?

    Hi. There has been some time since I last visited this site. Now I have some catchin' up to do.. For my question, is there a NDS Emulator for the PSP? I want a really good one because i felt like playing the new pokèmon game. I have a PSP 3004 PB Slim & Lite with ChickHEN R2, 5.03 GEN-C...
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    Help on Emulator. FinalBurnAlpha

    Can anyone help on this, i wanna knw how to exactly use this emu? where to put the emu? do i need to put in rom for it? where to put the rom? Thanks.
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    PSX Emulator Help. I'm so hopeless with this stuff v.v

    So, I just beat Crisis Core on my PSP again. The first time I beat it and it says "To be continues in Final Fantasy VII" popped up, I just wanted to pop in FFVII and play away. Sadly, my PSP was unhackable at that time. Now, however, it is hacked with 6.20 PRO-B6 on my PSP 3000, which was...
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    emulator help

    hey guys .. can u pls suggest me which sega emulator is good for psp fat 1005 (firmware 5.50 prome - 4) ?
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