
  1. C

    Which Dreamcast Arcade Stick is best?

    I'm looking to get one of the dreamcast arcade stick attachments and was wondering which one was best. To my knowledge there are two. The Agetec Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick HKT-7300 or the Topmax arcade stick?
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    Arcade mod help needed

    i recently bought an arcade cabinet that has a bad monitor in it. the arcade is Big Event Golf. i was thinking that instead of buying a new monitor for it that i would use a RGB to NTSC converter kit and use an existing 19 inch tv that i have laying around. the trouble is that the converter kit...
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    Question about the dreamcast arcade stick

    Does the joystick part of the arcade stick map to the Dpad or the joystick on the standard gamepad? IE: If I wanted to use it for say, Tokyo Xtreme Racer or Sonic Adventure, which only does steering and movement through the joystick and not the Dpad on the controller, would I be able to use the...
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    If you can bring just 1 Naomi arcade title to DC...

    After the "If You Could Revive a Cancelled DC Game..." thread was created with much success, I've been thinking about posting a very similar thread myself. Let me go on the record and say that ONE the biggest reasons that i love the Dreamcast was due it shared relationship with the Sega NAOMI...
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    Best Non-Fighter Arcade Games

    What are some of your favorite Dreamcast arcade-style games? They can be arcade ports or just arcade-style (like Alien Front Online). I know there are a ton of fighters ported from the Arcade but I'm going to exclude them from this thread as those are obvious (plus I'm not a big fan of...
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    Arcade stick is just button box I'm ending up on this side of You Tube a lot.
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    List of games that were originally in the arcade

    I've been trying to track down a list of DC games that were originally in the arcade, in any country really. I find it fun to play games that were in the arcade at some point because I try to replicate the experience at my home in my mind while playing LOL. Now that I think of it, I have one...
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    What DC arcade port would be quickest to beat?

    What arcade port to DC would take the least amount of time to beat on their default settings? I was pondering this today, as the DC has many arcade ports which are quite short to do a playthrough from start to end. Most of the shmups, including gigawing 2 and Chaos Field would probably take...
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    Arcade stick question

    I'm looking to get an arcade stick. Are the official Dreamcast arcade sticks region free? Are there any other sticks that people like? I was considering getting the official one and modding it with better controls. Thanks
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    Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 3 ?

    According to GameFAQs, a Vol 3 was planned for Dreamcast but canceled. I'm just curious if there was ever any announcement of which games were intended to be included?
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    Dreamcast arcade build

    This build has come about because I had house of the dead, 2 guns and a spare dreamcast. Anyway before I started collecting dreamcast I was heavily into pinball and arcade machines and before I had to sell everything I had around 20 machines(failed business[LOUDLY CRYING FACE]). So through...
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    Sega Lego Arcade Units

    So someone on LEGO Ideas proposed mini Sega Arcade games, specifically Space Harrier, Outrun and Thunder Blade. LEGO Ideas - Sega Classic Arcade Machines SPOILERS: I'm totally digging it. Also, anyone notice that the figure playing the games has a brown shirt, black hair, and blue pants? Like...
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    Sturmwind Bug - Arcade Stick Controls

    I have found want I think may be a bug. I play all my games with an arcade stick and I am unable to change to control setup when using the official dreamcast arcade stick. The controls change in the options menu but when I play the game they are stuck on default no matter what option I have them...
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    Arcade stick

    Is the dreamcast arcade stick compatible with any game that doesn't require anaolog to play ir willl only work with games that specifically have support for it. I'm wondering as i'd like to get one for all the shmups and not necessarily the fighting games. Cheers.
  15. C

    Does anyone here own Naomi or Naomi 2 arcade systems here?

    As they are the arcade versions and upgraded version of dreamcast. I was wondering if anyone else owned Naomi or Naomi 2 arcade systems here. I personally own a Naomi 2 and have around 25 or so games on Cartridge and GD-Rom.
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    Arcade games that should have been ported to the dreamcast ?

    Any arcade games released on model 2 ,3 naomi and naomi 2 that you feel should have been ported to the dreamcast back in the day I was thinking spikout , slashout, scud race , harley davidson la riders , asian dynamite and of course Daytona usa 2
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    90s Arcade Racer! It is possible to make for Dreamcast?

    Hello guys! Maybe few people you know about this game but i spoke with guy who's behind from that game and i told him if is possible to make a version for Dreamcast and told me everything it is possible at least to find a capable coders to make a version of Dreamcast. What do you think guys? a...
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    TheCoolinator's Crowdfunder! - Retrowave Arcade and Pinball Parlor

    Hello all, I know its been a long time but I just had to try this crowdfunder stuff again. Here is the link - Raise Funds to Make a Wish Come True All I'm asking is for you to share it. Thanks and keep dreaming! :D
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    F355 Challenge Nascar Arcade Mod

    We all love F355 Challenge as it is become one of the Dreamcast classics, we also all love the 80's metal soundtrack. However after years of playing this game the 3 tracks can get a little repetitive. So i thought i swap the music with another arcade classic that sadly never left the arcade. The...
  20. W

    X-Men Arcade NPUB30320

    Xmen need to fix code before push SELECT+UP for 255 HP 0000C006 00000000 00110000 00000000 345A1B2E 000000FF 00000000 345A1B3E 000000FF 00000000 345A1BAE 000000FF 00000000 345A1BBE 000000FF 00000000 345A1C2E 000000FF 00000000 345A1C3E 000000FF push...
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