Watching DC and DC TALK at the same time !

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Vgcheat Member
Cool eh ? Yes, having been away from my DC for a while I decided to treat it. I rigged my iPad and DC up to my projector and had the remote switch from one to the other. I couldn't work out how to have them on at the same time - that would have been ultra cool ! Anyway, I enjoyed this set up and have had quite a fun night in. Except my neighbour threatened to kill me coz the sound was too loud. Anyway, Quake 3 Arena is ,quite simply the bollocks ! It looks wonderful on a projector screen, duh, and a VGA cable is an absolute necessity. I had a top spec pc bake in 2000 and I'm not sure that would've been rendered so well as on the DC. Just a sublime experience to play it after a long absence.
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