SEGA Europe STILL sends Dreamkey FOR FREE!

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Vgcheat Member
Yup, that's right. I've email'd SEGA a few weeks back asking for the dreamkey 3.1, just for curiosity... today it arrived, completely free, after sega email'd me several times telling me that my ticket was expired and another shit i didn't understood, mainly because the mails were in french :lol: the best of this is that i asked for 3.1, but instead they sent me 3.0 AND 3.1 :mrgreen: Another weird thing is that they do not support countries outside europe... but i'm in argentina (south america) and it arrived soooooooo... if you want it, you should create a SEGA PASS account and request a ticket for tech support, and explain you need the disc because... dunno XD telling them your full name, full address, zip/postal code and phone






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