Problem Loading Psychic Force 2012

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Vgcheat Member
I recently picked up a copy of Psychic Force 2012 (mainly so I could play it before 2012 was over ;) but also because it looked like an interesting and unique fighter) and I've been having some problems with it. When I first put it in, the Sega screen loaded but it stopped there - I let it run for about five minutes but nothing else happened. After some tinkering around I was able to get it to load up completely if I started the Dreamcast without the disc so it would go to the "home" menu and then loaded it from there. But even doing this, it took it a good 3-5 minutes from the time it started to read the disc to the time it finally started to boot it. Once it was booted it worked perfectly fine, though (except for possibly some audio issues, but I only noticed that the very first time I played).

I'm new to the Dreamcast scene so I haven't played a whole lot of games yet, but I've never had a problem like this before with any of my other games. I cleaned the disc as best I could (it actually looks better than some of my other games that play perfectly) and I even tried it on two different Dreamcasts, to the same result. Has anyone else had a similar problem with this or another game? Any idea what could be causing it?
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