New sega games

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Vgcheat Member
Alright people, so here's the thing; I've noticed a lot of you think SEGA is putting out a lot of crap software these days. I would like to point out that is completely untrue. If you are a SEGA fan then you should love what SEGA does. Valkyria Chronicles for PS3 is fantastic, Phantasy Star 0 due for release in a few weeks is VERY similar the the PSO we all know and love. As is the current PSU AoTI. Or how about Virtua Fighter 5 or Virtua Tennis 2009? All those games are newer releases and none of them dissapointed me even a bit.

Not to mention Sonic Unleashed, I know a lot of people had problems with the werehog thing but I thought it was nice to have a change of pace from the usual Sonic games. I actually liked the werehog levels a lot of jumps and clobbering things. The hedgehog levels were PERFECT. The best Sonic has EVER been in my opinion. I have played every Sonic game. Sonic Unleashed is a sign in the right direction, I'm sure the next Sonic game will be great because SEGA does pay attention to their fans.

That's why I'm really looking forward to the Iron Man II game because SEGA has paid attention to both Iron Man fans and SEGA fans to give gamers the best experience possible.

So, let me know what you guys think of SEGA's newer stuff. Let's hear what your favorite new SEGA games are, and since this is the dreamcast talk website, let's talk Dreamcast. Compare today's SEGA games with those of yesteryear, let the debates begin! :lol:
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