Microsoft announces dual-screen Surface Neo PC, coming holiday 2020

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  • ScreenShot20191002at122137PM980x542-1.png

    The Microsoft Surface Neo prototype. [credit: Microsoft ]

Today at an event in New York, Microsoft announced a bunch of new Surface devices, including a new dual-screen PC—but you won't get your hands on it until next year. The new Microsoft Surface Neo is a PC made of two 9-inch screens held together by a "360-degree" hinge and running a new version of Windows 10, dubbed Windows 10X.
What appeared to be a prototype was shown on stage today; the finished product won't be available until "next holiday." Microsoft didn't give away too many details about the device, but you can get the gist by reading the few specs listed above. Two 9-inch displays open up like a book thanks to the hinge that holds them together.
Microsoft's Panos Panay boasted the hinge's design, which includes micro-gears, a torque system, and components thinner than strands of hair. It essentially makes the device a tiny two-in-one, flexing into laptop, tablet, and other use modes. The device is 5.6mm thick and weighs just 655 grams. In many ways, it looks similar to Lenovo's Yoga Book, but with two LCD panels instead of a hybrid LCD and E-Ink pairing.

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