Looking For a game title please

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Vgcheat Member
hello all, ive been recently digging through all my rubbish and came across a few old DC games, however one game sticks in my mind and i cant for the life of me find it or remeber what it was.. ill try to describe it from memory. it was some sort of small car racing game where you could either race or battle against you friends, not sure if you could use powerups i think u can. then on other parts of the game you had to get loads of air and pull tricks and rolls in the air. i really cant remeber a lot about this game but i really would love someone to be able reember it or similar, i thought it was San Francisco Rush 2049 but the cars in that are "real" these were more like little rc cars with sort or wings..... un helpful i know but pleae someone have an idea wot am on about. im not going crazy!!!
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