Lenovo hypes up an all-screen (no, really) flagship smartphone

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The smartphone hype train is reaching full speed for a smartphone from—believe it or not—Lenovo, which has been teasing an all-screen, notchless smartphone on Chinese social media. People throw around the term "all-screen" far too often, but here Lenovo truly is promising the ultimate smartphone design. Pictures posted by Lenovo VP Chang Cheng promise a phone that—aside from a minimal ring around the display—is totally screen.​
In the posts, which were first spotted by Cnet, Lenovo says the Z5 has a 95 percent screen-to-bezel ratio. Cheng says the design was enabled by "four technological breakthroughs" and "18 patented technologies." What the post doesn't say is what, exactly, happened to the front-facing camera. Unless Lenovo's drawings are deliberately misleading, it would appear the only option for a front camera is some kind of pop-up solution, like on a recent Vivo concept phone, or no front camera at all.

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