Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

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final kaoss

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  • Cheat mode
Hold R and press B, A, Left, Down, Up, Right at the ''Press Start'' screen to unlock all levels and scrolls.
Re: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand

  • Defeating Hak Foo
Know your distance when doing a Roll. While Hak Foo is walking towards you, Roll towards him quickly. You must land about where Hak Foo is standing. Roll forward again so he does not hit you. Next, Backflip the same way as a Roll twice. You should hit him sometimes if you continue this pattern.
Re: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand

  • Defeating Hak Foo 2
This is an easy battle, and uses the same tactics as the first Hak Foo. If you get cornered along the southeastern wall facing right, use the Shen Scroll Attack (B + R + Up) to leap behind Hak Foo and quickly attack before he guards. Then, Roll away.
Re: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand

  • Defeating Shou Foong, the Wind Demon
Stand directly in front of him. When you stand still, in two to three seconds Shou Foong will inhale. Time a Roll immediately when it is about to inhale. You should end up about behind Shou Foong. Once it finishes blowing, attack its back with a Mao Scroll Attack (Up + A), which you should have gotten. Continue this pattern.
Re: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand

  • Defeating the Moon Demon
Stay as far right in the beginning and face left while blocking. Time a Roll left once the Moon Demon throws an Eclipse. If you do it too late, the Eclipse will cause major damage. Note: Block only when the Shadowkahn are still there. Once the cloud covers the moon, quickly Roll towards it and attack as fast as you can using the Mao Scroll Attack (preferred) or Xu Scroll Attack.
Re: Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend Of The Dark Hand

  • Defeating Valmont
Just like Hak Foo, time your Roll to end up at Valmont. Do it twice in a row, then attempt a Flying Kick attack (R + B) at Valmont. Then Roll away and repeat.
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