Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors Instruction Manual (for NES)

Instruction Manuals for the NES

final kaoss

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Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2


Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2

Game Pak Instructions

Acclaim Entertainment Inc.


The further adventures of Kuros

You've defeated the evil Wizard Malkil before. So you can defeat him again.
Or can you?

This time he has summoned the very forces of Nature against you. He's taken
the form of the four Elementals: Wind, Water, Fire and Earth.

And though your fighting abilities are the finest in the land, it will take
more - much more - to go against these all-powerful Elementals.

You must search everywhere for the food, items, and spells that are your
only hope for victory. Leave no stone unturned. No door or chest unopened.
Gather or purchase the keys that open the sealed chests. Do whatever it takes
to harbor magic spells and powers. And collect all the gold and precious
treasures you can find - because there may be times when you have to buy your

Within each of the four domains - those of Wind, Water, Fire and Earth - you
will be able to call on the assistance of an Animal King. But only of you can
bestow upon him the golden object which he so desperately seeks.

Finally - at the end of each domain - you must battle the Elemental itself.
It won't be easy. And if you don't first obtain the magic that each Elemental
fears the most, it will be impossible.

But if you do find the right magic for the job, and you defeat the Elemental,
you will be given a piece of the shattered Ironsword. When all four Elementals
have been defeated, you will hold the completely restored IronSword - the only
weapon powerful enough to defeat the wicked Malkil.

But, as it is with any battle against the evil Wizard, almost everything you
encounter will be under his spell. Which means his minions are bent on carry-
ing out only one task: stopping you.

And as it is in any kingdom controlled by the power of magic, things aren't
always as they appear. They way up may be to go down. The path to the West may
lead off to the East. And hidden passages may lead you to places where "dir-
ection" has no meaning.

So be off, Kuros. You are the ultimate warrior. And this is the ultimate war..


The controller

The illustration below shows you your control points. Throughout this instruc-
tion book we will refer to these controls by the names indicated here.

To move right or left - Press the Control Pad arrows right or left.

To crouch - Press the Control Pad arrow down.

To jump - Press the A button.

to jump in a certain direction - Press the A button while simultaneously
pressing the Control Pad arrow in the desired direction.

To use you sword or use other weapons - press the B button.

To make a selection - (When choosing a spell, an item to buy, or bonus chance)
Press the Control Pad arrows until the desired item is highlighted. The press
the A button.

To use a magic spell - Press the Select button. The Magic Spell Screen will
appear. Then press the Control Pad arrows to select a spell or to select Quit.
Selection Quit will return you to the game screen. Press the A button to make
your selection. (See "The Magic Spells")

Note: To use magic, you must be in possession of it.

To pause - press the Start button.

To restart - press the Start button again.

To continue - Press any button within 10 seconds of losing all of your Life

Warning: Be careful, warrior, you can only "continue" your journey two times
until you reach the end of the Earth level. Once you leave the Earth level,
you can no longer rely on the continue feature.


Quick start overview

If you don't want to waste precious time before battling Malkil, you may wish
to enter the Land of Sindarin immediately. Read this quick overview to under-
stand the basics, then return to the instruction book later for the fine
points of the game.

Overall objective: To reconstruct the shattered remnants of the legendary
IronSword and use it to defeat the evil wizard Malkil in a final confrontation
atop the mystical IceFire Mountain.

Malkil has taken on the guise of the four Elementals: Wind, Water, Fire and
Earth. Each time you defeat an Elemental, you'll be rewarded with a segment
of the legendary IronSword. Remember, you must follow the Seven Noble Steps
to conquer an Elemental.

Seven Noble Steps to Completing Each Level

1) Collect or buy several keys.
2) Unlock chests to find magic spells.
3) Find the golden object for that level.
4) Give the golden object to the Animal King in that level.
5) Go on to the second section of that level and find the magic that gives
your weapon the power to fight the Elemental.
6) Defeat the Elemental with the magic weapon.
7) Receive one part of the shattered IronSword.

Secondary objectives:

Increase your Score - by fighting the Wizard's evil henchmen.

Increase your Money Supply - by collecting jewels, treasures and coins. Or by
winning at Bonus Chance.

Keep your Life Force up - by eating and drinking.

Increase your Magic Powers - by collecting magic bubbles.

Make sure to collect:
Food and Drink, Magic Spells, Magic Weapons, Golden Objects, Keys, Jewels,


At the inn

You'll know where you are the minute you enter an Inn. There will be armor
against the walls. Plates and cups on the shelves. And a friendly innkeeper
ready to help you - unless you come in empty handed!

Walk up to the innkeeper and choose between the following: Buy - Bonus Chance
- Quit. If you choose to buy something, you'll be given a choice of items. To
make a selection use the Control Pad arrows to highlight your choice. Then
press the A button.

You will be able to buy keys, food, special armor or magic spells - if you
have the right amount of money.

If you choose Bonus Chance, you'll be admitted to a special room. See Bonus
Chance below.


Bonus chance

There's more than one way to collect coins - some more honorable than others.

You'll need at least 100 gold coins to play. If you win you'll add 290 coins
to your wealth. IF you lose, you'll lose 100 coins. Use the Control Pad arrows
to pick a cup. Any cup. Then press the A button to see where fate lets the
skull fall. When you've had enough, select Quit and press the A button. You'll
end up back in the Inn.


The magic spells

Throughout your travels in the Land of Sindarin, various magic spells will
become available to you. Some you must buy. Others can be found inside locked
chests. Still others are yours for the taking. Remember, these spells won't
last forever.

Here is a listing of the spells you may find. Along with some hints as to how
you might use them:

The Familiar Spell - Turns bad guys into golden coins. And is helpful in
obtaining a certain golden object.

Dragon Tooth Spell - Turns bad guys into tasty food.

Asp Tongue Spell - If you're hungry, cast this spell at an Inn. Surprise!

Veil of Slumber - Makes enemies slow and groggy.

Fleet Foot Spell - Makes you move faster and farther. Right? Right! Maybe
this will help.

Silver Fleece Spell - Coats you with an invisible shield making you invincible.

Water Spout Spell - Going up? Jump on.

Spells to use against the elementals

Each Elemental has one weakness. Your only hope in overcoming an Elemental is
to take advantage of that weakness. To do this, you must locate a specific
spell within each domain, then use it against the Elemental.

These special spells will help protect you from the Elemental when engaged in
battle with him. And, at the same time, they will bring a firey, powerful
magic to whatever weapon you're using.

If you obtain one of these spells, your weapon automatically undergoes a
magical transformation, giving you the power to take on the Elemental. These
spells do not appear in your spells list, and are only used in the level they
are obtained in.

Remember, each time you use a spell, your magic is depleted. To increase your
magic level, look for Magic Bubbles. They are little gold bubbles that random-
ly appear and then float away. Touch as many of them as you can.

Below are the spells and the Elementals they work agains:

Windbane - Charges you weapon with just the right magic to blow away the Wind

Blightwater - Use it to dry up the Water Elemental.

Firesmite - This is what it takes to really burn the Fire Elemental.

Earthscorch - It's the only magic that will let you bury the Earth Elemental.


Items of power and value

IN addition to the Magic Spells, you'll find other items to assist you along
the way. You may find them in chests, or you may purchase them at inns and
taverns. Some are magic. Some powerful. Others worth their weight in gold.
Here is what you'll find:


Swords and Diamond Swords - The Swords are powerful enough. But the Diamond
Swords are awesome!

Shields and Diamond Shields - These help fend off enemy attack - especially
the Diamond Shields.

Helmets and Diamond Helmets - To protect your head, of course. And you're
right; the Diamond Helmets are the best.

The Axe - When you want something heaver than a sword, but haven't yet re-
built the IronSword.

Relics of Sindarin

There are several items, relics from the Land of Sindarin, that are worth
valuable points when found. They are:

The Book of Sindarin - 10,000 points
The Cross of Sindarin - 20,000 points
The Gauntlet of Sindarin - 50,000 points
The Ring of Sindarin - 100,000 points

Monetary items

Chests Full of Treasure - One of your richest sources of money.

Big Gems - Worth 200 gold coins
Little Gems - Worth 100 gold coins
Coins - worth 50 gold coins

Other items

Seven League Boots - It's impossible to reach IceFire Mountain's summit with-
out them.

Keys - Collect as many as you can. You'll need them to open the locked chests
you encounter in your travels.

Chickens and Brew - Eat and drink to keep your belly full and your Life Force


The wizard's black magic

Malkil has assembled a villainous army of vile creatures to scare you off.
Some of this world. Others from somewhere much darker, much more evil.

Most of the enemies can be handled with your mighty Brightsword. But many will
require special weaponry or magic. You must remember which ones can be defeated
by certain weapons, and how many attacks it takes to destroy them. Here is a
partial listing of the enemies and hazards you'll encounter and the points
you'll earn for catching and defeating them. And yet, there are so many, it
would take ages to list them all.

Wind level

Slimy Spitter - 43 pts
Cave Demon - 245 pts
Giant Hailstone - 100 pts
Cloud Man - 200 pts
Eagle - 112 pts
Deadly Skill & Crossbones - invincible

Water level

Tree Snake - 23 pts
Baby Frog - 8 pts
Flying Piranha - 56 pts
Iceberg - 56 pts
Wave - 56 pts
Zombies - 30 pts
Steam Cloud - invincible
Jellyfish - 200 pts

Fire level

Volcano Mouth - invincible
Lava Spitting Crater - invincible
Toothy Creeper - 23 pts
Salamander - 400 pts
Salamander's Bullet - 400 pts
Flame Spitting Walls - 87 pts
Floor Flames - invincible

Earth level

Earth Demon - 546 pts
Earth Demon's Spells - 400 pts
Vampire Bat - 30 pts
Stalactite - 400 pts
Rock Pillar Beast - 546 pts
Scary Ghost - 245 pts
Rock of Ages - Large or small, 56 pts
Skull Spider - 1000 pts

Icefire mountain

Flaming Crater - invincible
Snowman - 246 pts
Snowball - 8 pts
Water Elemental - 20,500 pts
Wind Elemental - 20,500 pts
Fire Elemental - 20,500 pts
Earth elemental - 20,500 pts


The life force of Kuros

You begin the game with a full amount of life - as indicated by your Life
Force level. But your Life Force decreases every time you're hit by an enemy
or by an enemy's magic object. Also, falling great distances decreases your
Life Force, as does fighting.

To increase your life force - Look for, and pick up, chickens and brew, which
are scattered throughout the land.

To obtain an extra life - Look for, and touch, the miniature Kuros.


Words to the wise

- Remember to leave no corner unexplored, no stone unturned and nothing behind.
You're going to need all the weapons, magic and special items you can get
your hands on.

- When fighting the Elementals, pay attention to the blue lines next to the
Elemental's picture in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. This tells
you the number of successful hits it will take to conquer that force. With
each successful hit, a line will disappear.

- Keep an eye on your magic power level. If you don't have enough magic, you
won't be able to defeat an Elemental.

- Collect as many gems and coins as you can. Because a full purse is always an
advantage, you can never have too much money. Or, for that matter, too many
keys or not enough magic.

- Remember to have an ample supply of money when you reach the Earth level.
You'll need it to buy extra lives.


The ironsword hall of fame

If you prove successful in battling Malkil and his evil minions, you'll earn
a place in the IronSword Hall of Fame.

If you're one of the Valiant, the wheel of letters will appear on the screen.
To inscribe your initials, press the left/right control pad arrows to move the
highlighter around the letters. When you reach the desired letter press the A
button to select it. Continue this way until you've selected all your letters.
If you make a mistake or want to change your letters, move the highlighter to
the word RUB and press the A button. When you have selected all your letters,
move the box to the word END and press the A button.

A spell has been cast which makes your name and score disappear once you turn
off your game. But fear not, Kuros, you'll have a new chance of entering your
name each time you return to battle.


The ultimate challenge

This mission, brave Kuros, is beyond anything you have yet undertaken.

The forces of the Elementals are the very forces of Nature herself. Steadfast.
All-powerful. Pervasive.

But you know how to survive. And you learn fast. You'll quickly discover which
magic to use against which forces. And it is then that you must rely on your
might, wisdom and strength.

With each piece of the shattered IronSword you collect, you're a step closer
to defeating the wicked Malkil. And if you make it as far as the top of Ice-
Fire Mountain, sheer pride will help you battle it out to the end.

As always, the fate of an innocent land lies in your hands. And you are their
only hope...
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