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Hey everyone I just joined . My name is Steve and I've been thinking lately about getting a Dreamcast the last couple mouths as every time I go over my uncles house we always play a bit of dreamcast and its very fun playing soul caliber, rush 2049 and toy commander here and there. Just never got around to buying one when they were new. So my hunt begin, I wanted a real well built system and did some research and found that the early Japanese models with the Yamaha disk drives and heat pipe cpu coolers seem to be built very well plus they are actually built in Japan! So I ended up finding this model but also needed a way to play all region games so I was able to get a 4 wire mod chip as I didn't want to swap disks. So here goes the story.

So I received my Jap system works great and seemed to be built well! Cleaned up nicely.


Then dug a little deeper and cleaned out all the insides. Very nice Motherboard and cooler set up for a system at its time of release. ;)


Then went ahead and installed my region free mod chip not to fun to install very small points!


Then started putting it all back together.



After that I tried it out and it works beautifully playing US games! Then I ened up getting a great deal on a game and system lot!

1999 build date sega dreamcast

Pal Shenmue II mint
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
WWF Attitude
Web Browser
Dreamcast Magazine demo discs (July 2000 Nov, 2000 Dec 2000, Feb, 2001)

And the following accessories:

3 original Sega Dreamcast Controllers (one new/in box)
2 rumble packs
2 Sega VMU's
VGA box w/VGA cable
1 Sega controller "extended" wire

all for 66$ shipped!

It is currently on it way.

Also I came across another system with a nice clear grayish black case and a Board Band Adapter with a nice game controller. All was in great condition and the price was right so I went for it as I wanted to play some quake 3 arena online and really wanted a clear case!

So that arrived and I decided to take all the guts out of my Jap system and implant it into the new shell and the guts from that shell into the old jap case even transferred all the stickers as well.

And heres how it looks next to some games I currently waiting on the others listed above. Along with some cord and my vga box. Oh also have a dreamshell sd card reader coming for it as well! So maybe I can get some Jap shooters to work properly on that with a class 10 32gb sd card.

Hope you Guys like it. Can't wait to play some Shenmue and Toy Commander!

I also just got quake 3 arena today so I hope to be playing with some of you guys online soon!


Here's also my awesome Jap Saturn with scart to component converter box with modified audio out! :mrgreen:


Glead to be here and hope I can add to the community here! :D
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