Dragon Warrior 4 game genie codes (for NES)

the place for the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES Game Genie and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

final kaoss

Staff member
ATVATGSL Take no damage from monsters and lose no MP--all party
members. Don't combine any of the "start with items" codes

The rest of the codes must be entered before you start the chapter.
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Chapter 1 Codes

POSOAPZU Start with 25 gold
GVSOAPZL Start with 100 gold
NNSOAPZU Start with 255 gold
AIXOZAYS Start with lots 'o gold
YEEXYXLO Start with 15 hit points
GVEXYXLP Start with 100 hit points
NNEXYXLO Start with 255 hit points
LNKPLONY Start with final key
TEKPLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOKPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEKPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKKPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKKPLONY Start with dragon shield
LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband
LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Chapter 2 Codes

ZUSOPPGT Start with 50 gold
NNSOPPGV Start with 255 gold
AIXOZAYS Start with lots of gold
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Codes for Alena

GVOZAZAP Start with 100 hit points
NNOZAZAO Start with 255 hit points
LNKOZONY Start with final key
ZOKOZONN Start with fire claw
LOKOZONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEKOZONN Start with thorn whip
LEKOLONN Start with boomerang
LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN Start with final key and fire claw
LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Item Codes for Brey

LNUPLONY Start with final key
TOUPLONN Start with magma staff
LOUPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEUPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKUPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKUPLONY Start with dragon shield
LEUPGONN Start with boomerang
LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN Start with final key and magma staff
LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Item Codes for Cristo

LNOOLONY Start with final key
TEOOLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOOOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEOOLONN Start with thorn whip
AKOOLONY Start with shield of strength
LKOOLONY Start with dragon shield
LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Chapter 3 Codes

AOEXTZGP Start with 16 hit points
GVEXTZGP Start with 100 hit points
NNEXTZGO Start with 255 hit points
GVSOZPAA Start with 100 gold
NNSOZPAE Start with 255 gold
UNUOLONY Start with final key
LEUOLONN Start with metal babble sword
TOUOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
LEUOLONN Start with thorn whip
PKUOLONY Start with shield of strength
AKUOLONY Start with dragon shield
LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Chapter 4 Codes

Codes for Nara

GVEXLZZP Starts with 100 hit points
NNEXLZZO Starts with 255 hit points
LNXPLONY Start with final key
TEXPLONN Start with metal babble sword
LOXPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEXPLONN Start with thorn whip
AKXPLONY Start with shield of strength
LKXPLONY Start with dragon shield
LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Codes for Mara

GVEXGZAP Starts with 100 hit points
NNEXGZAO Starts with 255 hit points
LNXOPONY Start with final key
TOXOPONN Start with magma staff
LOXOPONY Start with multi-edge sword
PEXOPONN Start with thorn whip
AKXOPONY Start with shield of strength
LKXOPONY Start with dragon shield
LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY Start with final key and chain sickle
TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
AKXOPONY + ASXOZONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band
LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan
RE: Dragon Warrior 4

Chapter 5 Codes

LNOPIONY Start with final key
PXOPIONY Start with zenithian sword
GKOPIONY Start with zenithian shield
YUOPIONY Start with zenithian armor
LKOPIONN Start with zenithian helmet
1Silver Tarot Cards In 3rd Item SlotAEKPLONN
2Cypress Stick In 3rd Item SlotAEKPLONY
3Sword of Lethargy In 3rd Item SlotAOKPLONN
4Staff of Force In 3rd Item SlotAOKPLONY
5Staff of Healing In 3rd Item SlotAXKPLONN
6Half Plate Armor In 3rd Item SlotAXKPLONY
7Sword-edge Armor In 3rd Item SlotAUKPLONN
8Leather Dress In 3rd Item SlotAUKPLONY
9Iron Helmet In 3rd Item SlotAKKPLONN
10Shield of Strength In 3rd Item SlotAKKPLONY
11Full Moon Herb In 3rd Item SlotASKPLONN
12Meteorite Armband In 3rd Item SlotASKPLONY
13Staff of Transform In 3rd Item SlotAVKPLONN
14Sage¹s Stone In 3rd Item SlotAVKPLONY
15Royal Scroll In 3rd Item SlotANKPLONN
16Gunpowder Jar In 3rd Item SlotANKPLONY
17Thorn Whip In 3rd Item SlotPEKPLONN
18Club In 3rd Item SlotPEKPLONY
19Venomous Dagger In 3rd Item SlotPOKPLONN
20Staff of Thunder In 3rd Item SlotPOKPLONY
21Iron Apron In 3rd Item SlotPXKPLONN
22Zenithian Sword In 3rd Item SlotPXKPLONY
23Robe of Serenity In 3rd Item SlotPUKPLONN
24Pink Leotard In 3rd Item SlotPUKPLONY
25Iron Mask In 3rd Item SlotPKKPLONN
26Mirror Shield In 3rd Item SlotPKKPLONY
27Wizard¹s Ring In 3rd Item SlotPSKPLONN
28(Dummied out item???) In 3rd Item SlotPSKPLONY
29Small Medal In 3rd Item SlotPVKPLONN
30Strength Seed In 3rd Item SlotPVKPLONY
31Gum Pod In 3rd Item SlotPNKPLONN
32Thief¹s Key In 3rd Item SlotPNKPLONY
33Morning Star In 3rd Item SlotZEKPLONN
34Copper Sword In 3rd Item SlotZEKPLONY
35Fire Claw In 3rd Item SlotZOKPLONN
36Demon Hammer In 3rd Item SlotZOKPLONY
37Full Plate Armor In 3rd Item SlotZXKPLONN
38Staff of Jubilation In 3rd Item SlotZXKPLONY
39Zombie Mail In 3rd Item SlotZUKPLONN
40Dragon Mail In 3rd Item SlotZUKPLONY
41Feather Hat In 3rd Item SlotZKKPLONN
42Aeolus¹ Shield In 3rd Item SlotZKKPLONY
43Magic Potion In 3rd Item SlotZSKPLONN
44Baron¹s Horn In 3rd Item SlotZSKPLONY
45Stone of Drought In 3rd Item SlotZVKPLONN
46Agility Seed In 3rd Item SlotZVKPLONY
47Boarding Pass In 3rd Item SlotZNKPLONN
48Magic Key In 3rd Item SlotZNKPLONY
49Boomerang In 3rd Item SlotLEKPLONN
50Iron Claw In 3rd Item SlotLEKPLONY
51Ice Blade In 3rd Item SlotLOKPLONN
52Multi-Edge Sword In 3rd Item SlotLOKPLONY
53Silk Robe In 3rd Item SlotLXKPLONN
54Sword of Malice In 3rd Item SlotLXKPLONY
55Dress of Radiance In 3rd Item SlotLUKPLONN
56Cloak of Evasion In 3rd Item SlotLUKPLONY
57Zenithian Helmet In 3rd Item SlotLKKPLONN
58Dragon Shield In 3rd Item SlotLKKPLONY
59Dew of World Tree In 3rd Item SlotLSKPLONN
60Medical Herb In 3rd Item SlotLSKPLONY
61Iron Safe In 3rd Item SlotLVKPLONN
62Luck Seed In 3rd Item SlotLVKPLONY
63Padequia Root In 3rd Item SlotLNKPLONN
64Final Key In 3rd Item SlotLNKPLONY
65Abacus of Virtue In 3rd Item SlotGEKPLONN
66Chain Sickle In 3rd Item SlotGEKPLONY
67Sword of Miracles In 3rd Item SlotGOKPLONN
68Zenithian Sword In 3rd Item SlotGOKPLONY
69Dancer¹s Costume In 3rd Item SlotGXKPLONN
70Basic Clothes In 3rd Item SlotGXKPLONY
71Demon Armor In 3rd Item SlotGUKPLONN
72Sacred Robe In 3rd Item SlotGUKPLONY
73Mask of Corruption In 3rd Item SlotGKKPLONN
74Zenithian Shield In 3rd Item SlotGKKPLONY
75Flute of Uncovering In 3rd Item SlotGSKPLONN
76Antidote Herb In 3rd Item SlotGSKPLONY
77Flying Shoes In 3rd Item SlotGVKPLONN
78Lifeforce Nuts In 3rd Item SlotGVKPLONY
79Fire of Serenity In 3rd Item SlotGNKPLONN
80Lunch In 3rd Item SlotGNKPLONY
81Iron Fan In 3rd Item SlotIEKPLONN
82Iron Spear In 3rd Item SlotIEKPLONY
83Staff of Antimagic In 3rd Item SlotIOKPLONN
84Dragon Killer In 3rd Item SlotIOKPLONY
85Bronze Armor In 3rd Item SlotIXKPLONN
86Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 3rd Item SlotIXKPLONY
87Leather Shield In 3rd Item SlotIUKPLONN
88Water Flying Clothes In 3rd Item SlotIUKPLONY
89Golden Barrette In 3rd Item SlotIKKPLONN
90Metal Babble Shield In 3rd Item SlotIKKPLONY
91Sphere of Silence In 3rd Item SlotISKPLONN
92Fairy Water In 3rd Item SlotISKPLONY
93Silver Statuette In 3rd Item SlotIVKPLONN
94Mystic Acorns In 3rd Item SlotIVKPLONY
95Gas Canister In 3rd Item SlotINKPLONN
96Bird Song Nectar In 3rd Item SlotINKPLONY
97Metal Babble Sword In 3rd Item SlotTEKPLONN
98Broad Sword In 3rd Item SlotTEKPLONY
99Magma Staff In 3rd Item SlotTOKPLONN
100Stilleto Earrings In 3rd Item SlotTOKPLONY
101Metal Babble Armor In 3rd Item SlotTXKPLONN
102Leather Armor In 3rd Item SlotTXKPLONY
103Scale Shield In 3rd Item SlotTUKPLONN
104Mysterious Bolero In 3rd Item SlotTUKPLONY
105Hat of Happiness In 3rd Item SlotTKKPLONN
106Leather Hat In 3rd Item SlotTKKPLONY
107Scent Pouch In 3rd Item SlotTSKPLONN
108Wing of Wyvern In 3rd Item SlotTSKPLONY
109Treasure Map In 3rd Item SlotTVKPLONN
110Mirror of Ra In 3rd Item SlotTVKPLONY
111Padequia Seed In 3rd Item SlotTNKPLONN
112Golden Bracelet In 3rd Item SlotTNKPLONY
113Poison Needle In 3rd Item SlotYEKPLONN
114Battle Axe In 3rd Item SlotYEKPLONY
115Sword of Decimation In 3rd Item SlotYOKPLONN
116Staff of Punsihment In 3rd Item SlotYOKPLONY
117Fur Coat In 3rd Item SlotYXKPLONN
118Chain Mail In 3rd Item SlotYXKPLONY
119Iron Shield In 3rd Item SlotYUKPLONN
120Zenithian Armor In 3rd Item SlotYUKPLONY
121Metal Babble Helmet In 3rd Item SlotYKKPLONN
122Wooden Hat In 3rd Item SlotYKKPLONY
123Sandglass of Regression In 3rd Item SlotYSKPLONN
124Leaf of the World Tree In 3rd Item SlotYSKPLONY
125Symbol of Faith In 3rd Item SlotYVKPLONN
126Lamp of Darkness In 3rd Item SlotYVKPLONY
127{Empty Slot} In 3rd Item SlotYNKPLONN
128Prince¹s Letter In 3rd Item SlotYNKPLONY
129Silver Tarot Cards In 4th Item SlotAEKPGONN
130Cypress Stick In 4th Item SlotAEKPGONY
131Sword of Lethargy In 4th Item SlotAOKPGONN
132Staff of Force In 4th Item SlotAOKPGONY
133Staff of Healing In 4th Item SlotAXKPGONN
134Half Plate Armor In 4th Item SlotAXKPGONY
135Sword-edge Armor In 4th Item SlotAUKPGONN
136Leather Dress In 4th Item SlotAUKPGONY
137Iron Helmet In 4th Item SlotAKKPGONN
138Shield of Strength In 4th Item SlotAKKPGONY
139Full Moon Herb In 4th Item SlotASKPGONN
140Meteorite Armband In 4th Item SlotASKPGONY
141Staff of Transform In 4th Item SlotAVKPGONN
142Sage¹s Stone In 4th Item SlotAVKPGONY
143Royal Scroll In 4th Item SlotANKPGONN
144Gunpowder Jar In 4th Item SlotANKPGONY
145Thorn Whip In 4th Item SlotPEKPGONN
146Club In 4th Item SlotPEKPGONY
147Venomous Dagger In 4th Item SlotPOKPGONN
148Staff of Thunder In 4th Item SlotPOKPGONY
149Iron Apron In 4th Item SlotPXKPGONN
150Zenithian Sword In 4th Item SlotPXKPGONY
151Robe of Serenity In 4th Item SlotPUKPGONN
152Pink Leotard In 4th Item SlotPUKPGONY
153Iron Mask In 4th Item SlotPKKPGONN
154Mirror Shield In 4th Item SlotPKKPGONY
155Wizard¹s Ring In 4th Item SlotPSKPGONN
156(Dummied out item???) In 4th Item SlotPSKPGONY
157Small Medal In 4th Item SlotPVKPGONN
158Strength Seed In 4th Item SlotPVKPGONY
159Gum Pod In 4th Item SlotPNKPGONN
160Thief¹s Key In 4th Item SlotPNKPGONY
161Morning Star In 4th Item SlotZEKPGONN
162Copper Sword In 4th Item SlotZEKPGONY
163Fire Claw In 4th Item SlotZOKPGONN
164Demon Hammer In 4th Item SlotZOKPGONY
165Full Plate Armor In 4th Item SlotZXKPGONN
166Staff of Jubilation In 4th Item SlotZXKPGONY
167Zombie Mail In 4th Item SlotZUKPGONN
168Dragon Mail In 4th Item SlotZUKPGONY
169Feather Hat In 4th Item SlotZKKPGONN
170Aeolus¹ Shield In 4th Item SlotZKKPGONY
171Magic Potion In 4th Item SlotZSKPGONN
172Baron¹s Horn In 4th Item SlotZSKPGONY
173Stone of Drought In 4th Item SlotZVKPGONN
174Agility Seed In 4th Item SlotZVKPGONY
175Boarding Pass In 4th Item SlotZNKPGONN
176Magic Key In 4th Item SlotZNKPGONY
177Boomerang In 4th Item SlotLEKPGONN
178Iron Claw In 4th Item SlotLEKPGONY
179Ice Blade In 4th Item SlotLOKPGONN
180Multi-Edge Sword In 4th Item SlotLOKPGONY
181Silk Robe In 4th Item SlotLXKPGONN
182Sword of Malice In 4th Item SlotLXKPGONY
183Dress of Radiance In 4th Item SlotLUKPGONN
184Cloak of Evasion In 4th Item SlotLUKPGONY
185Zenithian Helmet In 4th Item SlotLKKPGONN
186Dragon Shield In 4th Item SlotLKKPGONY
187Dew of World Tree In 4th Item SlotLSKPGONN
188Medical Herb In 4th Item SlotLSKPGONY
189Iron Safe In 4th Item SlotLVKPGONN
190Luck Seed In 4th Item SlotLVKPGONY
191Padequia Root In 4th Item SlotLNKPGONN
192Final Key In 4th Item SlotLNKPGONY
193Abacus of Virtue In 4th Item SlotGEKPGONN
194Chain Sickle In 4th Item SlotGEKPGONY
195Sword of Miracles In 4th Item SlotGOKPGONN
196Zenithian Sword In 4th Item SlotGOKPGONY
197Dancer¹s Costume In 4th Item SlotGXKPGONN
198Basic Clothes In 4th Item SlotGXKPGONY
199Demon Armor In 4th Item SlotGUKPGONN
200Sacred Robe In 4th Item SlotGUKPGONY
201Mask of Corruption In 4th Item SlotGKKPGONN
202Zenithian Shield In 4th Item SlotGKKPGONY
203Flute of Uncovering In 4th Item SlotGSKPGONN
204Antidote Herb In 4th Item SlotGSKPGONY
205Flying Shoes In 4th Item SlotGVKPGONN
206Lifeforce Nuts In 4th Item SlotGVKPGONY
207Fire of Serenity In 4th Item SlotGNKPGONN
208Lunch In 4th Item SlotGNKPGONY
209Iron Fan In 4th Item SlotIEKPGONN
210Iron Spear In 4th Item SlotIEKPGONY
211Staff of Antimagic In 4th Item SlotIOKPGONN
212Dragon Killer In 4th Item SlotIOKPGONY
213Bronze Armor In 4th Item SlotIXKPGONN
214Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 4th Item SlotIXKPGONY
215Leather Shield In 4th Item SlotIUKPGONN
216Water Flying Clothes In 4th Item SlotIUKPGONY
217Golden Barrette In 4th Item SlotIKKPGONN
218Metal Babble Shield In 4th Item SlotIKKPGONY
219Sphere of Silence In 4th Item SlotISKPGONN
220Fairy Water In 4th Item SlotISKPGONY
221Silver Statuette In 4th Item SlotIVKPGONN
222Mystic Acorns In 4th Item SlotIVKPGONY
223Gas Canister In 4th Item SlotINKPGONN
224Bird Song Nectar In 4th Item SlotINKPGONY
225Metal Babble Sword In 4th Item SlotTEKPGONN
226Broad Sword In 4th Item SlotTEKPGONY
227Magma Staff In 4th Item SlotTOKPGONN
228Stilleto Earrings In 4th Item SlotTOKPGONY
229Metal Babble Armor In 4th Item SlotTXKPGONN
230Leather Armor In 4th Item SlotTXKPGONY
231Scale Shield In 4th Item SlotTUKPGONN
232Mysterious Bolero In 4th Item SlotTUKPGONY
233Hat of Happiness In 4th Item SlotTKKPGONN
234Leather Hat In 4th Item SlotTKKPGONY
235Scent Pouch In 4th Item SlotTSKPGONN
236Wing of Wyvern In 4th Item SlotTSKPGONY
237Treasure Map In 4th Item SlotTVKPGONN
238Mirror of Ra In 4th Item SlotTVKPGONY
239Padequia Seed In 4th Item SlotTNKPGONN
240Golden Bracelet In 4th Item SlotTNKPGONY
241Poison Needle In 4th Item SlotYEKPGONN
242Battle Axe In 4th Item SlotYEKPGONY
243Sword of Decimation In 4th Item SlotYOKPGONN
244Staff of Punsihment In 4th Item SlotYOKPGONY
245Fur Coat In 4th Item SlotYXKPGONN
246Chain Mail In 4th Item SlotYXKPGONY
247Iron Shield In 4th Item SlotYUKPGONN
248Zenithian Armor In 4th Item SlotYUKPGONY
249Metal Babble Helmet In 4th Item SlotYKKPGONN
250Wooden Hat In 4th Item SlotYKKPGONY
251Sandglass of Regression In 4th Item SlotYSKPGONN
252Leaf of the World Tree In 4th Item SlotYSKPGONY
253Symbol of Faith In 4th Item SlotYVKPGONN
254Lamp of Darkness In 4th Item SlotYVKPGONY
255{Empty Slot} In 4th Item SlotYNKPGONN
256Prince¹s Letter In 4th Item SlotYNKPGONY
257Silver Tarot Cards In 5th Item SlotAEKPIONN
258Cypress Stick In 5th Item SlotAEKPIONY
259Sword of Lethargy In 5th Item SlotAOKPIONN
260Staff of Force In 5th Item SlotAOKPIONY
261Staff of Healing In 5th Item SlotAXKPIONN
262Half Plate Armor In 5th Item SlotAXKPIONY
263Sword-edge Armor In 5th Item SlotAUKPIONN
264Leather Dress In 5th Item SlotAUKPIONY
265Iron Helmet In 5th Item SlotAKKPIONN
266Shield of Strength In 5th Item SlotAKKPIONY
267Full Moon Herb In 5th Item SlotASKPIONN
268Meteorite Armband In 5th Item SlotASKPIONY
269Staff of Transform In 5th Item SlotAVKPIONN
270Sage¹s Stone In 5th Item SlotAVKPIONY
271Royal Scroll In 5th Item SlotANKPIONN
272Gunpowder Jar In 5th Item SlotANKPIONY
273Thorn Whip In 5th Item SlotPEKPIONN
274Club In 5th Item SlotPEKPIONY
275Venomous Dagger In 5th Item SlotPOKPIONN
276Staff of Thunder In 5th Item SlotPOKPIONY
277Iron Apron In 5th Item SlotPXKPIONN
278Zenithian Sword In 5th Item SlotPXKPIONY
279Robe of Serenity In 5th Item SlotPUKPIONN
280Pink Leotard In 5th Item SlotPUKPIONY
281Iron Mask In 5th Item SlotPKKPIONN
282Mirror Shield In 5th Item SlotPKKPIONY
283Wizard¹s Ring In 5th Item SlotPSKPIONN
284(Dummied out item???) In 5th Item SlotPSKPIONY
285Small Medal In 5th Item SlotPVKPIONN
286Strength Seed In 5th Item SlotPVKPIONY
287Gum Pod In 5th Item SlotPNKPIONN
288Thief¹s Key In 5th Item SlotPNKPIONY
289Morning Star In 5th Item SlotZEKPIONN
290Copper Sword In 5th Item SlotZEKPIONY
291Fire Claw In 5th Item SlotZOKPIONN
292Demon Hammer In 5th Item SlotZOKPIONY
293Full Plate Armor In 5th Item SlotZXKPIONN
294Staff of Jubilation In 5th Item SlotZXKPIONY
295Zombie Mail In 5th Item SlotZUKPIONN
296Dragon Mail In 5th Item SlotZUKPIONY
297Feather Hat In 5th Item SlotZKKPIONN
298Aeolus¹ Shield In 5th Item SlotZKKPIONY
299Magic Potion In 5th Item SlotZSKPIONN
300Baron¹s Horn In 5th Item SlotZSKPIONY
301Stone of Drought In 5th Item SlotZVKPIONN
302Agility Seed In 5th Item SlotZVKPIONY
303Boarding Pass In 5th Item SlotZNKPIONN
304Magic Key In 5th Item SlotZNKPIONY
305Boomerang In 5th Item SlotLEKPIONN
306Iron Claw In 5th Item SlotLEKPIONY
307Ice Blade In 5th Item SlotLOKPIONN
308Multi-Edge Sword In 5th Item SlotLOKPIONY
309Silk Robe In 5th Item SlotLXKPIONN
310Sword of Malice In 5th Item SlotLXKPIONY
311Dress of Radiance In 5th Item SlotLUKPIONN
312Cloak of Evasion In 5th Item SlotLUKPIONY
313Zenithian Helmet In 5th Item SlotLKKPIONN
314Dragon Shield In 5th Item SlotLKKPIONY
315Dew of World Tree In 5th Item SlotLSKPIONN
316Medical Herb In 5th Item SlotLSKPIONY
317Iron Safe In 5th Item SlotLVKPIONN
318Luck Seed In 5th Item SlotLVKPIONY
319Padequia Root In 5th Item SlotLNKPIONN
320Final Key In 5th Item SlotLNKPIONY
321Abacus of Virtue In 5th Item SlotGEKPIONN
322Chain Sickle In 5th Item SlotGEKPIONY
323Sword of Miracles In 5th Item SlotGOKPIONN
324Zenithian Sword In 5th Item SlotGOKPIONY
325Dancer¹s Costume In 5th Item SlotGXKPIONN
326Basic Clothes In 5th Item SlotGXKPIONY
327Demon Armor In 5th Item SlotGUKPIONN
328Sacred Robe In 5th Item SlotGUKPIONY
329Mask of Corruption In 5th Item SlotGKKPIONN
330Zenithian Shield In 5th Item SlotGKKPIONY
331Flute of Uncovering In 5th Item SlotGSKPIONN
332Antidote Herb In 5th Item SlotGSKPIONY
333Flying Shoes In 5th Item SlotGVKPIONN
334Lifeforce Nuts In 5th Item SlotGVKPIONY
335Fire of Serenity In 5th Item SlotGNKPIONN
336Lunch In 5th Item SlotGNKPIONY
337Iron Fan In 5th Item SlotIEKPIONN
338Iron Spear In 5th Item SlotIEKPIONY
339Staff of Antimagic In 5th Item SlotIOKPIONN
340Dragon Killer In 5th Item SlotIOKPIONY
341Bronze Armor In 5th Item SlotIXKPIONN
342Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 5th Item SlotIXKPIONY
343Leather Shield In 5th Item SlotIUKPIONN
344Water Flying Clothes In 5th Item SlotIUKPIONY
345Golden Barrette In 5th Item SlotIKKPIONN
346Metal Babble Shield In 5th Item SlotIKKPIONY
347Sphere of Silence In 5th Item SlotISKPIONN
348Fairy Water In 5th Item SlotISKPIONY
349Silver Statuette In 5th Item SlotIVKPIONN
350Mystic Acorns In 5th Item SlotIVKPIONY
351Gas Canister In 5th Item SlotINKPIONN
352Bird Song Nectar In 5th Item SlotINKPIONY
353Metal Babble Sword In 5th Item SlotTEKPIONN
354Broad Sword In 5th Item SlotTEKPIONY
355Magma Staff In 5th Item SlotTOKPIONN
356Stilleto Earrings In 5th Item SlotTOKPIONY
357Metal Babble Armor In 5th Item SlotTXKPIONN
358Leather Armor In 5th Item SlotTXKPIONY
359Scale Shield In 5th Item SlotTUKPIONN
360Mysterious Bolero In 5th Item SlotTUKPIONY
361Hat of Happiness In 5th Item SlotTKKPIONN
362Leather Hat In 5th Item SlotTKKPIONY
363Scent Pouch In 5th Item SlotTSKPIONN
364Wing of Wyvern In 5th Item SlotTSKPIONY
365Treasure Map In 5th Item SlotTVKPIONN
366Mirror of Ra In 5th Item SlotTVKPIONY
367Padequia Seed In 5th Item SlotTNKPIONN
368Golden Bracelet In 5th Item SlotTNKPIONY
369Poison Needle In 5th Item SlotYEKPIONN
370Battle Axe In 5th Item SlotYEKPIONY
371Sword of Decimation In 5th Item SlotYOKPIONN
372Staff of Punsihment In 5th Item SlotYOKPIONY
373Fur Coat In 5th Item SlotYXKPIONN
374Chain Mail In 5th Item SlotYXKPIONY
375Iron Shield In 5th Item SlotYUKPIONN
376Zenithian Armor In 5th Item SlotYUKPIONY
377Metal Babble Helmet In 5th Item SlotYKKPIONN
378Wooden Hat In 5th Item SlotYKKPIONY
379Sandglass of Regression In 5th Item SlotYSKPIONN
380Leaf of the World Tree In 5th Item SlotYSKPIONY
381Symbol of Faith In 5th Item SlotYVKPIONN
382Lamp of Darkness In 5th Item SlotYVKPIONY
383{Empty Slot} In 5th Item SlotYNKPIONN
384Prince¹s Letter In 5th Item SlotYNKPIONY
385Silver Tarot Cards In 6th Item SlotAEKPTONN
386Cypress Stick In 6th Item SlotAEKPTONY
387Sword of Lethargy In 6th Item SlotAOKPTONN
388Staff of Force In 6th Item SlotAOKPTONY
389Staff of Healing In 6th Item SlotAXKPTONN
390Half Plate Armor In 6th Item SlotAXKPTONY
391Sword-edge Armor In 6th Item SlotAUKPTONN
392Leather Dress In 6th Item SlotAUKPTONY
393Iron Helmet In 6th Item SlotAKKPTONN
394Shield of Strength In 6th Item SlotAKKPTONY
395Full Moon Herb In 6th Item SlotASKPTONN
396Meteorite Armband In 6th Item SlotASKPTONY
397Staff of Transform In 6th Item SlotAVKPTONN
398Sage¹s Stone In 6th Item SlotAVKPTONY
399Royal Scroll In 6th Item SlotANKPTONN
400Gunpowder Jar In 6th Item SlotANKPTONY
401Thorn Whip In 6th Item SlotPEKPTONN
402Club In 6th Item SlotPEKPTONY
403Venomous Dagger In 6th Item SlotPOKPTONN
404Staff of Thunder In 6th Item SlotPOKPTONY
405Iron Apron In 6th Item SlotPXKPTONN
406Zenithian Sword In 6th Item SlotPXKPTONY
407Robe of Serenity In 6th Item SlotPUKPTONN
408Pink Leotard In 6th Item SlotPUKPTONY
409Iron Mask In 6th Item SlotPKKPTONN
410Mirror Shield In 6th Item SlotPKKPTONY
411Wizard¹s Ring In 6th Item SlotPSKPTONN
412(Dummied out item???) In 6th Item SlotPSKPTONY
413Small Medal In 6th Item SlotPVKPTONN
414Strength Seed In 6th Item SlotPVKPTONY
415Gum Pod In 6th Item SlotPNKPTONN
416Thief¹s Key In 6th Item SlotPNKPTONY
417Morning Star In 6th Item SlotZEKPTONN
418Copper Sword In 6th Item SlotZEKPTONY
419Fire Claw In 6th Item SlotZOKPTONN
420Demon Hammer In 6th Item SlotZOKPTONY
421Full Plate Armor In 6th Item SlotZXKPTONN
422Staff of Jubilation In 6th Item SlotZXKPTONY
423Zombie Mail In 6th Item SlotZUKPTONN
424Dragon Mail In 6th Item SlotZUKPTONY
425Feather Hat In 6th Item SlotZKKPTONN
426Aeolus¹ Shield In 6th Item SlotZKKPTONY
427Magic Potion In 6th Item SlotZSKPTONN
428Baron¹s Horn In 6th Item SlotZSKPTONY
429Stone of Drought In 6th Item SlotZVKPTONN
430Agility Seed In 6th Item SlotZVKPTONY
431Boarding Pass In 6th Item SlotZNKPTONN
432Magic Key In 6th Item SlotZNKPTONY
433Boomerang In 6th Item SlotLEKPTONN
434Iron Claw In 6th Item SlotLEKPTONY
435Ice Blade In 6th Item SlotLOKPTONN
436Multi-Edge Sword In 6th Item SlotLOKPTONY
437Silk Robe In 6th Item SlotLXKPTONN
438Sword of Malice In 6th Item SlotLXKPTONY
439Dress of Radiance In 6th Item SlotLUKPTONN
440Cloak of Evasion In 6th Item SlotLUKPTONY
441Zenithian Helmet In 6th Item SlotLKKPTONN
442Dragon Shield In 6th Item SlotLKKPTONY
443Dew of World Tree In 6th Item SlotLSKPTONN
444Medical Herb In 6th Item SlotLSKPTONY
445Iron Safe In 6th Item SlotLVKPTONN
446Luck Seed In 6th Item SlotLVKPTONY
447Padequia Root In 6th Item SlotLNKPTONN
448Final Key In 6th Item SlotLNKPTONY
449Abacus of Virtue In 6th Item SlotGEKPTONN
450Chain Sickle In 6th Item SlotGEKPTONY
451Sword of Miracles In 6th Item SlotGOKPTONN
452Zenithian Sword In 6th Item SlotGOKPTONY
453Dancer¹s Costume In 6th Item SlotGXKPTONN
454Basic Clothes In 6th Item SlotGXKPTONY
455Demon Armor In 6th Item SlotGUKPTONN
456Sacred Robe In 6th Item SlotGUKPTONY
457Mask of Corruption In 6th Item SlotGKKPTONN
458Zenithian Shield In 6th Item SlotGKKPTONY
459Flute of Uncovering In 6th Item SlotGSKPTONN
460Antidote Herb In 6th Item SlotGSKPTONY
461Flying Shoes In 6th Item SlotGVKPTONN
462Lifeforce Nuts In 6th Item SlotGVKPTONY
463Fire of Serenity In 6th Item SlotGNKPTONN
464Lunch In 6th Item SlotGNKPTONY
465Iron Fan In 6th Item SlotIEKPTONN
466Iron Spear In 6th Item SlotIEKPTONY
467Staff of Antimagic In 6th Item SlotIOKPTONN
468Dragon Killer In 6th Item SlotIOKPTONY
469Bronze Armor In 6th Item SlotIXKPTONN
470Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 6th Item SlotIXKPTONY
471Leather Shield In 6th Item SlotIUKPTONN
472Water Flying Clothes In 6th Item SlotIUKPTONY
473Golden Barrette In 6th Item SlotIKKPTONN
474Metal Babble Shield In 6th Item SlotIKKPTONY
475Sphere of Silence In 6th Item SlotISKPTONN
476Fairy Water In 6th Item SlotISKPTONY
477Silver Statuette In 6th Item SlotIVKPTONN
478Mystic Acorns In 6th Item SlotIVKPTONY
479Gas Canister In 6th Item SlotINKPTONN
480Bird Song Nectar In 6th Item SlotINKPTONY
481Metal Babble Sword In 6th Item SlotTEKPTONN
482Broad Sword In 6th Item SlotTEKPTONY
483Magma Staff In 6th Item SlotTOKPTONN
484Stilleto Earrings In 6th Item SlotTOKPTONY
485Metal Babble Armor In 6th Item SlotTXKPTONN
486Leather Armor In 6th Item SlotTXKPTONY
487Scale Shield In 6th Item SlotTUKPTONN
488Mysterious Bolero In 6th Item SlotTUKPTONY
489Hat of Happiness In 6th Item SlotTKKPTONN
490Leather Hat In 6th Item SlotTKKPTONY
491Scent Pouch In 6th Item SlotTSKPTONN
492Wing of Wyvern In 6th Item SlotTSKPTONY
493Treasure Map In 6th Item SlotTVKPTONN
494Mirror of Ra In 6th Item SlotTVKPTONY
495Padequia Seed In 6th Item SlotTNKPTONN
496Golden Bracelet In 6th Item SlotTNKPTONY
497Poison Needle In 6th Item SlotYEKPTONN
498Battle Axe In 6th Item SlotYEKPTONY
499Sword of Decimation In 6th Item SlotYOKPTONN
500Staff of Punsihment In 6th Item SlotYOKPTONY
501Fur Coat In 6th Item SlotYXKPTONN
502Chain Mail In 6th Item SlotYXKPTONY
503Iron Shield In 6th Item SlotYUKPTONN
504Zenithian Armor In 6th Item SlotYUKPTONY
505Metal Babble Helmet In 6th Item SlotYKKPTONN
506Wooden Hat In 6th Item SlotYKKPTONY
507Sandglass of Regression In 6th Item SlotYSKPTONN
508Leaf of the World Tree In 6th Item SlotYSKPTONY
509Symbol of Faith In 6th Item SlotYVKPTONN
510Lamp of Darkness In 6th Item SlotYVKPTONY
511{Empty Slot} In 6th Item SlotYNKPTONN
512Prince¹s Letter In 6th Item SlotYNKPTONY
513Silver Tarot Cards In 7th Item SlotAEKPYONN
514Cypress Stick In 7th Item SlotAEKPYONY
515Sword of Lethargy In 7th Item SlotAOKPYONN
516Staff of Force In 7th Item SlotAOKPYONY
517Staff of Healing In 7th Item SlotAXKPYONN
518Half Plate Armor In 7th Item SlotAXKPYONY
519Sword-edge Armor In 7th Item SlotAUKPYONN
520Leather Dress In 7th Item SlotAUKPYONY
521Iron Helmet In 7th Item SlotAKKPYONN
522Shield of Strength In 7th Item SlotAKKPYONY
523Full Moon Herb In 7th Item SlotASKPYONN
524Meteorite Armband In 7th Item SlotASKPYONY
525Staff of Transform In 7th Item SlotAVKPYONN
526Sage¹s Stone In 7th Item SlotAVKPYONY
527Royal Scroll In 7th Item SlotANKPYONN
528Gunpowder Jar In 7th Item SlotANKPYONY
529Thorn Whip In 7th Item SlotPEKPYONN
530Club In 7th Item SlotPEKPYONY
531Venomous Dagger In 7th Item SlotPOKPYONN
532Staff of Thunder In 7th Item SlotPOKPYONY
533Iron Apron In 7th Item SlotPXKPYONN
534Zenithian Sword In 7th Item SlotPXKPYONY
535Robe of Serenity In 7th Item SlotPUKPYONN
536Pink Leotard In 7th Item SlotPUKPYONY
537Iron Mask In 7th Item SlotPKKPYONN
538Mirror Shield In 7th Item SlotPKKPYONY
539Wizard¹s Ring In 7th Item SlotPSKPYONN
540(Dummied out item???) In 7th Item SlotPSKPYONY
541Small Medal In 7th Item SlotPVKPYONN
542Strength Seed In 7th Item SlotPVKPYONY
543Gum Pod In 7th Item SlotPNKPYONN
544Thief¹s Key In 7th Item SlotPNKPYONY
545Morning Star In 7th Item SlotZEKPYONN
546Copper Sword In 7th Item SlotZEKPYONY
547Fire Claw In 7th Item SlotZOKPYONN
548Demon Hammer In 7th Item SlotZOKPYONY
549Full Plate Armor In 7th Item SlotZXKPYONN
550Staff of Jubilation In 7th Item SlotZXKPYONY
551Zombie Mail In 7th Item SlotZUKPYONN
552Dragon Mail In 7th Item SlotZUKPYONY
553Feather Hat In 7th Item SlotZKKPYONN
554Aeolus¹ Shield In 7th Item SlotZKKPYONY
555Magic Potion In 7th Item SlotZSKPYONN
556Baron¹s Horn In 7th Item SlotZSKPYONY
557Stone of Drought In 7th Item SlotZVKPYONN
558Agility Seed In 7th Item SlotZVKPYONY
559Boarding Pass In 7th Item SlotZNKPYONN
560Magic Key In 7th Item SlotZNKPYONY
561Boomerang In 7th Item SlotLEKPYONN
562Iron Claw In 7th Item SlotLEKPYONY
563Ice Blade In 7th Item SlotLOKPYONN
564Multi-Edge Sword In 7th Item SlotLOKPYONY
565Silk Robe In 7th Item SlotLXKPYONN
566Sword of Malice In 7th Item SlotLXKPYONY
567Dress of Radiance In 7th Item SlotLUKPYONN
568Cloak of Evasion In 7th Item SlotLUKPYONY
569Zenithian Helmet In 7th Item SlotLKKPYONN
570Dragon Shield In 7th Item SlotLKKPYONY
571Dew of World Tree In 7th Item SlotLSKPYONN
572Medical Herb In 7th Item SlotLSKPYONY
573Iron Safe In 7th Item SlotLVKPYONN
574Luck Seed In 7th Item SlotLVKPYONY
575Padequia Root In 7th Item SlotLNKPYONN
576Final Key In 7th Item SlotLNKPYONY
577Abacus of Virtue In 7th Item SlotGEKPYONN
578Chain Sickle In 7th Item SlotGEKPYONY
579Sword of Miracles In 7th Item SlotGOKPYONN
580Zenithian Sword In 7th Item SlotGOKPYONY
581Dancer¹s Costume In 7th Item SlotGXKPYONN
582Basic Clothes In 7th Item SlotGXKPYONY
583Demon Armor In 7th Item SlotGUKPYONN
584Sacred Robe In 7th Item SlotGUKPYONY
585Mask of Corruption In 7th Item SlotGKKPYONN
586Zenithian Shield In 7th Item SlotGKKPYONY
587Flute of Uncovering In 7th Item SlotGSKPYONN
588Antidote Herb In 7th Item SlotGSKPYONY
589Flying Shoes In 7th Item SlotGVKPYONN
590Lifeforce Nuts In 7th Item SlotGVKPYONY
591Fire of Serenity In 7th Item SlotGNKPYONN
592Lunch In 7th Item SlotGNKPYONY
593Iron Fan In 7th Item SlotIEKPYONN
594Iron Spear In 7th Item SlotIEKPYONY
595Staff of Antimagic In 7th Item SlotIOKPYONN
596Dragon Killer In 7th Item SlotIOKPYONY
597Bronze Armor In 7th Item SlotIXKPYONN
598Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 7th Item SlotIXKPYONY
599Leather Shield In 7th Item SlotIUKPYONN
600Water Flying Clothes In 7th Item SlotIUKPYONY
601Golden Barrette In 7th Item SlotIKKPYONN
602Metal Babble Shield In 7th Item SlotIKKPYONY
603Sphere of Silence In 7th Item SlotISKPYONN
604Fairy Water In 7th Item SlotISKPYONY
605Silver Statuette In 7th Item SlotIVKPYONN
606Mystic Acorns In 7th Item SlotIVKPYONY
607Gas Canister In 7th Item SlotINKPYONN
608Bird Song Nectar In 7th Item SlotINKPYONY
609Metal Babble Sword In 7th Item SlotTEKPYONN
610Broad Sword In 7th Item SlotTEKPYONY
611Magma Staff In 7th Item SlotTOKPYONN
612Stilleto Earrings In 7th Item SlotTOKPYONY
613Metal Babble Armor In 7th Item SlotTXKPYONN
614Leather Armor In 7th Item SlotTXKPYONY
615Scale Shield In 7th Item SlotTUKPYONN
616Mysterious Bolero In 7th Item SlotTUKPYONY
617Hat of Happiness In 7th Item SlotTKKPYONN
618Leather Hat In 7th Item SlotTKKPYONY
619Scent Pouch In 7th Item SlotTSKPYONN
620Wing of Wyvern In 7th Item SlotTSKPYONY
621Treasure Map In 7th Item SlotTVKPYONN
622Mirror of Ra In 7th Item SlotTVKPYONY
623Padequia Seed In 7th Item SlotTNKPYONN
624Golden Bracelet In 7th Item SlotTNKPYONY
625Poison Needle In 7th Item SlotYEKPYONN
626Battle Axe In 7th Item SlotYEKPYONY
627Sword of Decimation In 7th Item SlotYOKPYONN
628Staff of Punsihment In 7th Item SlotYOKPYONY
629Fur Coat In 7th Item SlotYXKPYONN
630Chain Mail In 7th Item SlotYXKPYONY
631Iron Shield In 7th Item SlotYUKPYONN
632Zenithian Armor In 7th Item SlotYUKPYONY
633Metal Babble Helmet In 7th Item SlotYKKPYONN
634Wooden Hat In 7th Item SlotYKKPYONY
635Sandglass of Regression In 7th Item SlotYSKPYONN
636Leaf of the World Tree In 7th Item SlotYSKPYONY
637Symbol of Faith In 7th Item SlotYVKPYONN
638Lamp of Darkness In 7th Item SlotYVKPYONY
639{Empty Slot} In 7th Item SlotYNKPYONN
640Prince¹s Letter In 7th Item SlotYNKPYONY
641Silver Tarot Cards In 8th Item SlotAEKOAONN
642Cypress Stick In 8th Item SlotAEKOAONY
643Sword of Lethargy In 8th Item SlotAOKOAONN
644Staff of Force In 8th Item SlotAOKOAONY
645Staff of Healing In 8th Item SlotAXKOAONN
646Half Plate Armor In 8th Item SlotAXKOAONY
647Sword-edge Armor In 8th Item SlotAUKOAONN
648Leather Dress In 8th Item SlotAUKOAONY
649Iron Helmet In 8th Item SlotAKKOAONN
650Shield of Strength In 8th Item SlotAKKOAONY
651Full Moon Herb In 8th Item SlotASKOAONN
652Meteorite Armband In 8th Item SlotASKOAONY
653Staff of Transform In 8th Item SlotAVKOAONN
654Sage¹s Stone In 8th Item SlotAVKOAONY
655Royal Scroll In 8th Item SlotANKOAONN
656Gunpowder Jar In 8th Item SlotANKOAONY
657Thorn Whip In 8th Item SlotPEKOAONN
658Club In 8th Item SlotPEKOAONY
659Venomous Dagger In 8th Item SlotPOKOAONN
660Staff of Thunder In 8th Item SlotPOKOAONY
661Iron Apron In 8th Item SlotPXKOAONN
662Zenithian Sword In 8th Item SlotPXKOAONY
663Robe of Serenity In 8th Item SlotPUKOAONN
664Pink Leotard In 8th Item SlotPUKOAONY
665Iron Mask In 8th Item SlotPKKOAONN
666Mirror Shield In 8th Item SlotPKKOAONY
667Wizard¹s Ring In 8th Item SlotPSKOAONN
668(Dummied out item???) In 8th Item SlotPSKOAONY
669Small Medal In 8th Item SlotPVKOAONN
670Strength Seed In 8th Item SlotPVKOAONY
671Gum Pod In 8th Item SlotPNKOAONN
672Thief¹s Key In 8th Item SlotPNKOAONY
673Morning Star In 8th Item SlotZEKOAONN
674Copper Sword In 8th Item SlotZEKOAONY
675Fire Claw In 8th Item SlotZOKOAONN
676Demon Hammer In 8th Item SlotZOKOAONY
677Full Plate Armor In 8th Item SlotZXKOAONN
678Staff of Jubilation In 8th Item SlotZXKOAONY
679Zombie Mail In 8th Item SlotZUKOAONN
680Dragon Mail In 8th Item SlotZUKOAONY
681Feather Hat In 8th Item SlotZKKOAONN
682Aeolus¹ Shield In 8th Item SlotZKKOAONY
683Magic Potion In 8th Item SlotZSKOAONN
684Baron¹s Horn In 8th Item SlotZSKOAONY
685Stone of Drought In 8th Item SlotZVKOAONN
686Agility Seed In 8th Item SlotZVKOAONY
687Boarding Pass In 8th Item SlotZNKOAONN
688Magic Key In 8th Item SlotZNKOAONY
689Boomerang In 8th Item SlotLEKOAONN
690Iron Claw In 8th Item SlotLEKOAONY
691Ice Blade In 8th Item SlotLOKOAONN
692Multi-Edge Sword In 8th Item SlotLOKOAONY
693Silk Robe In 8th Item SlotLXKOAONN
694Sword of Malice In 8th Item SlotLXKOAONY
695Dress of Radiance In 8th Item SlotLUKOAONN
696Cloak of Evasion In 8th Item SlotLUKOAONY
697Zenithian Helmet In 8th Item SlotLKKOAONN
698Dragon Shield In 8th Item SlotLKKOAONY
699Dew of World Tree In 8th Item SlotLSKOAONN
700Medical Herb In 8th Item SlotLSKOAONY
701Iron Safe In 8th Item SlotLVKOAONN
702Luck Seed In 8th Item SlotLVKOAONY
703Padequia Root In 8th Item SlotLNKOAONN
704Final Key In 8th Item SlotLNKOAONY
705Abacus of Virtue In 8th Item SlotGEKOAONN
706Chain Sickle In 8th Item SlotGEKOAONY
707Sword of Miracles In 8th Item SlotGOKOAONN
708Zenithian Sword In 8th Item SlotGOKOAONY
709Dancer¹s Costume In 8th Item SlotGXKOAONN
710Basic Clothes In 8th Item SlotGXKOAONY
711Demon Armor In 8th Item SlotGUKOAONN
712Sacred Robe In 8th Item SlotGUKOAONY
713Mask of Corruption In 8th Item SlotGKKOAONN
714Zenithian Shield In 8th Item SlotGKKOAONY
715Flute of Uncovering In 8th Item SlotGSKOAONN
716Antidote Herb In 8th Item SlotGSKOAONY
717Flying Shoes In 8th Item SlotGVKOAONN
718Lifeforce Nuts In 8th Item SlotGVKOAONY
719Fire of Serenity In 8th Item SlotGNKOAONN
720Lunch In 8th Item SlotGNKOAONY
721Iron Fan In 8th Item SlotIEKOAONN
722Iron Spear In 8th Item SlotIEKOAONY
723Staff of Antimagic In 8th Item SlotIOKOAONN
724Dragon Killer In 8th Item SlotIOKOAONY
725Bronze Armor In 8th Item SlotIXKOAONN
726Wayfarer¹s Clothes In 8th Item SlotIXKOAONY
727Leather Shield In 8th Item SlotIUKOAONN
728Water Flying Clothes In 8th Item SlotIUKOAONY
729Golden Barrette In 8th Item SlotIKKOAONN
730Metal Babble Shield In 8th Item SlotIKKOAONY
731Sphere of Silence In 8th Item SlotISKOAONN
732Fairy Water In 8th Item SlotISKOAONY
733Silver Statuette In 8th Item SlotIVKOAONN
734Mystic Acorns In 8th Item SlotIVKOAONY
735Gas Canister In 8th Item SlotINKOAONN
736Bird Song Nectar In 8th Item SlotINKOAONY
737Metal Babble Sword In 8th Item SlotTEKOAONN
738Broad Sword In 8th Item SlotTEKOAONY
739Magma Staff In 8th Item SlotTOKOAONN
740Stilleto Earrings In 8th Item SlotTOKOAONY
741Metal Babble Armor In 8th Item SlotTXKOAONN
742Leather Armor In 8th Item SlotTXKOAONY
743Scale Shield In 8th Item SlotTUKOAONN
744Mysterious Bolero In 8th Item SlotTUKOAONY
745Hat of Happiness In 8th Item SlotTKKOAONN
746Leather Hat In 8th Item SlotTKKOAONY
747Scent Pouch In 8th Item SlotTSKOAONN
748Wing of Wyvern In 8th Item SlotTSKOAONY
749Treasure Map In 8th Item SlotTVKOAONN
750Mirror of Ra In 8th Item SlotTVKOAONY
751Padequia Seed In 8th Item SlotTNKOAONN
752Golden Bracelet In 8th Item SlotTNKOAONY
753Poison Needle In 8th Item SlotYEKOAONN
754Battle Axe In 8th Item SlotYEKOAONY
755Sword of Decimation In 8th Item SlotYOKOAONN
756Staff of Punsihment In 8th Item SlotYOKOAONY
757Fur Coat In 8th Item SlotYXKOAONN
758Chain Mail In 8th Item SlotYXKOAONY
759Iron Shield In 8th Item SlotYUKOAONN
760Zenithian Armor In 8th Item SlotYUKOAONY
761Metal Babble Helmet In 8th Item SlotYKKOAONN
762Wooden Hat In 8th Item SlotYKKOAONY
763Sandglass of Regression In 8th Item SlotYSKOAONN
764Leaf of the World Tree In 8th Item SlotYSKOAONY
765Symbol of Faith In 8th Item SlotYVKOAONN
766Lamp of Darkness In 8th Item SlotYVKOAONY
767{Empty Slot} In 8th Item SlotYNKOAONN
768Prince¹s Letter In 8th Item SlotYNKOAONY

Credits go to Strato for these codes
Take No Damage From Monsters And Lose No MP[SUP]1[/SUP]ATVATGSL
2Taloon Starts With The Final Key And The Chain Sickle (1/2)[SUP]2[/SUP]UNUOLONY
3Taloon Starts With The Final Key And The Chain Sickle (1/2)[SUP]3[/SUP]
4Character Basecodes (Additional Note - 1/2)[SUP]4[/SUP]N/A
5Character Basecodes (Additional Note - 2/2)[SUP]5[/SUP]N/A
6Bridge Over Troubled Tower (Chapter 1 - Ragnar)[SUP]6[/SUP]ZZZEST
7Mascot - Hero[SUP]7[/SUP]AEPOZXL
8Mascot - DogEPOZXL
9Shops Charge Nothing[SUP]8[/SUP]UUUEZT
10Weird MusicKOTTOO
11Weird Music #2GISTVK
12Very Quick Battle[SUP]9[/SUP]ULXZOP
13Rest In Peace (Die Instantly During BattleZVXEZT
14Necresaro Casts "BOUNCE" During BattleVVXEZT
15Change The Physical Forms Of Dungeons And TownsISTUYN
16You Get 999 HP When You Get Hurt & 999 MP When You Use Magic!UULEAT
17When You Buy Something, You Get 99,999 GoldYAVATGSL
18Ragnar Starts With 255 Hit PointsNNEXYXLO
19The Roads And The Inside Of Castles Are Black[SUP]10[/SUP]NYTXYA
20Walk Out Of The Castle Town Of Burland, You End Up North Of Surene TownNYTUYA
21After Battle, You Will Level Up, And Get Over 50 Strength[SUP]11[/SUP]NYTXYA
22Ragnar Starts With Many Objects #1[SUP]12[/SUP]NYAPYE
23Ragnar Starts With Many Objects #2[SUP]13[/SUP]NYAPYA
24Ragnar Starts With Many Objects #3[SUP]14[/SUP]NYAPGA
25Start Debug Option Menu[SUP]15[/SUP]GATZAL
26Enemies Fight Themselves(Haven't Yet Totally Tested This On All Enemies, I May Have To Change It Later If It Has Problems)SIULOO
27Good Stat Level Raises, Certain Characters (A Bit Glitchy, It Does Work Though)KTYOSY
28Good Stat Level Raises Some Characters(Also A Bit Glitchy, But It Does Work, Pay No Attention To Your Exp. Amount, U'll Get The Normal Level Raises)KYYOSY
29Walk Through PeopleSIIIPN
30Body Snatch (Can Go Into Varying People, Depending On Code)SIYO?P
31Body Snatch (Different Version)NLYO?P
32Body Snatch (Another Version)PTYO?P
33Able To Go Through Land, Graphics Really Messed Up, But It Can Be Helpful In A Few InstancesIVTSIZ
Chapter 1 Codes
34Start With 25 GoldPOSOAPZU
35Start With 100 GoldGVSOAPZL
36Start With 255 GoldNNSOAPZU
37Start With Lots of GoldAIXOZAYS
38Start With 15 Hit PointsYEEXYXLO
39Start With 100 Hit PointsGVEXYXLP
40Start With 255 Hit PointsNNEXYXLO
41Start With Final KeyLNKPLONY
42Start With Metal Babble SwordTEKPLONN
43Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOKPLONY
44Start With Thorn WhipPEKPLONN
45Start With Shield of StrengthAKKPLONY
46Start With Dragon ShieldLKKPLONY
47Start With Final Key And Chain SickleLNKPLONY
48Start With Metal Babble Sword And BoomerangTEKPLONN
49Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOKPLONY
50Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEKPLONN
51Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite ArmbandAKKPLONY
52Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKKPLONY
Chapter 2 Codes
53Start With 50 GoldZUSOPPGT
54Start With 255 GoldNNSOPPGV
55Start With Lots Of GoldAIXOZAYS
Codes For Alena
56Start With 100 Hit PointsGVOZAZAP
57Start With 255 Hit PointsNNOZAZAO
58Start With Final KeyLNKOZONY
59Start With Fire ClawZOKOZONN
60Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOKOZONY
61Start With Thorn WhipPEKOZONN
62Start With BoomerangLEKOLONN
63Start With Final Key And Fire ClawLNKOZONY
64Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOKOZONY
65Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEKOZONN
66Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKKOZONY
67Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKKOZONY
Item Codes For Brey
68Start With Final KeyLNUPLONY
69Start With Magma StaffTOUPLONN
70Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOUPLONY
71Start With Thorn WhipPEUPLONN
72Start With Shield of StrengthAKUPLONY
73Start With Dragon ShieldLKUPLONY
74Start With BoomerangLEUPGONN
75Start With Final Key And Magma StaffLNUPLONY
76Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOUPLONY
77Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEUPLONN
78Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKUPLONY
79Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKUPLONY
Item Codes For Cristo
80Start With Final KeyLNOOLONY
81Start With Metal Babble SwordTEOOLONN
82Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOOOLONY
83Start With Thorn WhipPEOOLONN
84Start With Shield of StrengthAKOOLONY
85Start With Dragon ShieldLKOOLONY
86Start With Final Key And Chain SickleLNOOLONY
87Start With Metal Babble Sword And BoomerangTEOOLONN
88Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOOOLONY
89Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEOOLONN
90Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKOOLONY
91Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKOOLONY
Chapter 3 Codes
92Start With 16 Hit PointsAOEXTZGP
93Start With 100 Hit PointsGVEXTZGP
94Start With 255 Hit PointsNNEXTZGO
95Start With 100 GoldGVSOZPAA
96Start With 255 GoldNNSOZPAE
97Start With Final KeyUNUOLONY
98Start With Metal Babble SwordLEUOLONN
99Start With Multi-Edge SwordTOUOLONY
100Start With Thorn WhipLEUOLONN
101Start With Shield of StrengthPKUOLONY
102Start With Dragon ShieldAKUOLONY
103Start With Final Key And Chain SickleLNUOLONY
104Start With Metal Babble Sword And BoomerangTEUOLONN
105Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOUOLONY
106Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEUOLONN
107Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKUOLONY
108Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKUOLONY
Chapter 4 Codes
Codes For Nara
109Starts With 100 Hit PointsGVEXLZZP
110Starts With 255 Hit PointsNNEXLZZO
111Start With Final KeyLNXPLONY
112Start With Metal Babble SwordTEXPLONN
113Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOXPLONY
114Start With Thorn WhipPEXPLONN
115Start With Shield of StrengthAKXPLONY
116Start With Dragon ShieldLKXPLONY
117Start With Final Key And Chain SickleLNXPLONY
118Start With Metal Babble Sword And BoomerangTEXPLONN
119Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOXPLONY
120Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEXPLONN
121Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKXPLONY
122Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKXPLONY
Codes For Mara
123Starts With 100 Hit PointsGVEXGZAP
124Starts With 255 Hit PointsNNEXGZAO
125Start With Final KeyLNXOPONY
126Start With Magma StaffTOXOPONN
127Start With Multi-Edge SwordLOXOPONY
128Start With Thorn WhipPEXOPONN
129Start With Shield of StrengthAKXOPONY
130Start With Dragon ShieldLKXOPONY
131Start With Final Key And Chain SickleLNXOPONY
132Start With Metal Babble Sword And BoomerangTEXOPONN
133Start With Multi-Edge Sword And Wizard's RingLOXOPONY
134Start With Thorn Whip And Demon HammerPEXOPONN
135Start With Shield of Strength And Meteorite Arm BandAKXOPONY
136Start With Dragon Shield And Iron FanLKXOPONY
Chapter 5 Codes
137Start With Final KeyLNOPIONY
138Start With Zenithian SwordPXOPIONY
139Start With Zenithian ShieldGKOPIONY
140Start With Zenithian ArmorYUOPIONY
141Start With Zenithian HelmetLKOPIONN
Character Starts With Item/Weapon Codes
142Character Starts With Item/Weapon Codes - Quantity Digits (Part 1 of 2)[SUP]16[/SUP]N/A
143Character Starts With Item/Weapon Codes - Quantity Digits (Part 2 of 2)[SUP]17[/SUP]N/A
144Ragnar, Chapter 1 (Base Codes)[SUP]18[/SUP]**KPLON*
145Alena, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**KOZON*
146Brey, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**UPLON*
147Cristo, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**OOLON*
148Taloon, Chapter 3 (Base Codes)**UOLON*
149Nara, Chapter 4 (Base Codes)**XPLON*
150Mara, Chapter 4 (Base Codes)**XOPON*
151Your Player, Chapter 5 (Base Codes)**OPION*
Character Starts With Item/Weapon (Alternate Codes)
152Character Starts With Item/Weapon Codes - Quantity Digits (Part 1 of 2)[SUP]19[/SUP]N/A
153Character Starts With Item/Weapon Codes - Quantity Digits (Part 2 of 2)[SUP]20[/SUP]N/A
154Ragnar, Chapter 1 (Base Codes)[SUP]21[/SUP]**KPLON*
155Alena, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**KOZON*
156Brey, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**UPLON*
157Cristo, Chapter 2 (Base Codes)**OOLON*
158Taloon, Chapter 3 (Base Codes)**UOLON*
159Nara, Chapter 4 (Base Codes)**XPLON*
160Mara, Chapter 4 (Base Codes)**XOPON*
161Your Player, Chapter 5 (Base Codes)**OPION*
Miscellaneous Codes
162Your Party Is Invisible[SUP]22[/SUP]NNTXYA
163In Towns You Can Walkthrough Trees[SUP]23[/SUP]YAIAGG
164You Can Walkthrough Everything But Grass[SUP]24[/SUP]ZAIALK
165You Can Walkthrough Everything![SUP]25[/SUP]PAIALG
166Everything But Grass And Houses Are Black[SUP]26[/SUP]YAIATG
167Ragnar Starts Lots of Stuff #1 (Different)[SUP]27[/SUP]NYAPYE
168Ragnar Starts Lots of Stuff #2 (Different)[SUP]28[/SUP]NYAPYA
169Ragnar Starts Lots of Stuff #3 (Different)[SUP]29[/SUP]NYAPGA
170Black Roads And Inside Castles, Open Treasure Chests (Plus More Effects!)[SUP]30[/SUP]NYTXYA
171Walk Out Of The Castle Town of Burland And You End Up North Of Surene TownNYTUYA
172Multiple Effects Code[SUP]31[/SUP]NYTXYA
173Most People Are Missing (Castle Town Of Burland)YAZATG
174People Are Missing, It's Snowed (Castle Town Of Burland)YAGATG
175No Trees (Castle Town Of Burland)LAPATG
176Ground Is Blue (Castle Town Of Burland)YIIAPG
177Everything Is Stairs (Castle Town Of Burland)[SUP]32[/SUP]YAIAGK
178Everything Is Green (Castle Town Of Burland)[SUP]33[/SUP]YAIAYA
179Your Party Is Invisible[SUP]34[/SUP]NNTXYA

1Don't combine any of the "start with items" codes.
2Go along with chapter three like you normally would (Being sure to pick up the Ice sword in the room under Taloon's work place). Eventually you should get to Endor. Go to the building at the bottom right and use the final key to get to the shop where the Metal Babble Armor is sold. Purchase it for 15,000 gold. Then take the Metal Babble Armor back to the guy in Bonmalmo who asked if you had any armor to sell.
3Sell the Metal Bablle armor for the given price and you will get the gold. Then check your item menu and you should still have the Metal Babble Armor (you can sell it to him as many times as you want to obtain a maximum of 99,999 gold. Go back to the Casino and purchase chips with the money and sell the Armor again. Then buy chips once more. Using this cycle, you should be able to get the Metal Babble Shield as well. Then finish Chapter 3, leaving with both the MB Armor and shield, as well as 99,999 gold. Then when the hero finds you in Chapter 5, your quest should be decidedly easier. Now only use this if you have already beaten DW 4, otherwise it would take away some of the fun of beating it normally.
4You should know by now the "start with" codes that Strato and Galoob made. Well, even still you can only equip one thing on one person per chapter usually right? Not anymore! Ever wanted to start With All 3 Metal Babble items? Tired of trying to raise that 95,000 GP in Taloon's Chapter? Now you don't have to! Here's how the codes work:
Take any of the "Start With" codes. Let's say you want to start Ragnar with both the Metal Babble Sword and Armor. The code for the Metal Babble Sword is: TEKPLONN, and he code for the Metal Babble Armor is: TXKPLONN. Now according to Galoob, you cant equip him with both. Here's how you would do this for all of the chapters.
To get both equipped (in this case for Ragnar) take the L and make it either an I, T or Y. So, to get Ragnar equipped with both, just put these codes in TEKPLONN + TXKPTONN and voila, you get both equipped!
5To make this easier even, just do this:
Plus, if you use the I one, you can in some chapters. Sell that item up to three times before you'd lose it!! So if you have the Metal Babble Armor equipped, you can sell it 2 times for the gold, and then still have one one you to equip! In Taloon's chapter, if you start with 3 Metal Babble Armors and sell them only in that place in the castle in Bombalo. You can get unlimited gold. No more having to walk around for hours and hours, etc. to get that gold!
6Create a landbridge to the tower. No, more long treks going to that stupid tower.
7The hero will join you.
8Buying stuff on shops are free, as long as you have enough money. You can sell it back for the same price. Does this work in the Casino?
9Go into battle. The monsters will dissappear. No GP or EXP. But, still a very quick battle. NOTE: If you try to go to a dungeon and the screen changes it freezes.
10There are open treasure chests. Be sure to look in them. I have found things like seeds, keys, Zenithian shield and armor, the Gunpowder Jar, gold, Small Medals and other stuff.
11Now if you put both of those codes just above together, you get both effects, plus after battle, you will level up, and get over 50 strength!
12He starts with the Gun Powder Jar, Zenithian Sword, Full Plate Armor, Staff of Healing, Staff of Thunder, Iron Helmet, Sphere of Silence, and Iron Spear. (Don't look at the Item screen until after you save the game and take the code out.)
13He starts with two Cypress Sticks, Mirror of Ra, FINAL KEY, Leather Dress, Full Moon Herb, Wayfarer's Clothes, and Cloak of Evasion. (Don't try to equip anything until you save the game and take the code out.)
14He starts with Two Shield of Strength's, and Lifeforce Nuts, Staff of Healing, Dragon Mail, and Cypress, PLUS 999 HP, and MP, and 999 max. HP and MP, 255 Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and Luck, 257 Attack Power, 171 Vitality, 127 Defence Power, and 1,052,763 Experience Points at Level ??!
15start a new game, after u type in your name, the menu will come after that(press B button when start debug menu comes up and u'll be quite happy)(also enemies can't hurt u while code is on)
16LN Y Final Key
YK N Metal Babble Helm
GV Y Lifeforce Nuts
GK Y Zenithian Sword?
GO Y Zenithian Sword?
IK Y Metal Babble Shild
AU N Swordedge Armor
YO N Metal Babble Armor
LV Y Luck Seed
AS Y Metroite Armband
YU Y Zenithian Armor
PX Y Zenithian Sword
LS N Dew Of World Tree
YV Y Lamp Of Darkness
YS Y Leaf Of World Tree
YV N Symble Of Faith
ZV Y Agility Seed
ZV N Stone Of Drought
AN N Royal Scroll
LU Y Metal Babble Sword?
TX N Metal Babble Sword?
TN N Padequie Seed
PY Y Strength Seed?
PV Y Strength Seed?
17IN N Gas Canister
IN Y Bird Seed Nectar
IY Y Mystic Acorns
GS N Flute of Uncovering
IS N Sphere Of Silence
TV Y Mirror Of Ra
TV N Treasure Map
PV N Small Medal
ZN N Boarding Pass
GE N Abacus Of Virtue
LE Y Magic Key
PN Y Thief's Key
GN Y Lunch
IO N Staff Of Antimagic
YN Y Princess' Letter
YS N Sandglass Regression
PN N Gum Pad
AV N Staff Of Transform
AV Y Sage's Stone
AN Y Gun Powder Jar
AE N Silver Tarot Cards
LN N Padequia Root
PU Y Pink Leotard
18Enter three codes and you will have all 3 items. You can also enter only one or two of the codes.
? = I some how ended up with two codes for the item, so one might be for some other item.
19LN Y Final Key
YK N Metal Babble Helm
GV Y Lifeforce Nuts
GK Y Zenithian Sword?
GO Y Zenithian Sword?
IK Y Metal Babble Shild
AU N Swordedge Armor
YO N Metal Babble Armor
LV Y Luck Seed
AS Y Metroite Armband
YU Y Zenithian Armor
PX Y Zenithian Sword
LS N Dew Of World Tree
YV Y Lamp Of Darkness
YS Y Leaf Of World Tree
YV N Symble Of Faith
ZV Y Agility Seed
ZV N Stone Of Drought
AN N Royal Scroll
LU Y Metal Babble Sword?
TX N Metal Babble Sword?
TN N Padequie Seed
PY Y Strength Seed?
PV Y Strength Seed?
20IN N Gas Canister
IN Y Bird Seed Nectar
IY Y Mystic Acorns
GS N Flute of Uncovering
IS N Sphere Of Silence
TV Y Mirror Of Ra
TV N Treasure Map
PV N Small Medal
ZN N Boarding Pass
GE N Abacus Of Virtue
LE Y Magic Key
PN Y Thief's Key
GN Y Lunch
IO N Staff Of Antimagic
YN Y Princess' Letter
YS N Sandglass Regression
PN N Gum Pad
AV N Staff Of Transform
AV Y Sage's Stone
AN Y Gun Powder Jar
AE N Silver Tarot Cards
LN N Padequia Root
PU Y Pink Leotard
21Enter three codes and you will have all 3 items. You can also enter only one or two of the codes.
? = I some how ended up with two codes for the item, so one might be for some other item.
22Your party is invisible, and you need a lot less experience points to gain a level, because you only need 4 million experience to get to level 99, except for Nara and Brey, because they only get to 68 and 71. You may occasionally meet monsters that are completely different from the ones that are supposed to be in a dungeon. If that happens, you just have to cast outside or return for everything to go back to normal.
23Outside you can walk through mountains and water. When out side, you can go to other places, but you can only go in other towns and castles. You can't get treasure chests.
24So you can't leave towns the normal way. In the Castle Town of Burland for example, you must go in the castle and find a way out of the town from there. You can't get treasure chests. Once you leave a town or castle, you can't get back in. Outside you can walk on grass and mountains.
25But you can't get treasure chests or go in any castles, towns or any other places once you go outside.
26From the Castle Town of Burland, walk out of the town, walk left, right or down and you warp to the Great Keeleon castle.
27Ragnar starts with the Gun Powder Jar, Zenithian Sword, Full Plate Armor, Staff of Healing, Staff of Thunder, Iron Helmet, Sphere of Silence, and Iron Spear. (Don't look at the Item screen until after you save the game and take the code out.)
28Ragnar starts with two Cypress Sticks, Mirror of Ra, FINAL KEY, Leather Dress, Full Moon Herb, Wayfarer's Clothes, and Cloak of Evasion. (Don't try to equip anything until you save the game and take the code out.)
29Ragnar Starts with Two Shield of Strength's, and Lifeforce Nuts, Staff of Healing, Dragon Mail, and Cypress, PLUS 999 HP, and MP, and 999 max. HP and MP, 255 Strength, 255 Agility, 255 Intelligence, 255 Luck, 257 Attack Power, 171 Vitality, 127 Defence Power, and 1,052,763 Experience Points at Level ?? !!!
30The roads and the inside of castles are black, and there are open treasure chests. But do look in them. I have found things like seeds, keys, Zenithian Shield and armor, the Gunpowder Jar, gold, Small Medals and other stuff.
31The roads and the inside of castles are black, and there are open treasure chests. But do look in them. I have found things like seeds, keys, Zenithian Shield and armor, the Gunpowder Jar, gold, Small Medals and other stuff.
Walk out of the Castle Town of Burland and you end up north of Surene Town.
Now if you put both of those last two codes together, you get both effects, plus after battle, you will level up, and get over 50 Strength! If you are lucky, you might go up to Level 99!!
32In the Castle Town of Burland, there are stairs. Most blip, but some take you to other parts of the town. Plus the grass is VERY poisonous, even outside.
33In the Castle Town of Burland, everything is just green, like a jungle. There are no houses or the castle, just people so you can walk everywhere. Game blips in battle.
34Your party is invisible, and you need a lot less experience points to gain a level, because you only need 4 million experience to get to level 99, except for Nara and Brey, because they only get to 68 and 71. You may occasionally meet monsters that are completely different from the ones that are supposed to be in a dungeon. If that happens, you just have to cast outside or return for everything to go back to normal.

Galoob1, 18, 20, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
[email protected]2, 3
[email protected]4, 5
[email protected]6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
[email protected]17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24
Ructir25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
N/A142, 143, 152, 153
?144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161
[email protected]162, 179
Jesse Smith163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178
Field Codes
1Never Get Randomly Attacked![SUP]1[/SUP]ATZOSIAZ
Battle Codes
2Removes The AI Control of All Player Characters In Chapter 5!! (Not NPCs, Though)[SUP]2[/SUP]YYEXVTGE
3Any Damage To A Monster Will Defeat It, Even Bosses![SUP]3[/SUP]AELOPPZP
4Always Get A Treasure Chest After Winning A Battle![SUP]4[/SUP]APLPPXXZ
5Get Double The Experience From A Battle!AETEYNPA
6Get Double The Gold From A Battle!AAIEKATA
7Always Get Just Over 1,000,000 EXP. And 4,000 GP After Any Battle![SUP]5[/SUP]APYATAAA
8All Party Members Always Inflict "Terrific Blows" Whenever They Attack, Even Extra Characters Like HealieAEKOLNLA
9Any Character That's Not AI Controlled And Is Told To Fight Will Inflict A Terrible Blow Everytime For 10 Times The Normal Damage!IGNAAGLG
10AI Controlled Characters That Choose To Fight Will Inflict A Terrible Blow Everytime For 10 Times The Normal Damage![SUP]6[/SUP]IKEOIILG
11Any Character That's Not AI Controlled And Is Told To Fight Will Trigger An Earthquake That Defeats All Enemies![SUP]7[/SUP]SINAAGLK
12Any Party Member Can Do Taloon's Funny AttacksAEOLPZZT
Battle/Item Codes
13The Sage's Stone Behaves Like The "Dew of The World Tree" In Battle, Which Restores All Fighting Party Members' To Maximum HP[SUP]8[/SUP]UOSPZAEX
14When The Sword of Malice Is Used In Battle, It Summons Taloon's Merchant Army To Attack The Selected GroupOXUOYEVE
15When The Sword of Malice Is Used In Battle, A Violent Blaze Does Up To 100 Points of Damage To All EnemiesYKUOYEVE
16When The Sword of Malice Is Used In Battle, An Icy Gust of Wind Does Up To 140 Points of Damage To All EnemiesZSUOYEVA
17When the Staff of Antimagic Is Used In Battle, It Causes Every Enemy To Lose All of Their MP!XSUOPEEE
18When A Character Uses The Staff of Jubilation In Battle, That Character Does Something Pretty Funny[SUP]9[/SUP]VUUOTESA
Battle/Taloon Codes - Separate Codes
19Taloon Does His Funny Attacks On Every TurnAEOUYZGI
20When Performing One of His Funny Attacks, Taloon Will Always Trip And Make A Terrific Blow On An Enemy[SUP]10[/SUP]SXXUIXSU
21When Taloon Calls The Merchant Army, They Will Attempt To Hit An Enemy Group 7 Times Instead of 3YENUZPLA
22When Performing One of His Funny Attacks, Taloon Will Always Call A Merchant Army For Multiple Hits On An Enemy Group[SUP]11[/SUP]SXXUIXSU
Battle/Taloon Codes - Code Sets
23Important Note[SUP]12[/SUP]N/A
24When Performing One of His Funny Attacks, Taloon Will Always Either Steal An Item From An Enemy Or Tell Them To "Calm Down"[SUP]13[/SUP]SXXUIXSU
25Makes Taloon Always Attempt To Steal An Item From An Enemy, When Faced With The Choice of Calming It Down Or Stealing An Item[SUP]14[/SUP]AAXLIXYG
26When The Opportunity Presents Itself, Taloon Will Always Be Able To Steal An Item From Special Monsters Like The King MetalAASUTZTP
Casino Codes
27Items At The Prize Counter Are Free If You Have Enough Coins To Buy Them!ELLXSPST
Item Codes
28Buy The Sage's Stone From The Travelling Merchants In Chapter 3, Instead of Medical Herbs![SUP]15[/SUP]AVLUAILI
29Equip Any Weapon And Armor, Even If It Says You Can't![SUP]16[/SUP]AAGAEOYP
30Keep The Flying Shoes, Iron Safe, Or Sphere of Silence At The End of Chapters 1, 3, and 4, Respectively[SUP]17[/SUP]AVAOGEOZ
Stats Codes
31Important Note[SUP]18[/SUP]N/A
32Healie Has 255 AgilityNYLPTPZO
33Healie Has 255 Maximum HPNYLOAPLX
34Healie Has 255 Maximum MPNYLPYOTO
35Healie Has 255 AttackNYLOPOPE
36Healie Has 255 DefenseNYLOZPGO
37Strom Has 255 AgilityNYYOAOAE
38Strom Has 255 Maximum HPNYYOZPZS
39Strom Has 255 AttackNYYOLOZU
40Strom Has 255 DefenseNYYOGPPX
41Laurent Has 255 AgilityNYTPZPZO
42Laurent Has 255 Maximum HPNYTPGOZU
43Laurent Has 255 Maximum MPNYTPLPGK
44Laurent Has 255 AttackNYTPIOGO
45Laurent Has 255 DefenseNYTPTOPO
46Orin Has 255 AgilityNYGOGPZO
47Orin Has 255 Maximum HPNYGOTOYS
48Orin Has 255 AttackNYGOYPZS
49Orin Has 255 DefenseNYIPAOLX
50Hector Has 255 AgilityNNAOTOZO
51Hector Has 255 Maximum HPNNPPAPAV
52Hector Has 255 AttackNNPPPOZU
53Hector Has 255 DefenseNNPPZOYX
54Panon Has 255 AgilityNNZPGPTX
55Panon Has 255 Maximum MPNNZPIOAO
56Panon Has 255 Maximum HPNNZPTPIS
57Panon Has 255 AttackNNZPYOAS
58Panon Has 255 DefenseNNZOAPIU
59Lucia Has 255 AgilityNNLOZPAS
60Lucia Has 255 Maximum HPNNLOGOKO
61Lucia Has 255 Maximum MPNNLOLPKU
62Lucia Has 255 AttackNNLOIOYS
63Lucia Has 255 DefenseNNLOTPPS
64Doran Has 255 AgilityNNIPAPLX
65Doran Has 255 AttackNNIPLPUK
66Doran Has 255 DefenseNNIPGPEX
Difficulty Codes
67In Chapter 5, Fight The Tough Enemies Around Endor That Appear In Chapter 2 (Rogue Knights, Skeletons, Metal Slimes, Etc.)[SUP]19[/SUP]AAXOOGIP
Miscellaneous Codes
68All Random Encounters Are With The Wandering Merchants (As Found In Chapter 3)AAPPOSLP

1Works while on the field and inside of dungeons.
2Taloon's occasional funny attacks will still occur. They'll show up as often as they did before when you give him the "FIGHT" command.

While this code permits you to control all of the regular party members in Chapter 5 battles, the front-end tactical battle menu is gone. This means that you cannot switch party members in battle. All of the "Tactics" functions available outside of battle still function normally.
3This includes damage from magic spells and breath weapons.

This code will not allow you to win against Keeleon in Chapter 4. If you hit him, he will be defeated, but the battle will just start over again. This will keep happening until Mara and Nara have been defeated. It is not necessary to remove or disable this code in order to advance the storyline.
4The item received will be from the last enemy defeated. Note that a few enemies don't appear to drop items. In such cases only, a treasure chest will not appear. (2 codes)
5A side-effect of this code is that the party is Ironized for first round of battle. After that, the ironized state wears off.
6This does not include extra characters like Healie, Hector, Doran, etc.
7Don't use this in the final battle or else the battle will get stuck after a few rounds.
8The only difference in behavior is that it won't disappear after being used.
9Something like removing their body armor for all to see.. The enemy seems to find this quite fascinating. ;-D
10When this code is combined with AEOUYZGI, Taloon will do this on every turn.
11When this code is combined with AEOUYZGI, Taloon will do this on every turn. These codes can also be combined with YENUZPLA to increase the number of hits.
12Note: The following code-sets can be combined. If they are all combined then Taloon will always steal an item from the enemy on each turn, even from a special enemy, unless there's no more room for items or the enemy has no item.
13When this code is combined with AEOUYZGI, Taloon will do this on every turn. Note that against a few enemies (like the King Metal), it is normally extremely difficult for Taloon to steal an item. Against those monsters, he will seemingly always tell them to "calm down".
14There are a few exceptions. If his inventory is full, the monster is very rare (King Metal), or the enemy carries no item, he'll (seemingly) always try to calm them down.
15Best of all, it costs nothing! If you're familiar with changing patch values, you can substitute a different item for the Sage's Stone.
16After equipping something, view the INFO for that character to get the stats to update.
17I personally haven't tested this code, but it should work. I'm not sure just when the games tries to remove these items.. it may happen more than one time. It should at least be enabled at the end of each chapter.. perhaps also when characters join you in Chapter 5. If the code doesn't work for you and you feel so inclined, let me know about it and describe when you used the code. I don't know if there are any interesting side effects from having these items in Chapter 5, but I'd be interested in knowing about it if you find any.
18I have only tested the NNIPAPLX code (Doran has 255 Agility). However, since the rest of these codes are very similar, they should work. You may, however, have to view the INFO for the character before the changes show up. If you've done that and it still doesn't work, let me know about it.
19Useful for building exp. early in the Chapter.. Later on, though, they won't be quite so tough.
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