de Blob 2 [BLUS30559]


Found a lot more stuff. When you make a package for this game with scetool, make sure this line is there:
make_fself and make_fself_npdrm already have that line that way by default. Without that line, the game won't boot.

Pad Addresses
007FC9D0 = Up
007FC9D1 = Right
007FC9D2 = Down
007FC9D3 = Left
007FC9D4 = Triangle
007FC9D5 = O
007FC9D6 = X
007FC9D7 = []
007FC9D8 = L1
007FC9D9 = R1
007FC9DA = L2
007FC9DB = R2
007FC9DC = Start
007FC9DD = Select
007FC9DE = L3
007FC9DF = R3
If the value is 00, the button isn't currently pressed. If the value is 01, the button is currently pressed.

Can Jump In Air While Holding Square
001031D8 48489928
0058CB00 7C6802A6
0058CB04 3CE00011
0058CB08 60E73BD4
0058CB0C 7F871800
0058CB10 38600000
0058CB14 409E0024
0058CB18 70C7000F
0058CB1C 2F870002
0058CB20 409E0018
0058CB24 3CE00080
0058CB28 88E7C9D7
0058CB2C 2F870001
0058CB30 409E0008
0058CB34 38600001
0058CB38 2C080000
0058CB3C 98660000
0058CB40 38600000
0058CB44 4BB76698
SET OGP=2C08000098660000
SET COP=2C080000[COLOR="red"]48489928[/COLOR]
SET OGP=77610000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=77610000000000000000000000000000[COLOR="red"]7C6802A63CE0001160E73BD47F87180038600000409E002470C7000F2F870002409E00183CE0008088E7C9D72F870001409E0008386000012C08000098660000386000004BB76698[/COLOR]
I think this works. I restarted the game without a problem, and no crashes yet. Bumping a ceiling or something above you will disable this, and bumping random things while jumping disable this too until you land on the ground again.

Physical Size Modifier
001BD718 483CF028
0058C740 3CC0???? <---A float value for your size. 3FAC will make you small enough to fit anywhere.
0058C744 90C40068
0058C748 C0440068
0058C74C 4BC30FD0
0039B41C 481FAFA4
005963C0 3C60???? <---That same float value again.
005963C4 90640010
005963C8 C0440010
005963CC 4BE05054
SET OGP=FC20C890C0440068
SET COP=FC20C890[COLOR="red"]483CF028[/COLOR]
SET OGP=5C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=5C00000000000000[COLOR="red"]3CC0????90C40068C04400684BC30FD0[/COLOR]
SET OGP=30E30010C0440010
SET COP=30E30010[COLOR="red"]481FAFA4[/COLOR]
SET OGP=4C45000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=4C450000[COLOR="red"]3C60????90640010C04400104BE05054[/COLOR]

Toggle Colors
000FD624 4849374C
00590D70 F821FFF1
00590D74 F8810000
00590D78 83E30008
00590D7C 3C800080
00590D80 A084C9D0
00590D84 2F840100 <---Up adds yellow to current color
00590D88 409E000C
00590D8C 63FF0001
00590D90 48000038
00590D94 2F840001 <---Right adds blue to current color
00590D98 409E000C
00590D9C 63FF0002
00590DA0 48000028
00590DA4 3C800080
00590DA8 A084C9D2
00590DAC 2F840100 <---Down adds red to current color
00590DB0 409E000C
00590DB4 63FF0004
00590DB8 48000010
00590DBC 2F840001 <---Left removes all color
00590DC0 409E000C
00590DC4 3BE00000
00590DC8 93E30008
00590DCC E8810000
00590DD0 38210010
00590DD4 4BB6C854
SET OGP=80C5002083E30008
SET COP=80C50020[COLOR="red"]4849374C[/COLOR]
SET OGP=64657200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=6465720000000000[COLOR="red"]F821FFF1F881000083E300083C800080A084C9D02F840100409E000C63FF0001480000382F840001409E000C63FF0002480000283C800080A084C9D22F840100409E000C63FF0004480000102F840001409E000C3BE0000093E30008E8810000382100104BB6C854[/COLOR]

Press R1 + L1 For Full Color Points
001C0F88 483CFE88
00590E10 3C800080
00590E14 A084C9DE
00590E18 2F840101
00590E1C 409E000C
00590E20 809B0110
00590E24 909B010C
00590E28 809B010C
00590E2C 4BC30160
SET OGP=4182004C809B010C
SET COP=4182004C[COLOR="red"]483CFE88[/COLOR]
SET OGP=00650065000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=0065006500000000000000000000000000000000[COLOR="red"]3C800080A084C9DE2F840101409E000C809B0110909B010C809B010C4BC30160[/COLOR]

Toggle Graviton/Wrecking Ball
000FFC70 484967D0
00596440 3CC00080
00596444 88E6C9DB
00596448 2F870001
0059644C 409E0058
00596450 A0E6C9D0
00596454 2F870100
00596458 409E0018
0059645C 38E00002 <---R2 + Up = Wrecking Ball. To make magnetic tracks work, you'll need to jump once with this on and then you can go on them.
00596460 98E50023
00596464 3CE041F0
00596468 90E50014
0059646C 48000038
00596470 2F870001
00596474 409E001C
00596478 3CE04400 <---R2 + Right = Instant full size Graviton.
0059647C 90E50968
00596480 90E5096C
00596484 38E00001
00596488 90E50960
0059648C 48000018
00596490 A0E6C9D2
00596494 2F870100
00596498 409E000C
0059649C 3CE03000 <---R2 + Down = Remove Wrecking Ball.
005964A0 90E50014
005964A4 80C50048
005964A8 4BB697CC
SET OGP=80A8015480C50048
SET COP=80A80154[COLOR="red"]484967D0[/COLOR]
SET OGP=65000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=65000000[COLOR="red"]3CC0008088E6C9DB2F870001409E0058A0E6C9D02F870100409E001838E0000298E500233CE041F090E50014480000382F870001409E001C3CE0440090E5096890E5096C38E0000190E5096048000018A0E6C9D22F870100409E000C3CE0300090E5001480C500484BB697CC[/COLOR]

Can't Be Grabbed, Harmed, Inked, Water Doesn't Remove Your Color, You Destroy Things You Touch
001E35F8 483AD708
00590D00 891D0020
00590D04 6108000D
00590D08 991D0020
00590D0C 811D0020
00590D10 4BC528EC
SET OGP=41820028811D0020
SET COP=41820028[COLOR="red"]483AD708[/COLOR]
SET OGP=00630074000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=0063007400000000[COLOR="red"]891D00206108000D991D0020811D00204BC528EC[/COLOR]
This turns on 3 bits that you normally get from powerups.
01 = Going in water couldn't remove my current color. Normally the Rainbow powerup turns this on.
02 = Paint points never decrease. The Rainbow powerup also turns this on.
04 = Can't be harmed or inked. The Haz-mat powerup turns this on.
08 = Things you touch are destroyed. The Wrecking Ball turns this on.
10 = Unknown
20 = Unknown, but Wrecking Ball turns it on.
40 = Unknown, but Wrecking Ball turns it on.
80 = Unknown, but Wrecking Ball turns it on.

Partial Rainbow Effect On
000FFC7C 48492114
00591D90 88E50023
00591D94 2F870000
00591D98 409E000C
00591D9C 38E00001
00591DA0 98E50023
00591DA4 80E50020
00591DA8 4BB6DED8
SET OGP=4182000C80E50020
SET COP=4182000C[COLOR="red"]48492114[/COLOR]
SET OGP=0000000E00000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SET COP=0000000E000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000[COLOR="red"]88E500232F870000409E000C38E0000198E5002380E500204BB6DED8[/COLOR]
You will still be able to pick up other powerups and use them like normal with this on. Your ink still decreases and entering water still removes your color.

Pinky Ammo Never Decreases
0024F08C 60000000
SET OGP=8065DD84909F001C
SET COP=8065DD8460000000

Max Inspiration
00228710 38A003E7
SET OGP=3F200072A0BA02CC
SET COP=3F20007238A003E7
It might not look like it in the shop, but your actual inspiration count is separate from your displayed amount of inspiration.

Time Never Decreases

000C7A6C 60000000
SET OGP=1080234A7C43F98E
SET COP=1080234A60000000

Getting this game to work was a strange one. I tried the old make_self program, didn't work. Tried the old make_self_npdrm, didn't work. Tried scetool, didn't work. Removed the compression with scetool, didn't work. Tried also removing the skipping part of scetool, still didn't work. Tried make_fself, game worked. Tried make_fself_npdrm, didn't work. Unless somebody messes around with it and finds another way to make it work, you are going to be stuck only playing it on DEX. I didn't try CodeUnique, but I'd assume it would work. There wasn't an update for the game, so I couldn't try that. I needed to copy the game onto my PS3 and make sure there was a disk in my PS3, and then just copy the make_fself made eboot over the one for the game.

Lives Never Decrease
000051D4 60000000
SET OGP=30A3FFFF 90A40014
SET COP=30A3FFFF 60000000

Pick Up A Life For Max Lives
00005208 90A40014
SET OGP=30630001 90640014
SET COP=30630001 90A40014

Being Harmed Doesn't Decrease Shields
0011163C 60000000
SET OGP=7C6407B4 907F0040
SET COP=7C6407B4 60000000

Pick Up A Shield For Max Shields
00111878 38A00005
SET OGP=80BE0040 63C30000 7CA5F814
SET COP=80BE0040 63C30000 38A00005

Always Have Max Paint Amount
001BB080 80DF0110
SET OGP=7C844038 7C863378
SET COP=7C844038 80DF0110

Can't Die
001BF6E8 4E800020
SET OGP=41200000 F821FF71
SET COP=41200000 4E800020
Enemies can knock your paint amount down to 0, you can sit in ink forever, or jump off of a level and none of those will kill you. If you jump off of the level just wait about 10 seconds and you'll respawn somewhere.

Nothing Decreases Your Paint Amount
001BFD48 60000000
SET COP=60000000

Getting Inked Makes You ? Color
00104E84 386000??
SET OGP=4BF30875
SET COP=386000??
00 = No color
01 = Yellow
02 = Blue
03 = Green
04 = Red
05 = Orange
06 = Purple
07 = Brown
08 = Pink?
09 = Teal?
0A = Light Green?
0B = Purple?
0C = Blue?
0D = Light Green?
0E = Orange?
0F = Pink/Purple?
10 = Black (Inked)

Nothing Can Ink You
00104E8C 60000000
SET OGP=83BE0020 907E0008
SET COP=83BE0020 60000000

Can't Be Attacked
001C67E8 4E800020
SET OGP=60000000 F821FD31
SET COP=60000000 4E800020
Flying saucers that hypnotize you, and touching bad surfaces will still harm you.

Large Paintbots Instantly Respawn
001F93F4 60000000
SET OGP=4BF30915 2C030000 41820110
SET COP=4BF30915 2C030000 60000000

Enemies That Spawn From Ink Vents Are Missing
001FEC58 4E800020
SET OGP=7C0803A6 EBE10078 38210080 4E800020 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 F821FF71
SET COP=7C0803A6 EBE10078 38210080 4E800020 4E800020 4E800020 00000000 4E800020

Enemies That Come From Ink Vents Never Respawn
001FEE88 3C607F80
001FEE8C 907F00B8
SET OGP=C03F00E8 D03F00B8
SET COP=3C607F80 907F00B8

Enemies Instantly Respawn From Ink Vents
001FEE8C 60000000
SET OGP=C03F00E8 D03F00B8
SET COP=C03F00E8 60000000

Enemies Don't Attack
002106A4 60000000
SET OGP=EC211028 D0230018
SET COP=EC211028 60000000

EDIT: 3/10/2013
I've been playing through and spotting some problems. "Paintbots Instantly Respawn" only affects the large paintbots, and in certain locations they spawn while you are still hitting them making it impossible to mix paint colors. "Always Have Max Paint Amount" & "Nothing Decreases Your Paint Amount" can prevent you from progressing on certain levels that require you to shrink in size. "Nothing Can Ink You" also prevents you from mixing paint colors which prevents you from completing nearly all levels. I'm looking for more things still.
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