Coldplay Love The Dreamcast

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Vgcheat Member
If you need proof just check out the cover of the latest edition of Q Magazine. See the band's website and notice how their homepage is labelled.

I had a feeling that Coldplay were secret Sega fan. For a start, look at the stage design for their latest shows - a homage to Jet Set Radio ! Also, their song X&Y gives a further hint to their Dreamcast love.

What a change !! It's only a few years ago that the band covered The Flaming Lips' song "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots".

What next ? Coldplay to endorse Dreamcast 2 ? Chris Martin to make a guest appearance in Shenmue 3 ?

I'm sure there's another part of the forums I should've posted this, I just can't remember where.......
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