Bases Loaded 4 game genie codes (for NES)

the place for the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES Game Genie and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

final kaoss

Staff member
Bases Loaded 4

SZNXGUVV Balls do not count
SXOXYUVV Strikes do not count
The game only shows up to 2 strikes and 3 balls
PEOXGLZA 2 strikes and you're out
LEOXGLZA 4 strikes and you're out
AANZGLLA 1 ball and you walk
PANZGLLA 2 balls and you walk
ZANZGLLA 3 balls and you walk

The last two codes only work in 2-player mode
PANPUTAA + PEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 1 and 1
ZANPUTAA + ZEOETGAA Some batters start with count of 2 and 2
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