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    Fantastic 4: Rise of Silver Surfer

    AchievementsComplete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points. Achievement How to unlock Arctic Explorer ( 20 points ) Complete Military Base Level. Assist ( 20 points ) Successfully execute a 2-player fusion attack. Cold War Relic ( 20 points ) Complete...
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    Championship Surfer (USA)

    [h=3]Championship Surfer (USA)[/HEADING] P1 Play As Iceman A2D3628B00000008
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    Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

    900 AirGo along a wave and get in a barrel. Speed out of it then hit the lip. Do an Indy while turning right to spin faster.
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    Greendog, The Beached Surfer Dude

    Greendog, The Beached Surfer Dude (tm) Game Find the funky ancient surfboard (probably left over from the '60's) and break the curse in this fun game, with its good cartoony graphics and lots 'o enemies. Hang ten, dude, with DOG Codes 1 and 5--you'll have infinite lives and spikes won't hurt...
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    Alpine Surfer Cheat Codes (for Arcade)

    Play as a Penguin Hold both SELECT buttons during the select screen, then press the VIEW CHANGE button 7 times. If you did it right you'll hear a penguin sound.
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    Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    Free Frisbees To gain three Frisbees, pause the game and press C, A, B, A, Left, Left.
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    Silver Surfer - Angry Video Game Nerd AVGN

    Silver Surfer - Angry Video Game Nerd AVGN The angry video game nerd reviews Silver Surfer on the NES
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    Silver Surfer Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Passwords SJM333 Infinite continues CKWJT4 Full Weapons KJTTJK Invincible KCHDR4 Second Quest S4FHFB Third Quest J8SCL9 Extra Continues early in the game Press up on both controllers to get the password screen, and when asked for another password, press Start.
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