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    Mac | Found

    Mac | Found View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeE4l2MlWMo
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    I Play Tested Necromancy, Is It Worth It? | The Evolution of Combat 2.0?!

    I Play Tested Necromancy, Is It Worth It? | The Evolution of Combat 2.0?!
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    Need your opinion guys - Ebay DC dispute

    I listed this as a perfectly working (which it was, every retail or cd-r game, vcd movie, bleemcast, cd-r back up etc I ever put in worked flawlessly) and a mint cosmetic looking DC with VMU plus cap plus case, power cord, s-video out, controller, many retail and even FREE "back up games" etc on...
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    What is your opinion on the Elysian Shadows team choosing to support project dream

    Twitter I was personally very surprised considering there is a chance that the project dream campaign could get absolutely no where
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    Opinion – E3 Is A Crossroads For PlayStation Vita

    Every three months, we get a brain dump of financial data from most publishers. We see what’s done well, and what might have underperformed. What isn’t said is often just as telling as what publishers put in the spotlight. Sony released its troubling year-end financials today, and as you might...
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    Opinion: How Sony Should Manage PlayStation Now

    It's been a big day for PlayStation Now news. Not only did Sony just announce that it was sending out PlayStation Now beta invites, but rumors have started circulating that Sony could be prepping PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 emulators for the PS4. While Sony is still working out details like...
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    Opinion: Microsoft And Sony Show True Class At PlayStation 4 Launch

    I’ve recently opined about the console wars and how the bickering that takes place between groups of fans isn’t the same thing as competition. Last night, Microsoft and Sony drove that point home by showing each other the utmost respect. It started with a tweet from Xbox Live director of...
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    Hi need your opinion bout my homebrews?

    Which is much better 5.03 Gen-c Full or 5.03 Promethus? whats the difference between this two?
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    Need opinion for psp setup

    Ok after this incident with sony and me unable to switch to my jp account to play my downloaded games while service is down i'v decided i want to buy an older psp. What i would like to do is have a ofw and cfw swapping ability so i can play my jp account stuff but also play translated iso's and...
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    What are your opinion about VC games?

    What VC (Virtual Console) games do you have on your Wii? here is I have and what I think of it: Harvest Moon: unblevieably addictive Mega Man: Crap Paper Mario: Pretty Good Mario Kart 64: Ok Streets Of Rage 2: Perfection Bloody Wolf: Good Sim City: I dunno, never played on it LOL Sonic The...
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