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    Palworld Valentine's Art Giveaway

    Hello everyone, We would like to introduce you to our ongoing campaign on Discord and X. The prize is a STEAM GIFT CARD for $100 USD or equivalent products *Automatically converted to your country's currency Buy some Pocketpair games or give Palworld as a gift to someone you love, You can use...
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    007: From Russia With Love – Action Replay Codes [US]

    The following are known Action Replay Codes for 007: From Russia With Love on Nintendo GameCube (GCN). Master Code (Must Be On) M505-8Y7V-0YNZM MH14-F7EB-2TWY6 1HMF-8HPB-X3ZKV Infinite Health 4HVR-NJKA-U944V 2TPC-Y5YY-VEHYQ KD0G-02KC-9GR3F YFY0-XM1C-TQ1JK Infinite Car Health...
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    LOL Lack of Love

    Hi, does anyone here has this game? I don't know how i haven't heard of it before, it is a great game. L.O.L: Lack of Love (dreamcast) - Consolevania Review - YouTube BTW, does anyone know how to save the game?
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    DC+PSO = love video

    I was browsing youtube and just found these two loosers. Watch it until very end! YouTube
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    Coldplay Love The Dreamcast

    If you need proof just check out the cover of the latest edition of Q Magazine. See the band's website and notice how their homepage is labelled. I had a feeling that Coldplay were secret Sega fan. For a start, look at the stage design for their latest shows - a homage to Jet Set Radio ...
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    I love watching these type of videos ! And our buddy :
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    Dose any one have any love for the GBA?

    Its a 32-bit console in your hand what more can I say. :D "The Game Boy Advance became the modern flagship of sprite-based games. With hardware comparable to the Super NES it had proven that sprite-based technology could improve and live side by side with the 3D games of the day's consoles. The...
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    I Love thisscreenshot.

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    What DC Game Would You Love To See Online Again?

    I wish all these games were online again :lol:
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    love video games but bad at them

    i was playing pso today and realized just how bad i am at that game. that got me to thinking...i'm really not all that great at any video fact im prettybad in a lot of cases...q3 for i suck....i remember growing up i was decent at certain games ...mostly sports...
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    The seven big little details we love about the PlayStation 4 (so far)

    Having spent the last year using the PlayStation 4 at trade shows and press events, we've got a fairly good idea of how games look and play on the parallelogram-shaped game box. The questions that remain largely revolve around living with the device: can it quickly switch between apps and games...
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    Why I Love... Half-Life

    From Gordon Freeman to Portal 2, Valve's rich universe continues to deliver. What's the iconic moment from the Half-Life universe? Perhaps it's being woken by the G-man's pep-talk in Half-Life 2 as your past and future flashes before your eyes. Click here to read the full...
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    Why I Love... Half-Life

    From Gordon Freeman to Portal 2, Valve's rich universe continues to deliver. What's the iconic moment from the Half-Life universe? Perhaps it's being woken by the G-man's pep-talk in Half-Life 2 as your past and future flashes before your eyes. Click here to read the full...
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    New Love Plus: Confessions of a Digital Gigolo

    Rule #1: Make sure your wife isn't watching... What does it really mean to have a virtual girlfriend? With the Japanese release of Konami's New Love Plus on 3DS, we asked our man in Japan, Daniel Robson, to spend a month investigating. What follows is a wicked tale of glitches, adultery and the...
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    Darksiders 2 creator 'would love to do a Legend of Zelda comic book'

    Joe Mad expresses his love for Nintendo's hero of time. Joe Madureira, creative director of Darksiders and its upcoming sequel, has said he's a big fan of Nintendo's Legend of Zelda and would like to do a comic book based on the series. Click here to read the full article More...
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    PSP won't read Memory Stick after CFW install? Need Help. Love you LONG TIME.

    PSP Phat 1000 - was 6.3 or something Well to start it off, I went to mod my PSP, so I used "pspgrader" to make a MMS, with the "500.PHB", and ordered a Pandora Battery (So I would have a Pandora Battery and an original Battery) and got all of them together. Realized I had to angle the Pandora...
  17. H

    no love for the GB Game Genie

    why do you have no codes for the Gameboy game geinie ?
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