Xbox 360 - Call of duty 4

The original Xbox released by microsoft. Chat about it and it's games & get cheats for it.


Everyone knows cod4 is the best game on xbox360...

Anyone think the same as me?

I personally think modern warfare 2 is **** atm!

Even though call of duty 4 is much older!

I still think its the most realistic game out there on xbox!

And the best to play online!

Gamer tag - oG v ReVoLuTioN (Best with ak74u)

Send us an invite or friend request if your any good.
Well, i've done both campaigns on veteran, which were easy. The story is pretty cool actually. But with online play, this guys right, modern warfare 2 is highly over rated.
you make a fail right at this point you say cod4 is the best game on Xbox360 but it sucks on 360 because ps3 ownss!
All I can say is that it's better than W@W.

They're the same, just on different systems...
eveyone knows xbox 360 is always better then ps3
eveyone? lmao...
well it might be true if it's online access and multiplayer gameplay experience but other than that PS3 is better. I like Xbox 360's more though, so you can't hate me. ;)
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