Worst thing i ever did

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Vgcheat Member
I lended my dreamcast to a friend so he will play shenmue and shenmue 2 and this guy lives far from me and I sold my car just after I gave him my cast so now I gotta wait till he comes to my city again and hope that he will remember to bring me back my dream.
FUCK I feel like a crack head desperate for his fix, it's like there's this void in my life, I come back home from work and play my favorite ps2 games, watch movies and tv shows, work out, eat, jerk off... BUT THERE'S SOMETHING MISSING!
Suddenly I think about all the games I never got around to playing
HOW DID I PASS OUT ON HEADHUNTER?! why didn't I play resident evil 3? RE4 sucks! it's not even scary, and I'm not even going to talk about 5.
I've quit smoking after about 4 years and it wasn't nearly as difficult as not being able to use my dreamcast.
Today I sat in front of the TV (turned off) and held a dreamcast controller, at first I just starred at it but after a while I begun doing my favorite marvel vs capcom 2 moves and pulling off combos with mitsurugi from soul calibur.
I tested the left shoulder button to see where is the exact spot where Ryo moves from walking to running.
The really weird thing is that all my life I had major sleeping deprivations but ever since I lended my dreamcast to that "friend" I've been sleeping like a baby, weird shit...
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