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    Worst Dreamcast game EVER ?

    I've been collecting DC games on and off for twelve years now and despite enjoying a lot of the games I have also stumbled across games so bad they've caused me to cry out in despair. One such game is Fighting Force. I have never gotten over putting that putrid GD-Rom anywhere near my DC...
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    Worst thing i ever did

    I lended my dreamcast to a friend so he will play shenmue and shenmue 2 and this guy lives far from me and I sold my car just after I gave him my cast so now I gotta wait till he comes to my city again and hope that he will remember to bring me back my dream. FUCK I feel like a crack head...
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    What is the worst game for Dreamcast ever you played?

    Mine worst game is Toy Racer, its too childish and very boring. What its your worst game and why?
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    The 15 worst decisions in Nintendo gaming history

    And that's the trouble with choices: there's usually a wrong one... In their latest issue, Nintendo Gamer digs up 29 of the worst decisions ever made in Nintendo gaming, either by us, Nintendo themselves, or their merry band of 'characters'. Below are some choice cuts from the full feature...
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    Most requested Assassin's Creed settings 'are the worst' - AC3 director

    Alex Hutchinson dismisses WWII, feudal Japan and Egypt, but likes the idea of India. Assassin's Creed 3 creative director Alex Hutchinson believes fans' most requested settings for the series are the worst. Click here to read the full article More...
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