What is your all time favorite game any why?

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Well! it is difficult to decide. It is not easy to compare games from different genres but the most fun I've had was probably while playing RPGs. I'd say the best RPG overall was Planescape Torment, it had the best atmosphere, dialogue and humor of any game I ever played. What are your favorite?
I always had a blast with counterstrike back in the day, but these days it's MW2, and for the past week the Blur beta on 360 is SOOOO addicting!
my favorite would be diablo 2 back in .11b patch. in the beginning of that patch. because there werent many hackers or cheaters, or outside trading methods (forums gold).
Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time.

the graphics were WAY ahead of their time, and the story line is fantastic.

that and the original Pokemon games, they were the ultimate time waster - i could spend hours and hours playing my old skool GameBoy Color
My all time favorite was Monster Hunter back in 2000 or so when it first came out, i logged 600+ hours online playstation 2
runescape use to be ,, but they took the wildy out and****ed it up

survival project was awsum game fun easy and loads of people to fight
My Fav game of all time "so fdar" is probally

game owns so bad :D

espec when you play it on xbox live, but then again
it can be actually frustrating due to all the other teams
and how good they are but hey it's one of those games
that are actually fun to play with :D
Warcraft 3, or rather Dota - because i play with my neighbour and we're having more fun than you can imagine :)
Well...considering that this is in a pc games thread...I'll have to say Diablo 2 when it first came out just for the sheer awesomeness, but now Runescape because of the depth of skills...for consoles I'd go with Zelda OOT on the N64 (Do u really needa reason forthat one...lol)
What is your all time favorite game any why

Super Mario, Diablo and Diablo II are my favorite games. Sometimes I still play them. Its quite hard to express that feeling, when you feel the same way each time you play them.
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