Unreal tournament modding?

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Vgcheat Member
I know (hope) that there is still work being done trying to bring UT back online with the dreamcast, but one thing I never see is any mods done for the dc version of the game.

I still play this on my computer very often, and was looking in to some extra skins to add to my selectable list (although I usually play with Scud irregardless), and was wondering how easy it would be to add some of those skins to the dreamcast game.

I know size would be an issue, but think it would be very cool to add, or replace, some of the in game character skins just to give the game a fun new look. Some people even posted two skin packs for UT03, which would be just awesome to add updated characters to the game that actually belong to the game franchise (even more recent updates are of the necris race from the newer game). Or make a PSO character based game, or a simpsons based game, ect.

Any ideas if this is possible?

edit; i should mention its easier to download these due to that sites ease of use.
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