Top Gun: the Second Mission Instruction Manual (for NES)

Instruction Manuals for the NES

final kaoss

Staff member
Top Gun: the Second Mission

Typed out by VmprHntrD

Top Gun: the Second Mission (from Konami)
Model Number: NES-OG-USA-1*

[TABLE OF CONTENTS]____________________________________________

HOW TO PLAY ................................................................ 4
F-14 CONTROLS .............................................................. 5
THE MAIN MISSION ........................................................... 6
DUELING WITH THE ENEMY ..................................................... 7
2 PLAYER DOGFIGHT .......................................................... 8
CHOOSING YOUR FLIGHT MODE .................................................. 9
CHOOSING YOUR MISSILES .................................................... 10
ALERT LAMPS/LANDING SEQUENCE .............................................. 11
ARCH ENEMIES ........................................................... 12-13

[Page 3]

Though it's nicknamed the Tomcat, the F-14 loves nothing better than a good
old fashioned dogfight. With killer missiles hanging from its underbelly, it
always goes for the enemy jet's jugular.

[HOW TO PLAY]____________________________________________________

With bogeys hot on your tail, you must skillfully maneuver your F-14 Tomcat
through stage after stage of guy wrenching warfare.
At the beginning of each stage you'll choose from an array of missiles,
including the Phoenix, the Sparrow and the ever trusty Sidewinder. To help
you fight fire with fire, you'll also have the mega-blasting Vulcan Cannon.
To begin your mission, select either ONE PLAYER, ONE PLAYER VS. GAME, or
the TWO PLAYER DOGFIGHT. Then press the Start Button.

[Page 4]

[THE GUIDANCE SYSTEM FOR AN F-14]_________________________________

Press to begin your mission.

Press to select your mission.

Press to switch from screen to screen and to select your missiles.
The A button also controls your speed. Hold it down to increase your
velocity. Release it to slow down.
Note: The slower your speed, the easier it is to zero-in on the target.
When your afterburners are fully throttled, you've got a better chance of
dodging enemies that have locked onto you.

Hold the B Button down to fire your Vulcan Cannon.
When the target enters your sights, it will automatically lock into your
fighter's computer (as indicated by arrow). When this occurs, press the B
Button twice to fire one of your missiles.


This is your guidance mechanism, controlling the F-14's flaps and ailerons.
It allows you to change direction on a dime, whether you want to roll, loop,
dive or set the fighter on its tail.
Special functions: Press the Control Pad Left or Right twice rapidly and
you'll make one Barrel Roll. (During this Barrel Roll you won't be able to go
up, down, left or right. But you'll have a better chance of avoiding oncoming
If you press the Control Pad twice rapidly in the opposite direction during
the middle of the Barrel Roll, you'll reverse the roll and revolve back to your
original position.
At TOP GUN School they call these maneuvers "ROLLING THE DICE."

[Page 5]

[THE MAIN MISSION (YOU AGAINST THE WORLD)]__________________________

You're the sole pilot between the enemy's Armageddon bound armada and global
annihilation. Talk about a rock and a hard place! To save the day, you must
survive and conquer three stages of combat and then return safely (though
probably severally shot up) to base.
In STAGE ONE, destroy all (repeat all) of the enemy's nuclear attack subs.
After that, blast the cruise missile carrying "Black Jack" bomber.
In STAGE TWO, blast your way through a take infested forest, avoiding
Stinger Missiles, until you find and shoot from the sky the doubly-destructive
"Hind Alpha" helicopter.
Finally, in STAGE THREE, you'll have to soar through a lightning storm while
avoiding Killer Satellite-based laser beams. At the end of this stage you'll
probably reach the end of the line, as you confront the enemy's "Star Wars"
space shuttle.
NOTE FROM THE DESIGNERS OF YOUR F-14: When the submarine, tank, forest,
lightning or laser beams are on the screen your plane will be incapable of
"ROLLING THE DICE." This is to ensure pilot safety, preventing you from
pulling too many Gs and blacking out.

[Page 6]

[DUELING WITH THE ENEMY]________________________________________

During this intense air combat mission, you'll go one-on-one, missile-to-
missile with the computer's most ferocious dogfighters. It's you against
them. And each time your send one of these aces spinning to earth, you'll be
But if a Bandit shoots you out of the sky, all you'll get is a purple heart-
posthumously of course!

Boris "Buzz" Bombzinsky, Gorky Skykovsky, Igor Gregovich, Demitri Jetsky, Bobo
Bubushka, Stalin Fortimesky, and Fearless Leader: Cy Beeria.

[Page 7]

[THE 2 PLAYER DOGFIGHT]_______________________________________

Suddenly, on this mission, your best friend becomes your worst enemy, as he
challenges you to an aerial duel to the death.
Might as well wash those fond academy school memories from your brain, when
you used to double date with the admiral's twin daughters. Because now your
life is in double jeopardy. And the key to victory is ruthless determination
to not only survive, but to prevent your friend/foe from getting a big head!

[Page 8]

[CHOOSING YOUR FLIGHT MODE]___________________________________

When the opening selection screen appears, you'll see a mode option. Select
this option and you'll switch to a screen that will allow you to change your
mode of flight form NORMAL to REVERSE. To choose your mode, press the Control
Pad Left or Right.

At this time, you can also turn the music ON or OFF by pressing the SELECT

[Page 9]

[CHOOSING YOUR MISSILES]________________________________________

The Trusty Sidewinder - Narrow missile sights
The Jet Eating Sparrow - Medium missile sights
The Indubitably Deadly Phoenix - Wide missile sights

All great pilots realize the most critical decision he or she will ever make
is on the ground. That's when the missile selection is made.
The reason this decision is so life-sustainingly important, is because
certain missiles are more effective against certain targets. And if your
fighter is armed with the wrong missiles...well, let's just say you'd better
see your lawyer about writing a will.
To select your missiles, press the Control Pad Up or Down. Next, press the
A Button to attach your choice to the F-14's wings.

[Page 10]

[THE ALERT LAMPS]___________________________________________

Lamp 1 - The Danger Lamp
Flashes when enemy comes into your field of view.

Lamp 2 - Lock-On Lamp A
Flashes when the enemy has locked onto you.

Lamp 3 - Lock-On Lamp B
Flashes when you've locked onto the enemy.

Lamp 4 - Rotation Lamp
Flashes during a Barrel Roll, when your fighter begins pulling Gs.

At the end of each stage in the MAIN MISSION and after every DUEL WITH THE
ENEMY, you must return to the carrier and land for refueling and a fresh
supply of missiles.

To ensure a safe landing, press the Control Pad to maneuver your aircraft
into proper landing position. Also use your A and B Buttons to match the
speed displayed on your radar. Remember: The A Button speeds up your fighter,
while the B Button applies the Air Brakes.

[Page 11]

[YOUR ARCH ENEMIES]____________________________________________

(Pictures of the Enemies not shown.)
The Black Jack Bomber, The Misha Marauder, The Red Tide Nuclear Attack Sub,
The Hind-Alpha Death Chopper, The Fire Storm Fighter, and The Star Wars Space

[Pages 12-13]
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