Super Mario Kart Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

final kaoss

Staff member
Slow down other drivers

On Mario Circuit 2, get a mystery box, if you have a green shell or banana, wait until the jump. Lay the trap in between the 2nd and 3rd zipper and, more likely than not, another driver will hit, miss the jump, and have to do it over. If you have a red shell, wait until the driver is just about to hit the jump and use it. If you have a mushroom, wait again until they are about to jump, use it, hit there back, and that will decrease their speed, resulting on them missing it, but you will still make it.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Remove the music

Rapidly press the Start button on either controller. Continue this until the music ends. If you did it right, the sound effects will remain but no music will play unless you use a Star.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Switch Screens

In a 1 player Grand Prix mode, you can switch the map screen from the bottom of the screen to the top. At the title screen, highlight a 1 player game, press and hold L and R on Controller 2, and then press Start on Controller 1. Select the class, driver and track and begin racing.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Computer tip

During the Mario Kart Grand Prix mode, try observing the computer driver's motions carefully. They will most of the time take the exact same path around a course. This can be used to your advantage. If you can place a piece of debris (aka a turtle shell or a banana peel) you can often make the computer spin out. There here are some places that you can do this: Bowsers castle 1, place exactly between the gap to the right of the middle one in the first line of thawomps 2, ghost valley 1, place in the middle of the second diagonal grain of wood 3, doughnut plains 1, place in a line before or on the left coin after the bridge 4, place between the the two left pipes on Mario circuit 2. These are just some locations, there are more but it would take me forever to reveal them all. If you are really good you can reak havoc on the leader board.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Breaks in walls

On certain courses, there are breaks in the walls of a curve that you can drive though with a mushroom and save time. The sizes of these breaks vary, so on most you must be very precise. here are a list of courses that I found: Vanallia lake 2, Mario Circuit 3, chocolate island 2, doughnut plains 1.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Level tips

To get a boost of speed start accelerating as soon as the second light flashes. You will get a huge boost of speed to knock out other karts or get an early advantage. Using this method I have gotten low times in the trial mode and gotten 45 coins (maximum amount) in all the categories.
In Mario course 1 put banana peels or green turtle shells (to lay a green turtle shell press down on the control pad and a) on the corner of the third corner starting from the line. If you have a mushroom use it on the dirt part of this course to cut off lots of time and can put you ahead of at least one kart (depending where you are in the race).
In Donut plains 1 lay something next to the first coin on the bridge (going from left to right) the computer should hit it. If you have a mushroom use on the part where you turn right then left their is an opening in wall by the grass where you can use the mushroom. (Don't attempt this if you don't have a mushroom.) There is place in the end of the course where if you have a feather instead of making sharp turn towards the finish line use the feather to cut about two seconds of time which would put you ahead greatly.
In Ghost course 1 lay something on the narrow opening where the boards are going a different direction than the rest of the boards. place something in the middle and the computer will hit. This has put me in first and ahead of the pack. If you have a feather in this course use it on the plank near the end of the course. So you're going to have to the drive the plank then use the feather right before fall off just in time to make to other side. Then turn a sharp left turn to avoid falling off the ledge. Try not to do this if you have a mushroom if you do it will work if you use the mushroom at the right time. on the jump before he plank use it when you are about to jump. Timing is everything to do this sucessfully. then turn left immediately so you don't fall off.
On Bowsers castle 1 try to get the double speed arrows to get great speed. In 50 cc I've overlapped the 3rd place person doing this. If it's hard to believe try for yourself and you'll see a difference.
In Mario's course 2 lay something on the end of the second speed arrow of the big jump. When the computer hits it it will put them in last place because after the first miss they will rush to gain their place back and mess up so they will miss it again. I've put the 2nd and 3rd place person in 8th and 7th.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Level skip in Koopa Beach 2

In Koopa Beach 2 in Special Cup, do one full lap. Slow down before you cross the finish line. When you do cross the finish line, turn and align with it and drive straight for the water. Use L or R to get a good jump into the water. You will go under, but go straight. Right as Lakitu's shadow is forming over the water, turn left. Keep going until he catches you. When he does, he'll carry you over the finish line and it will count as a lap.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Water Hop

When on water (especially on Vanilla Lake 1 and 2), repeatedly press L and R. This will cause you to water hop (note that this can only happen a short time you'll fall in when time runs out).
Re: Super Mario Kart

Ghost Valley 3 tip

On Ghost Valley 3, keep going and pick up either a Koopa Shell or a banana peel for this trick. Keep going until you turn a corner. When you turn it, you should see 3 coins, go through the middle one and drop the Koopa Shell (Down + A) or drop the banana peel. It has to be right where the middle coin was. (For a good guess, leave the other coins alone.) If your aim was right, the person behind you should ram into it and spin out, and for a funny after effect, if you watch the bottom of your screen in 1P mode, you should see them spin, and than start off, stop and drop down from above, in other words, they fell off the track after they ran into your item!
Re: Super Mario Kart

Ghost Valley jump

On the last Ghost Valley in the special cup, there is a secret jump, just get a feather from the question boxes and it's on the right side a second later. No kidding, right? Well, you don't actually need the feather. If your going fast, hug the left side of the track, and turn hard without skidding right before the hole on that side. Use the R or L button to jump it without a feather. Try to get as close to being perpendicular to the edge and you'll make it every time.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Mario Circuit 2 tip

In Mario Circuit 2, there is a big jump. Try to put a banana peel right on the jump. The next racer who runs over the jump (and banana peel) should fall right through into the race and virtually have to start the lap all over again.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Race against a ghost

In time trial, at the kart select screen, press Y, X, B, and A at the same time to race against a ghost.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Race against a ghost manually

To race against a ghost manually, finish a track in time trial without going off the track or hitting a wall.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Get rid of red shells

In GP or battle mode an easy way to get rid of red shells trailing you is to lay a green shell or banana peel behind you right before the shell hits you.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Shell speed

The shell speed depends on how fast you are going when you fire it.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Red shell tip

Another way of getting out of the way of red shells (if it is going fast) is to ride up against the wall.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Lightning bolt tip

If you were hit by a lightning bolt, run into a poison mushroom and you will grow bigger.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Super jump tip

If you use a mushroom right before the super jump in Mario Trak 2, you'll go a lot farther off the jump.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Feather tip in battle mode

If you have a feather and you use it to evade a weapon, don't jump over the railing because your opponent can get another weapon and fire it on you as soon as you land.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Battle stage 2 tip

In battle stage 2, you can use a feather to get the question marks in the pools.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Erase your memory

At the start of the game (when the music comes on at the introduction) press and hold Y, X, L, R, and press Start. A menu will come up asking if you would like to erase your memory of all the new races or trophies you may have won. You can now start the whole game over.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Battle mode tip

When you know that your opponent has a red shell ready to fire at you and you have a banana peel, you can simple drop the banana peel when he fires the red shell and the red shell will hit your banana peel.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Battle Mode Course 2 trick

There is a useless, but interesting trick that you can do in Battle mode course 2. Have one player stop as close to the middle of the course as possible, then have the other player pick up a red shell. Next, the player with the red shell should get going as fast as possible on a path that will take them past the player that is stopped in the middle. just as you pass him, shoot the red shell. If you are going fast enough, the timing is just right and you are the correct distance to the side of the other player as you pass, the red shell will begin to circle the other player! We've gotten as many as 4 red shells going around this way.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Speed-up start

The best way to get a speed-up start is to wait for first beep of the timing lights to end at that instant hold the button down and keep it down. This seems to work with any racer you use. Play with the timing a little and you will eventually figure it out. I've been able to sometimes get a fast start in every race of a cup series this way.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Bowser tip

Don't be discouraged to get Bowser because of his slow start. He is unbeatable with my friend because after a little bit he starts going fast.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Short cuts

In Donut Plains 2 there is an easy way to cut your lap time down to about 8 seconds, all you need is a feather. After passing the start finish line the track takes a quick right and another quick left. Instead of turning left kept turning right until you see a wall that is parallel to the start finish line. Keep your speed up and use the feather to jump over the wall. You will now be at the last turn of the track and way ahead of everyone else, and your lap time will be around 8 seconds!
On the Rainbow Road (last round in special cup) you can make a super leap from where the road splits in two, by hitting the jump. Where's the jump you ask? Well I'll tell you). Get a Mushroom, right before the split in the road use the mushroom, then turn hard to the right, the jump is in front of the hole in the middle of the road. If done right, you will launch yourself over the finish line and keep going with a high top speed (until you slow down).
In Ghost Valley 1, you can hop over the edge towards the finish line without a feather. All you need is a Mushroom from the item box. When you get close to the ledge use your mushroom and press L or R and you will fly over. NOTE: if your not accurate you will fall of the edge.
On the Mario Circuit 2 course (last course in the Mushroom Cup), get a mushroom. As you approach the jump, use the mushroom. This will give you some added speed as you hit the jump. Pull hard to the left as you go over the jump. If you timed it right, your racer will go flying off the screen and land right in front of the finish line.
On Ghost Valley 1, it is possible to make the secret leap without a feather or mushroom, but by simply pressing 'R' or 'L.' To do this, you must have at least 10 coins and be going at top speed, preferably with Bowser or DK Jr. Hit 'R' just before you fall off the cliff, and you'll barely make the jump to the secret path.
In Vanilla Lake 2 line up with the starting line facing the water Right before you go in press L or R and go in the water When Latiku is just coming down to get you, turn left and you will trick the game into thinking that you did a lap.
There are five steps on getting across the lake on "Donut Plains 2" (the third round in the flower cup).

  1. [*]1 Get a mushroom.
    [*]2. After the question blocks, there is a turn to the left, then a turn to
the right, and finally an extremely hard turn to the left... you must turn hard to the left on the first turn (you'll be directly facing the lake).

  1. [*]3. Use the mushroom.
    [*]4. When you get to the lake, hop (L or R) right before you go into the water.
    [*]5. The force of the water will enable you to go straight across the lake....
If you did it wrong, then your car will be dunked in the middle of the lake.
In Ghost Valley 1, if you get the feather, use it to jump across towards the end. You should see a ramp not connected to the side you were previously on, and if you land right it can be used as a shortcut. If not used right, you will fall off.
Donut Plains 3 The first race of the Special Cup.
Winning this course is very difficult at 150cc. Something that makes it a little easier is this little trick. You need to get a mushroom from the item boxes. There is a break in the second wood bridge which you have to hop. The road then curves hard to the left. Just as the road is curving hard to left use your mushroom and turn 'slightly' to the left. If you do it properly, you will go over top the water and wall. You will come out right before the finish line. You will have skipped over half the track. It takes some practice, I learned it by accident. *You must turn slightly to the left before/as using the mushroom*

On Rainbow Road (on Special Cup), There is a shortcut near the end of the race, but you need a mushroom for it to work. Once you get a mushroom, go around until you come to the part where the track splits in two. Then about two Kart lengths away, use the mushroom, and just as you hit the bumper, turn sharply to the right. If it is done right, you should end up a little past the comp rocks, giving you an extra thirteen seconds off.
When you play Bowser's Castle 2 in the Flower Cup, there is a dead end road that says STOP! If you have a mushroom, or a feather. You can jump over the lava and the wall on the other side, but you can't touch any walls because you have to be going full speed. If you have to, you can slide around the corner, that way you can still be going full speed.
In Chocolate Island 2, in the Star Cup, you can take a little shortcut. You need a mushroom or a star to get the most out of this trick. After crossing the Start/Finish line, use the mushroom or the star and continue going straight. DO NOT TURN! There is an opening in the wall where you should zoom through the rough chocolate and hopefully zoom into the lead!
When you make it to the Special Cup at Vanilla Lake 2 jump in the water by pressing L or R. When Lakitu comes to pick you up, press and hold the left button. You now are on the next lap.
On Ghost Valley 1 in the mushroom cup slow down after the second turn and point towards the jump with the mystery block behind it on the left. Go over the first bump and then use a mushroom if you have one. you will jump the gap between the two roads and land on the bump right before the shortcut. Aim your kart towards the shortcut and if you did it right you will land on the shortcut jumping entire track almost you can move from last to first immediately. Trust me it can be done okay! Keep trying it and practice on a verses match by yourself being able to get all the mystery blocks at your leisure.
To add to the tip above, all you have to do is use the mushroom while sliding (spinning left) and hit a plant (the big green circle on the ground) to skip over half the track.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Save a ghost

When you have a ghost that you you'd like to save, hold L, R + Y at the menu screen that reads "CHANGE COURSE, RETRY, etc." and press X. The name of the course on which the ghost has been saved will appear in yellow on the course selection screen. To retrieve the ghost from memory and race against him or her choose that course and hold L or R while pressing B when the screen asks "Is this OK?" and the arrow is pointing to Yes.
Re: Super Mario Kart

Race against a CPU player

On Controller 1, begin a one-player Time Trial. When you come to the driver select screen, press Start on Controller 2. Select a driver with Controller 2, and then select a driver with Controller 1. Begin the race by pressing Start on Controller 1, and you will be racing against a CPU player.
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