Rocket Power: Dream Scheme Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

The ultimate Gameboy Advance cheats resource. We have the latest Nintendo Gameboy Advance cheats, Gameboy Advance cheat codes & tips for Gameboy Advance games.

final kaoss

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  • Beat The Big Ugly Guy On The Spooky Woods
To beat the Big ugly Guy on the Spooky Woods you need to pull all the levers to hit him, not you. Once you hit the Ugly Guy with all the levers you free Tito.
  • Complete Game
Enter the password "8XK7CNZ3" to have a complete game with all of the gadgets.

  • Grind
Hold B to grind.
  • Last Levels
TW1ST3R! code unlocks Monkey Jungle,Dr. Stimpletons Hide out, Polka Robot Training Facility,Reactor Core, The Volcano Escape From Stimpleton Island.
  • Level Passwords
Ocean Shores Beach Complete: 4GWD!KL1
Mad Town Complete: MFKGTB!R
Elementary School Complete: 2V74BFDG
Town Square Complete: 6!LN99V5
Neighborhood Complete: ?FXX6BLJ
Spooky Woods Complete: 2L!DZHS8
  • Unlock all levels
Password: b!p356bt
  • Unlock Last Level
To unlock the Polka Festival and the Escape from Stimpleton's Lair enter in TW1ST3R!
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
mod menu's, Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros, Bots and so on. (we do allow the posting of such for offline/single player games hoewever, online and multiplayer games is where we draw the line. Phone apps/games for example typically offer a storefront to purchase ingame currency for example; whether it's singleplayer or not, in such games, the aforementioned is not allowed.)
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