RE: River City Ransom
w412ysgtMqc MUSjKm2PqtE UJMNdUTGOQC Start with more power
mubsoiWsugi SL8qcQgFQ3S eTWXnedgbYm Ready to fight Ivan
XfMdZTHwiR3 jaj6jfRUDEt tilm2tWRo8b Ready to fight Slick
t1izvpdOZnZ JxNkJp7Cpub XMPQgXErSMF Ivan is Defeated but people are still in school
*Note- 0 = zero O = the letter 1 = one
Z h O f b V J W R T 1
d x r x N d v W c q v
Z U p B I (upper case i) j g f m n Z
-This code gives you full stats, all the talents, texas boots, $999.99,
and a Zeus' Wand.
x 5 m 3 z t h u p r d
1 J D p l l (both lower case L's) 3 O k y H
h 8 B p g b P P N N B
-This code starts you out with full money,stats,texas boots, and a
Zeus' Wand.
V d K b X R F S N P x
p 1 v 1 B B T q A R j
U Y n V G v s T q J d
-Ready to take on the school with the hottest talents and items from
Merlin's Mystery Shop.
i q X o k e S f a c i
m K p v c U k Z U z W
R i Q v r q h k T4 Q
Start with full energy, 63 of every attribute, every book,
Texas Boots, Stamina of 127 and 0, $15
With this password, the game should be a breeze to
beat! The Texas Boots make you run faster and every
book should make you very strong!!!!!!