RIP OG Pixel: Google ends support after just three years [Update]

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  • GooglePixel1980x653-1.jpg

    The Google Pixel and Pixel XL [credit: Ron Amadeo ]

Update: The Google Pixel is scheduled to have its support ended this month, but Google told The Verge the OG Pixel will actually get one last update in December, which will “encapsulates a variety of updates” from November and December. After that, it's time for retirement.
Original Story: Pour one out this morning for the OG Google Pixel 1. This month's Android security patches are out, and while you'll find bulletins covering the Pixel 2, 3, and 4, the original Google Pixel didn't make the cut. Google is ending support this month.
The Pixel 1 launched in 2016 with a promised two years of major update support and three years of security updates. It was Google's first self-branded smartphone, ending the cheap, value-oriented Nexus line and ushering in an era of expensive—probably too-expensive—Google phones. Major OS support was eventually extended to three years, which is now standard across the Pixel line, and the original device was updated to Android 10 in September.

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