Ridge Racer 7 - BCES00009


Better late than never, right? Located myself with CCAPI

NetCheat format

Max Fame Points
0 10431F46 0000C350

100 million CR
0 10431F40 05F5E100

Max Manufacturer Points
0 10442E68 00000064
0 10442E6C 00000064
0 10442E70 00000064
0 10442E74 00000064
0 10442E78 00000064
0 10442E7C 00000064
0 10442E80 00000064
0 10442E84 00000064
0 10442E88 00000064
0 10442E8C 00000064
0 10442E90 00000064
0 10442E94 00000064
0 10442E98 00000064
0 10442E9C 00000064
0 10442EA0 00000064
0 10442EA4 00000064
0 10442EA8 00000064
0 10442EAC 00000064
0 10442EB0 00000064
0 10442EB4 00000064
0 10442EB8 00000064
0 10442EBC 00000064
0 10442EC0 00000064
0 10442EC4 00000064
0 10442EC8 00000064
0 10442ECC 00000064
0 10442ED0 00000064

For the manufacturer points to be recognized, just race and complete any event. Afterward, anything points-locked that hasn't been unlocked already will unlock.
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