Renegade Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

Staff member
Tips and hints

First of all, as we all know, the bosses in the game can be a pain in the butt, especially Kim in level 3. Jump kicks will work on all of them, but an easier tactic to employ is to dash punch them. Do this by pressing the direction in which you want to run twice, then pressing the direction of the attack corresponding to where you're running (ie, B for left and A for right). Except for Sabu, the last boss, this works well on just about anyone you come across, having the power of 2 jump kicks and scoring a one hit knockdown. Also, you can pin your opponent by getting over them and pressing down. Then, depending on which direction you're facing, hit A or B to punch their face until they die. Or you can stun your opponent using a jump kick then pressing the direction they're in to grab them, then press the appropriate attack button to execute one of 2 actions: toward the opponent delivers a knee to the groin and away will execute an over the shoulder throw. This, however, does not work on Kim because of her height. A final note on pinning an enemy: you can pin all the low lives easily and give 'em concussions, but with bosses you must get their energy down to 2 units or they will throw you off them in a hurry. The same is true for grabbing. Jack and Joel(the first and second level bosses respectively) will grab your collar and give you 3 punches to the face if you grab them early and Kim will simply slap you around a bit and throw you (I haven't done this to Sabu, so I don't know what he does, nor do I want to find out). Though Kim can't be grabbed, she can be pinned.

Now some level 4 advice. When you enter the right door after dusting off some low lives outside, you'll be in a quite complicated maze of a building. But you can beat it by going through only 4 doors. In the first room, you will fight 3 thugs with clubs 2 at a time. Beat them up, then go in the door to the left. There will be 2 Jacks in this room, which has a miniature palm tree next to the door on the left, a stereo between the doors and a tall lamp next to the door on the right. Mow them down, then again take the left door. You'll have to deal with 2 bikers in here, after which there will be a choice of 3 doors. Choose the middle door, fight 3 more bikers and finally choose the right door. Now you come face to face with the leader of these punks - Sabu, a green-suited hooligan armed with a pistol. Unlike Willy in Double Dragon, whose machine gun will only take out about 1/4 life for every bullet, Sabu's gun kills in one shot. This is why the dash punch is a bad idea. Instead, follow a circular pattern a distance away from him until he fires. Your pattern will make him miss and you can get close. You can now jump kick Sabu before he can get another shot off, then jump kick him a second time to knock him down. When Sabu is down to 2 units, jump kick him to make him stagger, grab him, give him 3 knee shots, throw him, then hurry and pin the gang leader and punch his lights out. That will teach these guys not to mess with you.
RE: Renegade

Start on Stage 2

On the Title screen, while holding Down on Controller 2, press Down, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Start on Controller 1 to start on Stage 2.
RE: Renegade

Start on Stage 3

On the Title screen, while holding Down on Controller 2, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down and Start on Controller 1 to start on Stage 3.
RE: Renegade

Start on Stage 4

On the Title screen, while holding Up on Controller 2, press Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left and Start on Controller 1 to start on Stage 4.
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