

New member


God Mode

0073E60C 4800001C

Infinite Ammo

007F18B8 4E800020

All other codes do not work with update 1.02

No Move Enemies + Fighters

01DBE864 00000000
Infinite Health

00A449DC 3C007F80
00A449E4 90031B84
00A449EC C0231B84
004A1868 60000000

Enemies Die From Any Damage

01669278 3D207F7F
0166927C 912100C8
01669280 C1A100C8
01669284 4AC9897C
00301BFC 4936767C

Unlimited Sprint

00235ECC 60000000
00235FC8 60000000

Can Jump In Air

00969874 60000000

Vehicle Nitro Never Decreases

01669350 7C0802A6
01669354 3CA00025
01669358 60A5D914
0166935C 48000018
01669374 7F850000
01669378 419E0064
0166937C 4800002C
016693A8 3CA00026
016693AC 60A54180
016693B0 7F850000
016693B4 48000020
016693D4 419E0008
016693D8 D1A30014
016693DC 48232792
0023278C 49669352

Have 98 Ammo When You Enter Your Weapons Inventory

01669A74 38600062
01669A78 907C0008
01669A7C 4874578A
00745784 49669A76

Have 98 Items When You Enter Your Inventory

01668FF4 39600062
01668FF8 917A0008
01668FFC 48744FCE
00744FC8 49668FF6

Hold Triangle While Doing A Race Rally And Any Point Picked Up Instantly Wins

01669B20 3F60022F
01669B24 8B7B916C
01669B28 2F9B0001
01669B2C 48000020
01669B4C 419E002C
01669B50 3B600000
01669B54 483EE3E2
01669B78 3B600032
01669B7C 483EE3E2
003EE3DC 49669B22

Hold Triangle While Racing And Crossing The Finish Line Instantly Wins

01669A9C 3CC0022F
01669AA0 88C6916C
01669AA4 2F860001
01669AA8 48000020
01669AC8 419E002C
01669ACC 38C00000
01669AD0 483E3AC2
01669AF4 38C00002
01669AF8 483E3AC2
003E3ABC 49669A9E

Vehicle Missiles, Machinegun Ammo, Pulses Never Decrease

006376BC 3BE00062
006376C8 93E30008
006376D0 3BE00000
006376D4 7FE307B4
006376D8 EBE10090

Vehicle Quick Items Never Decrease

00774278 38000009
00774280 900B0008
00774284 4803DE25
00774360 38A00009
00774368 90AB0008
0077436C 4803DD3D
00774448 3B200009
00774450 932B0008
00774454 4803DC55
00774514 38E00009
0077451C 90EB0008
00774520 4803DB89

On Foot Quick Items Never Decrease

007717E4 3BA00062
007717EC 93AB0008
007717F0 480408B9
00771870 39200062
00771878 912B0008
0077187C 4804082D
007718FC 3AE00062
00771904 92EB0008
00771908 480407A1
00771974 39400062
0077197C 914B0008
00771980 48040729

Always Have 4 Ammo In Clip

007B2774 38600004
007B2784 90690008

Turrets Never Overheat

0066E634 60000000

Can Have An Unlimited Amount Of Turrets And Sentries Out

001DFB4C 39800001

Turrets Never Run Out Of Ammo

005D32E8 60000000

Dumb AI

001DFB50 60000000

I need codes for vehicles in 1.02
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
mod menu's, Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros, Bots and so on. (we do allow the posting of such for offline/single player games hoewever, online and multiplayer games is where we draw the line. Phone apps/games for example typically offer a storefront to purchase ingame currency for example; whether it's singleplayer or not, in such games, the aforementioned is not allowed.)
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