Nintendo confirms new Wii U Mario for E3

Chat about Nintendo's newest console called the Wii U, unveiled at E3 2011.
Them having a new mario game at this E3 with the Wii U coming out in a few month's is a no brainer. Anyways, here's more about it.

The original reports earlier today cited an interview from Spanish publication El Mundo, who were apparently told by Miyamoto that Nintendo would reveal a new Mario game for Wii U in June.Without a direct quote from Miyamoto saying as much, however, the validity of the report was up for debate. But a Nintendo rep has dispelled any doubts in a statement to Eurogamer.
"In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year's E3 Expo," they confirmed. "We'll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date."
Miyamoto also reaffirmed his work several projects including Pikmin 3 for Wii U.
Both Sony and Microsoft's E3 press conferences have been confirmed for June 4. Expect a date for Nintendo's much-anticipated show soon.
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