Microsoft souring on PC games?

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The above link may be a microcosm for something that I have noticed and heard rumblings about. Is Microsoft losing their love for PC gaming?

Fable 2
Gears of War 2

Perhaps the PC gaming dollar is not as lucrative for an OS as it was?

They are looking to change their deployment models?

Just a bunch of coincidences?
I think it might be true. Most games today are played on Xbox or PS3. They can make more money making games for what i just said, than pc.
I really hope that MS losses all hope for PC gamers, they put out quality stuff.

i've been really disappointed with current games that aren't available for PC (Fable 3, Dante's Inferno) which to be honest, i'm not going to spend the $300 for a gaming console, when my computer is more than qualified to run just about anything.
Microsoft should bring all their Halo games to PC, id definitly buy them, Halo wars would 100% be the best :D
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