Mega Man 6 Instruction Manual (for NES)

Instruction Manuals for the NES

final kaoss

Staff member
Mega Man 6


Mega Man 6(tm)

Instruction Booklet



1. Insert your MEGA MAN 6 Game Pak into your Nintendo Entertainment System
and turn it ON.

2. When the title screen appears, you can choose to begin a new game or use
a password to continue a previous game.

To begin a new game, move the arrow next to PRESS START, then press the
START button.

To continue a previous game, please read the section entitled "Using Your

3. When the next screen appears, Mega Man will be faced with eight of the
kidnapped robots. Use the control pad to select the robot you wish to
battle and press the A button. In a flash Mega Man will teleport toward
the lair of the robot master and be ready for action!

4. To end the game at any time, simply turn OFF your Nintendo Entertainment
System and remove your Game Pak.


The Mysterious Mr. X!

The most talented robot designers from across the globe have come to the 1st
Annual Robot Tournament sponsored by the billionare, Mr X. Traveling from
Japan, Canada and the United States, the designers have brought their finest
cybernetic creations to do battle in a series of tests to see which robot can
claim the title of "The Most Powerful Robot In The World."

Nothing seems strange as the contest begins, but when the top eight robots
enter the arena for the final event, the lights dim and the mysterious Mr.
X appears..

"Ladies and Gentlemen... I wish to thank you all for coming to see the final
event of my 1st Annual Robot Tournament. As you know, I have kept the final
event of the tournament a secret. This event will test the strength, skill
and intelligence of each of these find robots. In fact, it will also test the
strength and skill of each one of you. That may seem strange, but I'm sure
you will understand when I explain that the final test for these robots is to
help me conquer the world!"

"Please excuse me and my robots as we teleport out of here, but we have a lot
of work to do. But don't worry, you'll see me again soon. Real soon!"


Controlling Mega Man

To move Mega Man Right or Left Press the control pad right or left.
To Charge the Mega Buster Press and hold the B button. (Only works
when the normal cannon is selected.)
To Fire the Active Weapon Press the B button
To Make Mega Man Jump Press the A button
To Make Mega Man Slide Press down on the control pad and hit the
A button. Mega Man will slide in the
direction he is facing.
See the Weapon Screen Press the START button.


More power to you!

Unable to stand against the awesome power of Mr. X's army, Mega Man and Dr.
Light realized they needed something new to combat this threat. Laboring long
and hard, Dr. Light was able design two new transformations circuits for use
with Rush, Mega Man's canine companion. Once Mega Man finds these power
adaptors, he will be able to call Rush to his side and together they will
become more powerful than ever!

Power Mega Man ~ Rush transforms into body armor and gives Mega Man an extra
punch. Press and hold the B button to charge up the armor to make a really
big hit! Warning: Because of the size of the Power Mega Man Armor, Mega Man
cannot use other weapon systems and cannot slide while wearing it.

Jet Mega Man - Rush transforms into a jet pack to help launch Mega Man into
the sky! Press and hold the A button to fire the turbo thrusters and send
Mega Man soaring into the sky. Warning: The turbo thrusters can only keep
Mega Man in the air for short time before they overheat and drop Mega Man
back down to the ground.

Once you find the adaptors, you can transform Mega Man using your weapon box.
Press the START button and when the weapon box appears, press the control
pad in any direction to highlight which version of Mega Man you wish to
transform into. Press the START button and when you return, Mega Man will be
transformed and ready for action.


A little cybernetic support

Flip-Top, Dr. Light's cybernetic suitcase, will teleport down with a power-up
item from time to time, but for this mission Mega Man needs a little more
help. Do, Dr. Light has been hard at work to create a remote-controlled
attack bird named BEAT. But BEAT's four new circuit plates are missing! If
Mega Man is able to find and collect the B, E, A, and T circuit plates, he'll
automatically teleport them back to Dr. Light for final assembly.

Once Dr. Light has completed BEAT, he'll be ready to swoop to Mega Man's
rescue on command. Press the START button and when the weapon box apprears,
press the control pad in any direction to highlight BEAT and press the A
button to activate him. When Mega Man returns to the fight, press the B
button to whistle for a little help from above. Soaring down from the clouds,
BEAT will automatically attack any enemy on screen and shred them to tin foil
with his razor-sharp talons.


Special items

As Mega Man blasts through wave after wave of cybernetic soldiers, he'll find
a variety of powerful items that will increase his chance of survival in the
battles that lie ahead.

Energy Pellets ~ These pellets increase Mega Man's energy level.
Weapon Capsules ~ increase the energy level of Mega Man's current special
Energy Tanks ~ fully recharge Mega Man's energy supply. Mega Man can store
these tanks until needed.
1-up ~ gives Mega Man one more chance to complete his mission.


Helpful advice from Dr. Light

1. Each robot master is vulnerable to a certain type of weapon. If a robot
monster seems too hard to defeat using the normal weapon, you may need to
acquire a special weapon to defeat him.

2. If your special weapon runs out of energy, pick up a weapon capsule while
the special weapon is active and it will recharge the weapon.

3. It is not necessary to collect the four BEAT circuit plates to defeat Mr.
X, but it will sure help!

4. Mr. X has also stolen an Energy Balancer. Unable to use it with his stolen
robots, he has hidden it somewhere in the city. If Mega Man should find it,
the Energy Balancer will automatically recharge Mega Man's lowest weapon
energy level each time he picks up a weapon capsule.

5. The Power Mega Man armor can be used to break through cracked stone walls!

6. Sometimes, there is more than one way to get into the lair of a robot


Using your password

If you reduce the sinister cyborgs into scrap metal, Mega Man may be rewarded
with a secret password. On a piece of paper, copy the location of each dot in
the password grid. When you finish writing down your password, place the
paper in a safe place.

The next time you play Mega Man 6, you can continue from where you received
your password. Here's how:

1. On the title screen, move the arrow next to PASSWORD and press the START
2. When the empty password grid appears, use the control pad to move the
brackets to the location of the first dot. Press the A button to place the
dot. (If you place a dot in the wrong place, just press the A button again.)
3. Once you have finished placing each of the dots in the correct location,
press the START button and the brackets will move to END. Press START again
and if the password is correct, the game will return you to the stage you
received the password.
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