Maniac Mansion Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

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Never get caught

Using this tip, you will never be caught and thrown into the dungeon!! Whenever you go into a room with someone in it, QUICKLY select "New Kid" and change your character. Have this other person mess around a bit, or get some important item. After a while, switch back to the first person. The bad guy will be paralyzed! He/She won't move.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Get to the room above the typewriter

To get to the room above the typewriter, fill up the glass jar with pool water, which is radioactive. Feed this and a can of Pepsi to the plant in the same room and he will grow. You can now climb up him.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Weird Ed helps you

Get weird Eds package and take the stamps of it then the person with the package has to enter weird Ed's room and quickly give the package to him then he will help you but you need to have to have Michael on your team and now you need to develop Ed's plans you find the film around the drive way and front porch now in the kitchen (if you haven't done this yet) take the sponge and developer (of course the developer breaks and goes to the under the house witch you get there by pulling the bushes to the left of the house but first you need to go to Teds room and use the hulk o' matic twice the you can pull the grating off and then use the sponge to soke up the developer and now go to the dark room and turn off the light and turn on the red light and put the developer in the tray then use the film on the tray after it is done take them to Ed and he will help you by scaring the purple tentacle away!
RE: Maniac Mansion

Get Edna out of the kitchen

It is possible to get Edna out of the kitchen (besides waiting), just run away! Once you escape and go back in she will be gone!
RE: Maniac Mansion

Green Tentacle tip

The Bowl of Wax fruit and fruit drinks isn't the only way to get Green Tentacle out of the way. Just give him the Pepsi (you won't lose it) then leave the room and go back in. He will be gone.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Hamster trick

Get Syd or Razor to put Weird Ed's hamster in the microwave.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Feed the meteor to the plant

At the end of the game pull the switch and grab the meteor. Get the car off without the meteor in it and go into the room with the plant. You can feed the meteor to the plant!
RE: Maniac Mansion

How do you get in Ednas room

Hide one of your people (the one with the key to the dungeon) in Weird Ed's room, and send someone else into Edna's room. She'll take them down to the dungeon. Now right after she does this, take your other person in there and get what you need. Then head up the ladder. But hurry, she'll be back real soon. After she gets back, send your 3rd character into her room, so that she can take your person down the dungeon. While she's gone, get out of there as fast as you can, and hide in Weird Ed's room. If you haven't made friends with Ed yet, hide in the room on the other side of Edna's.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Get into Edna's room without losing a character

To get into Edna's room without losing a character put Jeff on your team and have him fix the phone in the library with the tools from the Edsel. Call the number that you get when you use the faucet in the garage on the tub upstairs and turn it on. Call it and Edna will answer giving you lpenty of time to snoop around. Watch out, Sometimes she hears prowlers and hangs up to come get you!
RE: Maniac Mansion

How do you get out of the Dungeon

There are two ways to escape from the dungeon. If two members of your team have been captured, you can escape by using the loose brick. Roughly midway between the two sides of the dungeon is a "LOOSE BRICK" (move your pointer around until you find it.) If you push it, it will open the door to the basement for a few seconds- long enough for you to switch to your other kid (who you had standing in front of the door), and have him walk out.

If this seems all too complex for you, you can get the "Old Rusty Key" from the living room (to the right of the main entrance.) Open the cabinet, and turn on the tape player. The ensuing racket will cause all the windows to shatter, and the chandallier will come crashing down. The "Old Rusty Key" will be in the wreckage.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Play Syds invisible ghost

At the beginning of the game, pick Razor and Syd. Either of them can nuke the hamster, but get Syd to nuke the hamster then give it to Ed. He will kill Syd. Then make Razor go to his grave and give every thing to him. Then pick Syd and then you can play his invisible ghost!!
RE: Maniac Mansion

Hidden doorway

After you get in the house, go upstairs and to the left. Get the paint remover from this room. Play through the game until you get upstairs with the bedrooms. Go to the room all the way at the end of the hallway. Use the paint remover on the painted wall to reveal a hidden staircase.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Open the inner door to Dr. Fred's secret lab

There are actually two ways to open the inner door to Dr. Fred's secret lab. The first way is to have the character Bernard fix the wires in the attic with the tools from the car in the garage. This is supply power to the games in the game room. Wait around for the cut-scene when Dr. Fred plays one of the games, after that use any of your characters to play that same game, and look at Dr. Freds 4 digit score, that is the pass key to open the inner door. To open the inner door with out Bernard simply enter the code 0000 for the inner door key code and the door will open!
RE: Maniac Mansion

Get rare items

Weird Ed's help, hamster, dime, Card Key. First give the package to Weird Ed. Once your character is in his room, get the other two up there. Try to steal his hamster and he'll throw the thief in the dungeon. Switch to a member in his room and take the dimes, Card Key, and Hamster. Give Ed back his hamster if you want to.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Getting the stamps to stick to the envelope

Having trouble getting the stamps to stick to the envelope? Fill the glass jar with water, NOT radioactive water, and put it in the microwave-oven. Then put the envelope in the microwave, ant turn it on. after it's done get the envelope, use the stamps on it and Wala, there you have it a envelope ready to mail.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Open the dungeon

Get the record from the Green tentacle's room, then go to the music room and put the record on the victoria (record player). Then put the cassette tape in the tape recorder and turn it on. Then turn on the record player. Let the tape record for a few seconds, and then turn the recorder and the record player off. Take the tape to the tape player on the first floor. Insert the tape in the player and turn it on. Wait until all of the glass breaks in the room, then turn the tape player off. Walk to where the chandelier used to be and there will be a key. Use that old rusty key to open the dungeon. You will no longer have to mess with that brick to get out again.
RE: Maniac Mansion


Go through the steel security door at the top of the steps to enter the hallway. Investigate the wall just to the left of the security door to find the Keypad. "Use" the Keypad four times to trigger an explosion that will make the mansion go up in flames. This is not a way to win the game, but it is a quick way to end it.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Enter Weird Ed's room

Have one kid enter Edna's room, and before he gets captured, have another kid enter Weird Ed's room. Since Ed moves much faster than Edna, the second kid will be taken to the dungeon while Edna is paralyzed in front of the door. Now you have all the time needed to explore with the first kid.
RE: Maniac Mansion


When you choose your party, choose Bernard, Razor and of course Dave.

At the start of the game, move Dave west to the front door. Pick up the mat, then pick up the key. Switch to Bernard and move him to the front door. Switch back to Dave, unlock the front door with the key and give the key to Razor. Enter the house, and head Dave and Bernard into the foyer. Note that there is no handle on one of the doors. To open it, go over to the gargoyle on the right, and push it. Then switch to Bernard and have him enter the now open door. Use 'what is' to find the light switch, and turn it on. Go west, avoiding the radioactive slime to the fuse box. Pick up the key (remember where the fuse box is). The door on the left is the dungeon (it's locked for now). Go back to the foyer. Go east and open the door. Walk to door to the living room. Once your here, open the old fashioned radio and pick up the radio tube. Open the cabinet doors and note the contents.

Continue east through the twin doors. Use the "What Is" command and feel around for the lights right beside the door. Turn on the lights. Go over to the phone, and open the loose panel just above it (if you can't find it, it's the second one from the right). Pick up the blank cassette tape. Save your game and head back to the foyer.

Get Bernard to open the door next to the Grandfather clock. You are now in the kitchen. Grab the flashlight. You might come across Edna snooping for a snack. If you do, you will end up in the dungeon. If this happens, get Dave caught, and Dave can the push the loose brick under the left barred window while Bernard escapes. Assuming all is well, go right, open the refrigerator, pick up the Pepsi and anything else that looks interesting. Then go to the right and into the Dining Room. If you feel like it you can grab that gross food, then head right, to the pantry. Pick up bottle of developer fluid (don't worry if it breaks, there's nothing you can do about it!), and get the fruit drinks, plus the glass jar.

Unlock the door there with the silver key you got from the basement, then head towards the pool. Use the glass jar with the swimming pool. Open the gate, and go into the garage You can't open it yet, because all the kids are wimpy until they work out a bit! Then go to the foyer, and go up the stairs. Then go left into the Painting Room and get the paint remover, paint brush and the bowl of wax fruit. Now go right to get to the music room. Note the cassette recorder and Victrola.

Now go back out, and go in the central door. (Some PC versions need a security code entered, but the NES version doesn't). Once through, open the first door to the right. Use 'what is' to find the light switch ands turn it on. Open the desk and get the manuscript. Leave here and go to the next door to the east. Switch to Dave and get him up there. If he is in jail, use Razor. Give them the following things : Cassette tape, fruit drinks and wax fruit, and any other foes you might have taken. Switch to Dave\Razor and go up the stairs to the right. Give the Green Tentacle the wax fruit (and any other food you have, if any), then let him wash it down with the fruit drinks.

Go past the next door (it's a film developing room, you won't be using it with these kids) up onto the next floor. Open the first door. This is Dr. Fred's Room, a.k.a. The Radio Room. Look on the floor and pick up the dime. Go up the ladder to Green Tentacle's room. Listen to his sad tale. Pick up the record, and look in the right corner for the key hanging on wall. Take it, it's the key to the car in the garage.

Exit back to The Radio Room and examine the wanted poster. Write down that number! Save the game.

Shortly the bell will ring. If you can get someone outside right away, go to the left and get that package.... quick!! Ed will go to down to get his mail. Make sure that there is no one in any of the corridors, or else it's a trip to the dungeon. If you do get the package, Ed will come out, and yell at you. Then he'll lock the door and go inside.

Now open package to get the stamps, and switch to whoever you went into Green Tentacle's room with. Go find Bernard. Give him the following things: yellow key. Now go to the music room. Use record with Victrola. Next use the cassette tape in the recorder. Turn it on, turn on the Victrola, then turn it off when you see the vase on the piano break. Turn off the cassette player.

Now get the tape and go down to the living room. Use the tape in the player inside the cupboard. Play the tape, and when the chandelier shatters, get the old rusty key (it opens the dungeon door). Turn off the cassette player, pick up the cassette tape, then go back to the music room. Use the cassette tape in recorder. Switch to Razor, turn on the cassette recorder, play the piano, turn off the recorder, then pick up the cassette tape. Now go to Green's room and use the tape in his player. Get the demo tape that he drop's on his bed, and leave. Switch to Bernard and move him to the radio room. Switch to Dave/Razor and give Bernard the dime and key. Now leave the radio room and go to Dead Cousin Ted's room (second door on the right of the corridor). Use the Hunk-O-Matic machine twice. Then go to the bathroom. Get the sponge and exit bathroom. Back in the hallway, go into the room at the far right end. You will see a paint splotch. Use the paint remover on this, then open the newly discovered door, but don't go in. Now go all the way to outside the front door. Open the bushes, then open the grate and go in. Follow the pipes east until you come to what is left of the spilt developer fluid. Use the sponge on it. Keep going east until you come across the water valve. Switch to Dave and go to the pool. Stand by the ladder going into the pool.

Save the game.

Switch to Bernard and turn on the valve, the switch to Dave. When the pool is empty go down the ladder and get the glowing key and radio (don't press that button!!). Then get out quickly (or else the house will explode and kill you), switch to Bernard and turn off valve, then go to the pool. Switch to Dave and give Bernard: the stamps, the yellow key and the radio. Switch to Bernard and open the radio. Take the batteries and use them in the flashlight. Go over to garage doors and open them. Examine Ed's car, especially the left fin. Go over to the shelf and pick up the water faucet handle, open trunk (of car), with the yellow key. Get the tools and go back to the library and fix the phone with the tools. Switch to Dave and send him to the library as well. Save game.

Switch to Bernard and send him up to the radio room. Then switch to Dave and have him ring the front doorbell. This will distract Ed, thus allowing you to send Bernard up to Ed's bedroom. When in there, pick up the hamster, then the card key underneath, then open the piggy bank and get the dime. Now leave quickly and enter the weight room before Ed catches you. Now get Dave or Razor to open the fusebox (in basement, through door with no handle from main hallway. Remember the Gargoyle!).

Save game. Switch to Bernard, turn on the flashlight and enter the room through the door in the paint blotch on the wall. Examine the left hand side of the wall at the back to find some broken wires. Switch to whoever you left at the fuse box and have them throw the circuit breaker. Quickly switch back to Bernard, and fix the wires with the tools.

Leave the room, then switch to the person at the fuse box, have them switch the circuit breaker back on and leave the room. Next, switch back to Bernard and enter the bathroom (via weight-room), and fix the water faucet with handle. Turn the shower on, and read the message. Note the phone number!!. Save the game.

To get Edna out of her room (second door on the left), wait outside her room (Bernard), and switch to Dave. Use the newly repaired phone in the library and dial the number you saw in the bathroom. As soon as it rings and you see her pick it up, switch to Bernard and enter the room. Head over to the nightstand and get the small key, then go up the ladder. Turn on the light and examine room, open the painting and you will discover the safe. Switch to Dave and phone Edna again, quickly get Bernard out of the room. Close Edna's door on the way out, go into the Radio room and wait. Then go to the plant room and use jar of water with man-eating plant, then use can of Pepsi with plant. As it is full, it is now safe, go over and climb through the hatch which leads to the telescope. Save game. Use dime in coin slot, push right button (twice), you can now see Edna's safe combination. Write it down! Leave here, and position Bernard just outside Edna's room as before. Have Dave phone Edna, then sneak Bernard into her room and go up the ladder. Use the wall safe and pick up the sealed envelope. Switch to Dave and phone Edna again, then sneak Bernard out, shut the door and wait in the radio room.

Go to the sink in the bathroom or the kitchen and refill your jar. Shortly Dr. Fred will indicate that the power will be shut off for five minutes. This is just another chance to repair the broken wires if you failed to do so earlier. Get all your characters in the foyer and switch to Bernard. Give the stamps to Razor, and the small key and key card to Dave, save game and then head Bernard to the kitchen. Save game if Edna does not catch you. Open the microwave oven, and put the envelope and jar of water in it. Close the oven and turn it on. Wait. Turn it off. Now go to the radio room, enter and read wanted poster, note the phone number. Next use the radio tube in the radio socket and switch to Razor. Save game. Enter kitchen, open microwave oven, get envelope, use stamps on envelope. Give quarter to Dave. Now (still as Razor), head upstairs and watch the TV in the music room. Go upstairs to where the man-eating plant is, and use envelope with typewriter. You must enter the address of the three dudes who publish anything (from the ad on TV). Don't worry, it will do that itself. Now use demo tape with envelope. Once done, go back downstairs and outside. Use envelope in mailbox, pull flag. Leave Razor by the front steps for later. Switch to Dave, and go to the arcade room. Go to 'Meteors Mess' and use quarter in slot. Note Dr Freds high score, which is also the combination to the secret lab. However, if he has not played the machine yet, you will have to wait and watch. Also, to get your quarter back, you must use the small key with coin box.

The doorbell should ring shortly as this is a contract for Green Tentacle from the three dudes. Get Razor to pick it up. If the doorbell hasn't rung yet, switch to Bernard, who should still be in the radio room, and get him to turn on the radio. Use the radio and call the police using the number on the poster. Switch to Razor and go into the front room and give the rusty key to Dave. Now get Razor to push the gargoyle, switch to Dave and send him down to the basement.

Next unlock the door with the rusty key and enter the dungeon. Unlock the upper padlock with the glowing key, then unlock the lower padlock with the glowing key. Use the combination from the arcade machine to open the inner door. Wait for the meteor police to come. They will go in and get the Meteor out of there for you. Examine the dungeon floor and you should find some ID. Once you have the ID, enter the door and give the badge to Purple Tentacle. If you don't have the ID, then have Razor give the contract to Dave, then as Dave, give it to the Green Tentacle. Green would then guard Dave under any circumstances and thus he would had been able to enter safely. From here you can now enter to where Sandy is. Move Dave past here over to the locker, open it, use radiation suit, use card key in slot of automatic door, enter into meteor room, then pull switch to save Sandy, Dr Fred, and finish the game.

Here's a map!

A = Driveway
B = Front Porch
C = Under House
D = Front Hall
E = Living Room
F = Library
G = Kitchen
H = Dining Room
@ = Pantry
J = Swimming Pool
K = In Swimming Pool
L = Garage
M = Second Floor Landing
N = Painting Room
O = Music\T.V. Room
P = Second Floor Hallway
Q = Fred's Office
R = Arcade Room
S = Third Floor Landing
T = Darkroom
U = Third Floor Hallway
V = Dr. Fred's Room
W = Green Tentacle's Room
X = Nurse Edna's Room
Y = Attic 1
Z = Weird Ed's Room
AA = Dead Cousin Ted's Room
BB = Bathroom
CC = Den
DD = Observatory
EE = Attic 2
FF = Basement
GG = Dungeon
HH = Outer Lab
@@ = Inner Lab
JJ = Meteor's Room










Here's a list of the codes.

SafeLab DoorPolicePhone #

RE: Maniac Mansion

Items you can pick up

Flashlight: used to see in the dark.
Old batteries: they won't last long.
Batteries: new batteries.
Cheese: for Ed and his hamster.
Lettuce: same as cheese.
Glass jar: you put water in it.
Tentacle chow: tentacle food (for the tentacle).
Fruit drinks: what you give the tentacle after you feed him.
Wax fruit: give this to the tentacle to fill him up fast.
Paint brush: used brush paint remover.
Film: important pictures. Use Mike to develop them.
Paint remover: used to remove paint.
Cassette tape: many uses for this.
Silver key: use this to open the door in the pantry.
Yellow key: Key to the Edsel :-)
Rusty key: key to get out of the dungeon.
Small key: key to the arcade games.
Glowing key: key to open the first lab door.
Tools: they allow you to fix things.
Record: used to break glass.
Broken record: a broken record with no use.
Envelop: contains a quarter, also used to mail something.
Package: give this to Ed to get his friendship.
Stamps: put these on the envelope.
Quarter: used to play games.
Dime: used to rotate telescope.
Radioactive water: give this to the man-eating plant, DO NOT MICROWAVE!
Water: used to dry the envelope, safe to microwave.
Canned goods: something else to feed to the tentacle.
Developing fluid: used to develop film.
Demo tape: send this to the publisher, or just keep it.
Manuscript: have Wendy re-type this in the typewriter, send it to the publisher,
stop the Countdown, and give the meteor the publishing contract for the best ending of the game.
Hamster: don't mess with this while Ed is in his room.
Card key: used to open the door to the meteor's room.
Badge: a clumsy policeman leaves this behind.
Radio tube: use this in the short-wave radio.
Sponge: use this to soak up the film developer.
Record contact: what green tentacle's been dreaming of.
Water faucet handle: use to turn on the water.
RE: Maniac Mansion

Things either too big to carry or nailed down.

Old radio: some parts may be useful.
Microwave: used to microwave water.
Typewriter: used to type.
Refrigerator: keeps food cold.
Tape recorder: used to record tapes.
Tape player: plays tapes.
Piano: musically inclined only.
Pool: don't swim in it!
Victorolla: play records.
Video games: play meteor mess and the top score will be the password to the second door.
Circuit breakers: turn on and off power.
Phone: use to call Edna.
Wires: fix to play games.
Mailbox: put something you want to mail in here.
Garage: Edsel inside
Water valve: controls water flow to the pool.
Telescope: view far away places.
Hunk-o-matic: makes you strong.
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