Langrisser Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Sega Genesis

final kaoss

Staff member
  • All Items
Hold Up-Right + A + B when you are recruiting soldiers or equipping items. Garett MUST be highlighted when the buttons are pressed. All items will be available (including the Dragon Slayer) except for Warsong.

Note: This trick only works in the Japanese version. Also note that your cash will be reduced to zero if you do this.
Re: Langrisser

  • Level Select
This trick is a bit complicated, but it does work.

Begin a game.
Press A to reduce the map.
Move the cursor to the upper left-hand side corner of the screen.
Move the cursor one space right and one space down.
Hold B until a scenario number appears. Press Up and Down to pick a stage.

You will begin the stage using the commanders you had when you entered the code.
Re: Langrisser

  • Magic Items
Here's a list of magic items and some of their effects.

Item Effect

Great Sword - +2 attack
Shield - +4 defense
Wand - +2 attack
Cross - +2 defense
Amulet - +2 defense, increased influence area
Warsong - Big + for attack and defense
Dragon Slayer - Bigger + for attack
Evil Axe - Enormous + for attack, big - for defense
Orb - Magic takes half as much energy
Re: Langrisser

  • Secret Character Class
I'm not sure how secret this is, but it's not mentioned in the manual. When a female Magic Knight reaches level 10, it can turn into a Ranger. The only problem is that a Ranger can't have soldiers of any sort. However, this isn't really a problem as she's EXTREMELY powerful.
Re: Langrisser

  • Sound Test
To access the sound test, follow the Level Select instructions but enter the code on the normal map (don't reduce it.)
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