Kao The Kangaroo Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

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  • Ancient Ruins Password
Flag, Bomb, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Bear Peak Password
Frog, Frog, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Big Blizzard Password
Lamp, Palm Tree, Heart, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Crocodile Island Password
Heart, Palm Tree, Lamp, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Deadly Waterfall
Boxing Glove, Mushroom, Evergreen, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Evil Descent
Owl, Butterfly, Bird, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
Re: Kao The Kangaroo

  • Frozen Lake
Bird, Key, Frog, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Holy Temple
Bomb, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Hunter
Palm Tree, Lamp, Frog, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Hypnodjin
Bomb, Flag, Coin, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Ice Caves
Key, Key, Kao's Face, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Island Shores
Coin, Heart, Palm Tree, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
Re: Kao The Kangaroo

  • Lightning Speed
Palm Tree, Heart, Coin, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Little Valley
Butterfly, Bird, Key, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Little Valley
Butterfly, Bird, Key, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Little Valley
Butterfly, Bird, Key, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Lost Village
Evergreen, Fish, Owl, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Megasaurus Ferocious
Fish, Owl, Butterfly, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Mythical Caves
Mushroom, Evergreen, Fish, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Never-ending Slide
Flag, Coin, Heart, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Peril Desert
Heart, Coin, Flag, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
  • Trade Village
Coin, Flag, Bomb, Boxing Glove, Kao's Face.
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