Jet Force Gemini Instruction Manual

Instruction Manuals for the N64

final kaoss

Staff member
Jet Force Gemini

Typed out by Devin Davis

Pg. 1


About the controller 2
The Story 4
The Characters 5
Getting Started 6
Controls 8
Multiplayer Options 11
Saving Your Game 13
Gameplay 14
The Weapons 18
The Enemy 21
The Worlds 22
Warranty and Service Information 25
Pg. 2-3

[Pages 2 and 3 of the manual discuss the Nintendo 64 controller and holding
the controller. Jet Force Gemini uses the Right method of holding the
controller and is compatible with the N64 Rumble Pak.]
Pg. 4


Trapped in War Zone
"There goes another one," sighed Juno as one more dot on the splintered
on-screen galaxy map flickered and turned red.
The twins were fast losing count of the number of urgent reports they'd
made to the Federation since this whole affair began. But still the
Federation had refused to commit. Just another petty tyrant, they kept
saying. Let him have a few minor stars, and he'll be satisfied…
But of course that wasn't happening. Savage attacks on the Jet Force
Gemini patrol ships had left the squadron crippled, with only a single
ship--that of Juno, Vela, and Lupus-escaping by the skin of its teeth.
And with their hyperdrive unit damaged beyond repair, they were trapped
in a war zone that was expanding by the day.
As if that weren't bad enough, Mizar had invaded Goldwood, home world
of the peace-loving Tribals, and had taken almost the entire colony into
slavery. The Tribals were valued allies, and it was a source of guilt and
shame to Jet Force that they hadn't been there to help.
Vela rose suddenly from her seat. "We're out of options, Juno," she
announced. "It's time to go."
"I know," he nodded, rubbing his head wearily. "We're a sitting target,
and we're not going to last another day if we…"
He found himself cut off mid-sentence as, without warning, the floor
beneath them shuddered from the force of a furious blast down in the
bowels of the ship.
"What now?" yelled Vela, wheeling to face the main monitor as it threw
up an abrupt, horrifying image of chittering Drone raiders pouring from a
Stealth Ship docked at the devastated cargo bay doors.
"You two get going, and I'll join you down on Goldwood when I've secured the ship."
"Not a chance!" spluttered Vela. "What if you…"
But Juno was already steering her out into the corridor. "Vela, there's
no time!" he hissed. "If Mizar takes the ship, we're all trapped, and the
Tribals lose the only chance the have. Now take Lupus and get out of here!"
Vela took a deep breath, then turned and sprinted alongside Lupus in
the direction of the teleport bay-and the death-or-glory crusade that lay beyond.
Pg. 5


With aspirations to be part of a crack Jet Force team since the day he
and Vela's trader parents fell foul of murderous pirates, Juno has
become a well-liked and respected fighter in the Gemini squadron.
Thoughtful and deliberate, all he's ever really wanted to do is keep
his part of the universe safe.

Juno's twin sister, Vela naturally shares his passion and dedication
to their cause, but she often relies on her temper to get her out of tricky
situations. Always the feisty one, she's followed the Jet Force dream
both through a fierce sense of justice and a determination to prove the
equality of the fairer sex in the skeptical military world.

Each Jet Force squadron mascot comes cybernetically enhanced to hold
their own as efficient fighting units should the need arise. Tough,
unshakable and totally loyal, Lupus is a long-time companion of Juno
and Vela and a vital member of the Jet Force Gemini crew.

The relentless brutality of Mizar's ambition is even beginning to take
its toll on his own forces. While the Drones are created subservient,
other functions have their dissenters: in particular, the AI of the elite
Airborne Squadrons improves with every batch, to the point where some
of the most recent are actually beginning to question the morality of
their tasks. Floyd is among this number-and unfortunately for him, he's
about to find out the price of disloyalty to Mizar.

Tribal rulers are traditionally chosen from those rare few born with
unusual powers, and Jeff is no exception. Nevertheless, when it
comes to fending off a full-scale Drone assault, even a fearless king
on his home turf stands at a severe disadvantage…

Tyrants come and tyrants go, rising from nowhere only to be overthrown
by revolution or other tyrants. It's this constant cycle that has lulled
the Federation into complacency. Though shrouded in mystery, Mizar
and his seemingly endless Drone army have already broken the mold and
proven themselves the biggest threat to intergalactic peace in centuries.
Pg. 6-7


Selecting a single-player game will bring up six save slots. Choose
an empty slot to begin a new game and enter a name. Use the Control
Stick to move around and press the A Button to choose a letter. When
you have finished entering a name, select End. You'll move into the
introduction sequence which will give you a brief update on the story
so far. This, in turn, leads to the character select screen. Notice that
as the game picks up from where the intro left off, only Juno is available.
Vela and Lupus will become controllable once you catch up with them
during the course of the game.

Choose a slot containing a saved game, and you'll be offered a further
range of options. You can dive straight into where the game left off,
or you can choose to copy the contents of the save slot into another
empty slot or just erase the current slot completely.

The first selection you'll make upon entering Multiplayer Mode is that
of your character. You can choose Juno, Vela, Lupus, or any other
character you've managed to unlock and save to memory in the single-player
game. Once all players have made their choices, press START to bring up
the main multiplayer game menu. See Multiplayer Options on pg.10 for full details.

This option, which allows two players the chance to take on Mizar's
hordes simultaneously, will only become available once Floyd is found
and rescued in the single-player game. Unlocking and selecting Co-Op
Mode lets both players team up on the same screen, with one controlling
the current character (Juno, Vela, or Lupus), while the other helps mow
down the enemy using Floyd and his gunsight.


For all options, press the A Button to go forward a step and press the B
Button to go back. Use the Control Stick to move between the various options.

Toggles between Mono, Stereo, Surround, and Headphones.

Allows you to use the Control Stick to drag the bar to the preferred volume.

Toggles JFG's Widescreen Mode ON or OFF. The C (U) and C (D) Buttons
can be used to relocate the letterboxed screen when Widescreen
Mode is activated.

Toggles between Normal and Expert control configurations.

Splits the two-player game screen horizontally or vertically.

Displays the cheats that have been found and activated.

Takes you back to the title screen. NB: This quits the current game if
selected from the Pause Menu.
Pg. 8-9

Each direction on the + Control Pad will instantly bring up whichever
weapon has been assigned to it through the Pause Menu's Weapons option.

Bring up Pause Menu (see pg. 11).

Fire away.

Walk or run (depending on how much pressure is applied to the Stick).

The controls change slightly when the R Button is held and the Targeting
mode activated to allow you to move around while firing. In this
situation, character movement is controlled by all four C Buttons,
leaving the Control Stick to move the crosshairs for precision aiming.
Simply release the R Button to return to normal control.

Press to center the camera behind your character and keep held to enter
Targeting mode.

C (L)/(R): Sidestep left/right. Use while holding the Z Button to strafe.
C (U): Jump. Press quickly to hop or hold down to lead higher.
C (D): Crouch. You can fire while crouching or use the Control Stick
to crawl around. Press the C (U) Button to stand.

Scrolls forward through weapons. Also works as an Action button in
certain situations (e.g. talking to allies, opening chests, activating pads)
and as a general Select button with regard to menu options, conversations, etc.

Scrolls backward through weapons. Also works as a general Back button
with regard to menu options, conversations, etc.
Pg. 10


Press the C (L) and C (R) Buttons during normal play to step aside, either
to get out of the line of fire or to begin a strafing movement (hold down
the C (L) or C (R) Button and fire with the Z Button).


Juno and Vela can hang from certain ledges, either to help them clamber
upwards or to prevent them from dropping too far. When dangling in this
way, push into the object with the Control Stick to climb up or push away
from it to drop down. You can also climb up/let go by attempting to
jump/crouch while hanging on.


All Jet Force recruits have to be competent in this field, but Vela excels
in underwater swimming. She is the only team member who can access
areas hidden beneath stretches of deep water.


Available only to Lupus until Juno and Vela are able to power up their
Gemini Armor. By pressing the A Button once to jump and then again
to activate his jet boots, Lupus can glide for quite a distance and cross
gaps on which his teammates would come up short.


Pressing the C (D) Button from a standing position makes your character
drop into a crouch, from which point you can fire, crawl around using the
Control Stick or return to standing by pressing the C (U) Button.


Use the C (L) or C (R) Button while crouching or crawling to perform
an evasive roll.
Pg. 11


Jet Force Gemini boasts three completely different multiplayer modes,
each with its own unique subset of options. Use the Control Stick to
navigate as in any other menu. Press the A Button to select and the B
Button to move back a step. Select and toggle the top-left icon to change
the multiplayer mode and bring up the appropriate range of icons (any
marked with an X are not applicable). When you have finished tailoring
the various options, highlight and select the icon to begin play.

The traditional two-to-four-player match-up option. In this mode, the
various icons allow you to change the game type, level, range of weapons
available, limit on time/kills/lives and the type of radar. In Time Limited
mode, the number of kills made within the allotted time decides the winner.
In Slaughter mode, it's the first player to achieve a certain kill total, and
in Survival mode, it's basically the last man, woman, or thing left standing.

Here the icons allow you to change the level, set limits on ammunition
and toggle the control method. The game camera swoops on rails thorough
the chosen level, and the players each control a set of crosshairs. The aim
is to pick off as many Drone targets as possible while avoiding the Tribal
targets. Totals are kept of shots fired and "kills" achieved (Tribals serving
as penalties), and the winner is determined by a combination of these.

Don't be surprised to find this option unavailable at first. To access
Racing Mode, you first need to find and complete its counterpart within
the single-player game. As with Battle Mode, there are icons here
allowing you to change the game type (time-based or lap-based), level
and time limit/number of laps, and also the range of pickups and number
of boosts available. You can choose to race from behind-the-car or top-down
perspective. Direction and acceleration are assigned to the Control Stick,
while the A Button triggers a boost, the B Button brakes and the Z Button
uses the current pickup.
Pg. 12-13


Allows you to switch between available characters during the game.
Note that you will rejoin the selected character where you last left it,
rather than simply swapping the character in use during the current level.

Takes you to the separate Options Menu, as selectable from the title
screen. For a list of menu choices, see Getting Started on pg. 6.

Displays the health level of the currently-chosen character. Pick up
Gemini Holders to boost your maximum storage capacity.

Displays and describes the weapons currently owned. Pressing a
direction on the + Control Pad while viewing a particular weapon
will assign it to that direction, offering instant access to up to four
weapons during the game. The A and B Buttons can also be used as
normal to scroll through unassigned weapons.

Brings up a map of the galaxy-or the areas that you've managed to
explore, at least. To take a shortcut back to a stage you've already
completed, simply use the Control Stick to highlight and select it.

Allows you to keep track of the Keys, Items, Tokens, etc. that you've
picked up along the way.

Provides a region by region breakdown of the number of Tribals rescued,
killed and remaining on each level you've explored so far. Until all
Tribals in a region are saved, your best effort to date is displayed.

The final Pause Menu option contains details of a special mission that
you'll uncover further into the game. For now, all you can do is guess.

In-game saves are performed through the Pause Menu, where you can save
at any time simply by pressing the Z Button as instructed. When you want
to stop playing, remember to save your game data first (you'll automatically
be given the option if you select Exit from the Pause Menu). Be careful not
to turn off the Control Deck before the save process has finished or you
risk losing data.
Pg. 14-15


At first, Juno is the default character, and you'll have a couple of levels
in which to get used to controlling him before you catch up with Vela or
Lupus. From then on, you'll have the choice of continuing to play as Juno
or following the fortunes of another team member for a while as each
goes off to explore a different set of levels. You can swap between Juno,
Vela, and Lupus via the Character option on the Pause Menu.

Ultimately, all three JFG fighters will arrive at Mizar's Palace from a
different direction and wait there for their teammates, so you can play
through the game in a number of ways. You can lead Juno all the way to
his final destination before setting out with another character along his
or her own route, or you can swap frequently between characters and
tackle all three routes simultaneously. The choice is yours…

Along their journey, the Jet Force Gemini team will meet up with a
variety of friendly or neutral characters who'll be more inclined to
help if you don't shoot them! During the first stages of Goldwood,
Magnus in particular will crop up more than once to teach you a few
things about making progress. It's worth paying attention, as the
characters you meet on later worlds are just as likely to want to strike
some kind of deal as they are to offer their help selflessly.


Effectively restore your health by making repairs to your armor. Gems
of different colors will provide varying levels of repair.

More Holders provide more room for Gem storage, ultimately raising your
maximum health level.

Top off the ammunition level of a particular weapon when collected.
Crates containing ammo for weapons you haven't picked up will be
"ghosted"-remember where they are so that you can come back for
them later.

These actually increase the ammunition capacity of a weapon, leaving
you with less chance of having to resort to your standard Pistol in the
middle of a blazing firefight…

In areas of particularly heavy enemy fire, a handy shield token may be
left to offer you a sporting chance with the temporary invulnerability
it bestows (signified by a swirling light effect). Get out in the open
and fire away while it lasts!

Some of the security doors blocking your path can only be opened by
keys of a certain color; you'll either receive these keys from an ally
or find them along your way. Some keys will be exclusive to one JFG
team member, meaning that he/she alone can pass through.

The basic all-purpose currency used by Mizar's troops, which the JFG
team will need to collect if they want to use some of the equipment
set up on occupied worlds.

Throughout the course of the game, you may well come into possession
of unique items used to solve puzzles or strike deals with certain characters.
You can view these with the Pause Menu Inventory, and you'll be given the
opportunity to use them when the time is right.
Pg. 16-17

You'll find many types of doorways blocking off routes through the
worlds ahead-some that you absolutely must find a way through,
other that aren't essential but lead to useful hidden areas. The main
types of barriers are: Life Force Doors, which won't open until you've
rid the immediate area of Mizar's troops; Key Doors, which can only be
opened by a Key of a specific color; Target Doors, which require
concentrated firepower to open; and Floyd Doors, which remain locked
until you recruit the character in question at a later stage.

Each of the game's levels is divided into regions, making it easier for
you to keep track of progress and pin down the Tribals you've yet to
rescue. Some levels have only a single region, while others have many.
The main point to remember is that a region will reset (including the
number of Tribals saved if you didn't get them all) when you leave,
which is why the markers are placed to let you know when you're about
to exit a region and/or enter a new one. Markers that emit a green light
signify a new region ahead, red ones warn that you are about to leave the
current region, and both are used if there are no connecting areas between
the regions (i.e., you go directly from one into the next). Use the Pause
Menu's Tribals option to monitor your performance in each region.

You'll begin your expedition through each of the galaxy's worlds at a
launchpad, with another one (hopefully housing a Gemini Scout Ship)
lying at the end of each stage to provide you with a route to further
worlds. Just walk into the Scout Ship to take off. Bear in mind that
during your later explorations, the branching paths of some worlds can
lead to alternative launchpads and the bonus stages that lie beyond.

There aren't too many left lying around, which makes these Consoles all
the more useful when you do come across one. Installed for use of Mizar's
troops, they summon a Service Robot when activated. The Service Robot
can't distinguish between friend or foe, so the JFG team can make use of
the same services as any Drone (mainly restoration of health and ammo)
in exchange for a few Mizar Tokens.

You'll come across a variety of Mizar Token-powered floor pads throughout
your crusade, boasting different functions as follows: Jetpack Pads will
temporarily charge the Pack of any character equipped with the armor
upgrade; Night Vision Pads will activate Night Vision Mode for the tricky
section ahead, provided the Goggles have been picked up; Floyd Pads offer
the opportunity to take control of Floyd for specific flying bonus stages;
and Transformation Pads allow the player to take on the appearance of a
Tribal, or even a Drone, when the situation demands such subterfuge.

You'll find these tucked away in the deepest recesses of JFG's many levels,
serving as a final reward to those who cover every last uncharted inch.
Contact with a Totem brings up a message informing you that a multiplayer
bonus feature has been unlocked. This could be one of the many hidden
characters or a whole new battle arena. Just flick through the available
characters and levels the next time you start a multiplayer game to find
out your reward.

One of the aims of Jet Force Gemini in this adventure is the liberation
of the Tribals. So if you want to stand a chance of complete success in
the long run, be sure to rescue as many of the little furballs as possible
(just by bumping into them). When you free-or kill-a Tribal, a status bar
appears briefly on-screen, displaying the number of Tribals remaining in
the region, the number you've rescued and the number you've killed or
allowed to be killed. (Drones won't be particularly careful with their
fire just because there are Tribals about, so deal with them first!) However,
some areas are sealed off to certain characters, so you may find that you
won't be able to rescue every last Tribal on your first trip through an area.
If you get stuck, move on and come back with another team member later.
Pg. 18-20


Standard-issue JFG equipment, featuring a built-in charge gauge which
allows for eight or so rapid-fire shots before needing a few seconds to refill.

A high-powered but inaccurate weapon, with the possibility of a very
short lifespan if you let yourself get carried away by its frantic rate of fire!

Can be used in different ways according to your situation. Quickfire
shots will do relatively little damage, but charging the weapon by
holding down the Z Button will power up a lethal blast.

Perfect for clearing a path through heavily-stacked odds. Just stand back,
lock on and let loose a few of these babies…

Portable long-range destruction on a massive scale. Fires direct volleys of
three spinning rockets with the power to take out just about any enemy you choose.

A high-powered weapon, obviously most useful for long-range stealth
shots. When in targeting mode (holding down the R Button), the A and
B Buttons control its zoom function.

Short-ranged but a sever distraction to anyone it hits. Every bit as
indiscriminate as any other weapon, of course, as be very careful
where you're aiming.

An experimental combat device which channels a powerful electric
current into its target. Effective against most enemies, but lacks
the range of some of the more traditional weapons.

Standard explosives. Hurl them into the fray and keep well back!

Galvanized, razor-edged throwing stars that'll stick into just about
any surface (and cut clean through a few). Long-ranged and accurate,
thanks to their homing mechanism.

Throw them onto a likely surface, back off until a handy Drone passes
by and press your fire button again to detonate. Sneaky but effective.

Automatically become active when they
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