Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery release date rumours, platforms and gameplay

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Despite the last Harry Potter book being released back in 2007, the Harry Potter brand is still going strong with a huge dedicated fanbase. Following the launch of fan site Pottermore and the announcement of an AR-focused Harry Potter game by the developers of Pokemon GOcomes Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, another upcoming smartphone game set in the Harry Potter universe.
It’s the second game to be announced under the Portkey Games brand. The brand, owned by Warner Bros, focuses on the development of new games set in the Harry Potter universe. The brand is still in its infancy, so hopefully we’ve got lots of HP-themed games still to come!
Anyway, we digress. Here’s everything we know so far about Jam City’s Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, including release date rumours, platforms and the latest gameplay rumours.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery release date rumours

So, when can we expect to be able to download Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery and go on our own wizarding adventures? During the initial announcement of the game it was announced that it was due to come out in 2018, but no solid release date – or even a release date window – was provided.
It’s a similar story with Niantic’s AR-focused Harry Potter game, which is also due out in 2018.
That changed with the January 2018 announcement, though. While talking about an upcoming Harry Potter event at Universal Studios in Florida from 26-28 January, Jam City confirmed that the game is set to launch on all platforms “this Spring”.
If you’re after something to play in the meantime, take a look at our roundup of the best Android games of all time.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery platforms

Now that you roughly know when to expect the upcoming Harry Potter game, the next important feature to establish is platform availability. Some games are iOS exclusive, some are exclusive to Google’s Android – it’s the way the world works in 2017. So, will you have to buy a new phone to play the game?
Thankfully not this time, as unlike other popular games that boast platform exclusivity, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is set to come to iOS, Android and even Amazon’s mobile OS. And although it could be argued that it’d make a good Switch title, no Nintendo Switch support has been mentioned.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery gameplay news

So, what will you be able to do in the upcoming Harry Potter mobile game? While Warner Bros and Portkey Games (the HP-focused game label) are keeping their cards close to their chests right now, there are scarce details that give us an idea about what to expect.
Developers Jam City has confirmed that you’ll be in the shoes of a new witch or wizard starting at Hogwarts – you’ll progress through the years like Harry and the team, taking part in magical lessons including Defence against the Dark Arts and Potions with iconic Hogwarts teachers at the helm.
“In the roleplaying game, players will create a personalized student avatar, attend classes, learn magical skills, form friendships or rivalries with other students, and make pivotal decisions that will influence their character’s story arc as they traverse their years at Hogwarts and grow as a witch or wizard” the company revealed.
The developers also revealed that the game is set in the period between Harry Potter’s birth and his enrolment at Hogwarts, when the likes of Bill Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks were learning the ins-and-outs of magic.
The in-game avatar customisation system will constantly allow you to constantly upgrade your character as you gain expertise and new magical skills – you can even choose your own pet, or to use the technical term, a familiar. Build your skills to solve magical mysteries, unlock new locations, spells, abilities and more.
The game is said to feature both large plot arcs and smaller stories that will help you build relationships with the residents at Hogwarts. The all-new encounter system will play an integral part in this, as decisions made will impact not only the quests but how other characters regard and interact with you. It allows you to craft your own legacy, whether that be one full of kindness or evil.
Those that want to find out more can head to the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery website to pre-register and await your invite to Hogwarts.
Want to know more? Warner Bros has announced that fans can attend the “A Celebration of Harry Potter” event at Universal Studios in Florida from 26-28 January. Fans will be able to watch a panel with the Jam City devs as well as check out the Hogwarts Mystery booth for exclusive swag and an early glimpse at the game.
We’ll update this article with more information as soon as we receive it, so make sure you check back soon for the latest Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery news. You can also follow our Tech Advisor Gaming Twitter account to get the latest news as soon as it comes in.
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